Chapter 373 Complementing each other
"Wu Tong, I have witnessed with my own eyes what a genius is!" In just two weeks, he has gained a solid understanding of the power and design engineering fields of ship and aircraft carriers.

This learning process will give him the urge to think that all these years have been wasted.Of course, he understood that Wu Tong was a special case after all.Ordinary people cannot be compared to Wu Tong casually!How many years did it take for Wu Tong to appear in this world!
"I'll take it as a compliment. I'm eager to eat hot tofu and pick it up to learn. In addition, I still have some basics in aero-engines before. There are many commonalities in the knowledge, so it's fast. You are the ones who really laid the foundation for these, and what I am learning now is all the result of you wading through the river and laying the foundation!"

The more in-depth she studied, the more Wu Tong felt that she admired these forefathers from the bottom of her heart. Having integrated the entire foundation of ship power and the current domestic steam turbine research process, Wu Tong made relatively clear progress in the next research and development direction. At this moment, I feel quite relaxed.

"Give me another two weeks, and I will give you a feasible plan as soon as possible. When the time comes, you will comment on the feasibility!" Wu Tong knew what was going on, so he gave a fairly clear time limit.

"Two weeks?" Although XCMG already had a certain understanding of Wu Tong's abilities, he was still shocked by Wu Tong's speed. He felt that such a plan of R&D and optimization on an annual basis was normal. Wu Tong Tong was so awesome, it would have taken two months to half a year. I never expected that Wu Tong only gave himself two weeks.

"If you think it's too long, I'm trying my best to compress it!" In fact, the time she actually reserved for herself was ten days, and the remaining few days were to be more thoughtful and calm.

"Two weeks is short enough. I'm worried that you are too pressed for time!" You are out of your mind! "We can wait even for two months!"

"It's okay, Xugong. We'll see clearly in two weeks. If it's suitable, we'll continue. If it's not suitable, we won't waste time!" Wu Tong is still confident in her own abilities. She believes that the second half of the sentence is inappropriate. She believes that it will basically not exist. .

A gas turbine capable of driving a [-]-ton or even [-]-ton aircraft carrier must be a heavy-duty gas turbine, and more than one is required to form a gas turbine unit, which forms the basis for better driving the aircraft carrier, achieving longer endurance, and ultra-long endurance.

Gas turbine plus ship integrated power system, this is the future development blueprint of conventionally powered aircraft carriers. In terms of combat effectiveness and transformation potential, it is completely different from the previous barely cobbled together basis for the operation of aircraft carriers.

"Previously, Weilong, Kunpeng, and Canglong had a series of successes and long endurance. In fact, we considered aeroderivative combustion, but the technology involved in WS-15S and WS-B1 was too profound, and we had already understood it thoroughly. Difficult thing to do, let alone aeronautical modification and combustion!" If it were so easy to modify the aircraft to ignition, the previous LM2500 project would not have ended in failure.

Now, Wu Tong’s words of affirmation are undoubtedly a shot in the arm for XCMG!If others had told him, he would have been put to sleep long ago, dreaming faster than anything else!However, Wu Tong is different. WS-15S and WS-B1 are all made by this person. What she promises must be feasible and achievable!
"Aviation-to-fuel combustion is a way, but it cannot be copied completely. The excellent technology and excellent materials in it can be used for reference and matching. However, our ships still have to find their own way! Aviation engines are too sophisticated and are actually not very suitable for use on aircraft carriers. Of!" In this regard, Wu Tong felt that she still had the right to speak, so she directly set the tone.

It’s not that the technology on aircraft engines cannot be used on ships and aircraft carriers, but only part of the essence can be taken and no shortcuts can be taken completely.If it were so easy, there would be no nuclear fission-powered aircraft carriers on the other side of the sea. "Okay, you are an expert in this area. You decide. I will wait for your good news. If you need my cooperation, Wu Tong, just say it. I will switch to serving you in these two weeks!" Xugong is also decisive. Since He was looking forward to Wu Tong's results, but if he could afford it in two weeks, he would simply spare all his energy to help Wu Tong.

"Xugong, just give me a quiet office and prepare some pens and paper! When I finish the plan, there will be many places that need your help later, so be prepared!" Wu Tong was not polite, and immediately Talk about your needs.

When she was doing R&D and design, she had a good and bad habit, that is, she was relatively independent, and outsiders basically couldn't keep up with her ideas. It was more enjoyable for her to do R&D and design on her own.However, if it is actually expanded to physical testing later, XCMG will need cooperation and support!

"No problem. I will leave my office to you, Mr. Wu. If you need anything else, please let me know at any time!" , his office is currently the most comprehensive and confidential, allowing Wu Tong to put it into use immediately.

As for his office, the conference room next door is temporarily used and will not be affected.

After making sure that it would not affect the normal work of XCMG, Wu Tong was not polite and immediately started writing and deducing.The power system of the aircraft carrier, which affects the whole body, can be said to be the most important thing. It cannot allow her to be distracted or careless in the slightest!

The power of the domestically produced UGT-2500, named QC280, is obviously not enough.

If the domestic QC280 is used on an aircraft carrier, in order to achieve a rated power sufficient to support the better operation of the aircraft carrier, the current aircraft carrier design plan must be changed. In order to intake air, four ship islands are needed.Not to mention whether such a design is reasonable or not, as the aircraft carrier's own weight increases and the occupied area increases... it is undesirable.

On the basis that we cannot increase power by quantity, the only way is to improve the efficiency of the gas turbine, doubling it from 28 megawatts and then doubling it again. One that can better support the operation of the aircraft carrier requires hundreds of megawatts. To meet higher requirements, the efficiency of the gas turbine must be improved again.

Higher requirements mean higher difficulty in technical breakthroughs, but for Wu Tong, this is exactly the area she is good at.With clear needs and orientations, as well as a clear foundation and clear research and development direction, Wu Tong once again took root in XCMG's office and started to draw up his writing.

The graphics of the large gas turbine, the precise data deduced step by step, gradually evolved into the pinnacle of directional optimization of the entity in Wu Tong's derivation space, and then transformed into the exquisite design drawings of Wu Tong's pen tip!
(End of this chapter)

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