Xugong had already made up his mind. As long as Wu Tong made outstanding contributions in this section, he would report immediately and work for Wu Tong as his assistant. So what if he helped her?
Fulfilling their aircraft carrier dream is the most important core element. Others, for this group of purely patriotic scientific researchers, can be ignored!
Wu Tong flipped through the gas turbine information in her hand. The design concept was so different from that of aircraft engines that she couldn't help but feel ashamed of her previous thoughts.

In response to Li Huaimin's request, Wu Tong went to Beijing to prepare for the academic lecture. He also did a lot of research and study to fully prepare. "Principles of Ships", "Principles of Ship Power Plants", "New Technologies in Surface Ship Design"... She has studied almost all the information on ships that she could collect, and laid a solid foundation.

When she really got into studying in this area, Wu Tong felt that when she first agreed, she was a little overconfident.

In terms of ships, it is really not the same as the aerospace and aircraft sector that Wu Tong has been deeply involved in for the past two years.What she focuses on is that the large diesel engine used by the Ningling aircraft carrier is fundamentally different from the aircraft engine!
She is now very familiar with aviation. As soon as she sees the wings, her consciousness jumps out and generates a series of design and development concepts for airfoil vortices. As soon as she sees the belly of the aircraft, she can directly start to think about lift. How can the overall layout and aerodynamic layout be made more perfect? ​​Seeing the full-motion horizontal tail, Wu Tong almost spontaneously started to deduce the control and fax systems...

With some simple data and designs, Wu Tong can immediately give results and deductions without thinking. This has almost turned into a habit and a natural instinct. In her consciousness, she has fully possessed the logical chain of knowledge belonging to aerospace. , this is Wu Tong’s biggest gain in the past two years.

However, for the ship section, she really only stayed at the superficial theoretical basis. However, there was still a long way to go before she could remember those theories and truly connect them to practical applications!
When will her research on the aircraft carrier be as effective as her fingers on the aircraft carrier, will it be considered a real success!
Gas turbines are a very large technical field, and their complexity is not inferior to the aviation WS engines at that time!
The basic principle remains unchanged. The gas turbine is an internal combustion power machine that uses continuously flowing gas as the working fluid to drive the impeller to rotate at high speed, converting the energy of the fuel into useful work. It is a rotating impeller heat engine.

In the main process of air and gas in a gas turbine, there are only three components of the gas turbine cycle: the compressor, the combustion chamber and the gas turbine, which is commonly known as a simple cycle. Most gas turbines adopt a simple cycle scheme.

As soon as he browsed through the information on gas turbines, the theoretical knowledge about this part of Wu Tong's mind began to come alive.She can even be distracted, looking at information at a scanning speed with her eyes, and she can also communicate with XCMG about the development and current situation of domestic gas turbines.

"Before, in those years, we never had difficult times!
In the 80s, domestic and cross-border relations improved and recovered, entering a short ten-year honeymoon period, and began cooperation with domestic countries in the fields of military, economy, science and technology, trade and other fields.

Especially in terms of military cooperation, the two sides have lifted the arms embargo policy against China for nearly 30 years and opened the door to arms exports to China.

At that time, the country was also extremely eager for advanced weapons and equipment, and was very eager to obtain advanced weapons and equipment from Western countries in order to change the backward situation of China's defense industry.It was at that time that we imported LM2500 gas turbines from abroad, which were intended to be used on the No. 052 "Ice City" ship and the No. 112 "Green Island" ship equipped with the Type 113 guided missile destroyer, and were imitated at the same time. "

It can be said that XCMG is very familiar with these development histories. He introduced them one by one to Wu Tong, and he let out a long sigh.

"It's just that the attempt to imitate ended in failure. Although we are good at reverse reasoning, we have no intermediate test data, no practical principles to rely on, and no way to solve the problem of materials. With only a passion for height, we have For the sophisticated LM2500, it is extremely difficult to imitate it out of thin air. At that time, we were laughed at and talked about as idiots, which is normal!"

"No matter what, Xugong, you ancestors at that time had the courage to try, and we, the younger generations, must admire and admire you!" Wu Tong gave a thumbs up.

Without the hard-fought trial and error of these forefathers, how could the domestic two bombs and one satellite and more scientific research achievements have gradually been established? Without these powerful deterrents, how could we have today's peace and prosperity!
The peace they enjoy now is maintained by these ancestors who fought bloody battles and carried heavy burdens forward!

"Hehe... I don't want you, a young child, to comfort me. Failure is his mother's success. Failure in scientific research is commonplace. We are all used to it!" Xugong laughed, but was still moved by Wu Tong's recognition. Their efforts at that time are not looked down upon by today's young children, but they are admired!

How wonderful, Lao Li and Lao Qian, have you seen it?I saw it for you!In our Greater China, a great baby has emerged. Now, she has come to take over your role and participate in the research and development of gas turbines. She is called a miracle. Maybe she will give you a big satellite. When the time comes, Lao Xu will toast you. !
Wiping his face, Xugong continued calmly: "In those years, introduction was the mainstream. Later, we had a new goal. Ukraine inherited the old Su's family fortune, and we facilitated the successful introduction of UGT from Ukraine. -25000 gas turbine, which was the gas turbine with the most advanced technology developed by Lao Su. At that time, we were eager to change the situation that there was no use of gas turbines in our country!
In 93, we successfully signed the "UGT-25000 Gas Turbine Production License and Single Machine Sales Contract" with Uzbekistan, and provided 10 UGT-25000 gas turbines there and transferred relevant technologies for domestic production! "

"After the successful introduction, it took another ten years. By 04, we had truly digested a lot of technology and completed the imitation. Although, it was just the starting point. The power of the imitation was only a pitiful 28 megawatts! However, we It is considered to have the foundation of gas turbine foundation!
It was not until last year, that is, in 11, that our state-owned gas turbines were truly fully domestically produced, and were first used on the second batch of Type 052C destroyers. After full localization, they were named QC-280 gas turbines, and were used on the second batch of Type 052C destroyers. After that, it is expected to be fully used on the [-]D guided missile destroyer! "

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