Chapter 369 Ningliao
Once born, twice familiar. This is the second time for the family to participate in the recuperation. They said they are familiar with the recuperation process. Wu Tong can rest assured to work and play. Don't they still know how to do it?

If you have familiar people following you, you won't have to worry about anything.

With Tongtong here, their treatment would be the same.

But, I wonder if I can go with Tongtong this time?
It doesn't matter if you can't. Tongtong's research is important and business matters should prevail.From now until the eve of the start of school in September, they still have more than half a month to explore Green Island.

They must make good use of the high treatment that Tongtong created for them, and not waste Tongtong's efforts and hard work.

"Tongtong, we will take care of ourselves!" Jin Yongqing expressed his position on behalf of the family. He cannot let Tongtong be busy with big things and worry about them, so they may not be too disappointed!
Wu Tong's special plane arrived at the special airport in Green Island, and Li Huaimin personally picked him up.

"Mr. Wu, welcome, welcome!" Li Huaimin stepped forward to shake hands with Wu Tong and welcomed him warmly.

"Leader Li, I will leave it to you to arrange the next step. I will fully cooperate!" Wu Tong gave Li Huaimin the right words. As Li Huaimin got into the car to pick up the airport, the car was almost so stable that people could not notice the engine starting quietly. Carry a group of people towards the target direction.

"Mr. Wu, do you need to take a rest?" Li Huaimin asked. Their first arrangement today was to arrange for Wu Tong to stay at the health care base here, allowing Wu Tong to rest before making other arrangements.

"Let's get straight to the point. I'm here to do things!" Wu Tong said directly, resting all the way. With her physical fitness, the impact would be minimal and she could start work immediately. Wu Tong was not polite to Li Huaimin. .

"Then let's go straight to the Ningling ship. I'll take you on a tour first!" Before research and development, they wanted Wu Tong to have a specific idea of ​​the current Ningling ship.This is an alternative arrangement, and it is all prepared.

"Okay, let's go take a look at the big guy Ningling first, and then I want to get a detailed understanding of the overall information of the Ningling!" Wu Tong said her thoughts, and she wanted to improve and optimize the Ningling. Only by knowing the Ningliao ship well and establishing a complete model in the derivation space can we better carry out improved derivation.

"Okay, no problem, Mr. Wu, these are all arranged!" Wu Tong had explained these to them in advance. Naturally, they would not hold back and made the arrangements properly.The more Wu Tong pays attention, the happier they are. This is to build up strength for the vigorous development of their naval ships!

"The Ning Liao ship is now anchored at Green Island. After we get on board, the Ning Liao ship will move forward to give you a clearer understanding of the work of the Ning Liao. Next, we will take a special plane directly to Jiangcheng 707 Research Institute , that’s the cradle of our battleships, the most detailed information is all over there!”

The predecessor of the Ningliao ship is the Soviet Navy's Marshal Kuznetsov-class aircraft carrier sub-ship Varyag. In the mid-to-late 80s, the Varyag encountered the disintegration of the former Soviet Union when it was being built in Ukraine and Ukraine, and the construction project was interrupted. , 68% completion.

In [-], China went through great troubles to purchase the Varyag.

It arrived at Ben Thanh Port on March 02, 05, and continued construction and improvement by naval ships on April 4, 26.At that time, the goal of the naval ship was to modify and manufacture this unfinished aircraft carrier, transform it into one suitable for domestic use, and use it for scientific research, experiments, and training purposes, to fully understand the technology, learn from it, and extend it, so as to build a Chinese-made aircraft carrier. own domestic aircraft carrier.

The oath is still in my ears. From entering Hong Kong to now, it took ten years of sharpening my sword to finally have the big guy in front of Wu Tong and others.

The Ningliao ship is a well-deserved big guy!
Wu Tong had learned about its simple parameters before coming. The overall length of the ship is 304 meters, which is equivalent to the length of three football fields. The waterline is 281 meters, which is equivalent to the length of nine train cars. It is 75 meters wide. This is 25 cars side by side. The width, the entire flight deck alone, is 300 meters long, 70 meters wide, and the total height is 60 meters, which is the height of a twenty-story building.

Listening to these numbers, many people do not have an exact idea.

Let's put it this way, there are more than 20 floors below the flight deck. The hottest cabin is forty or fifty degrees, and the coldest deck temperature is below zero. If you inspect these 20 floors from top to bottom, you can basically experience everything from top to bottom. Temperature changes from winter to summer.

Moreover, there are more than 3600 cabins inside the ship. In addition to placing various equipment and instruments, there are also living areas for cruise fighters. There are canteens, laundry rooms, gyms, small supermarkets, post offices, etc. The internal settings are particularly rich, not to mention New recruits often cannot find their rooms when they arrive on the ship. Even the chief engineer who designed the aircraft carrier once got lost!

There was once an analogy: if a baby is born on the "Liaoning Ship" and goes to a different room every day to explore, by the time he visits each room, he will be basically 10 years old.This apt metaphor is enough to explain how big the "Liaoning Ship" is!
Only when you are on the big carrier can you truly feel the scale of the aircraft carrier.

"Mr. Wu, this is our Ning Liao!" After boarding the Ning Liao, he stood at the highest point of the ship building and took in the entire flight deck and Ning Liao. Li Huaimin introduced Wu Tong: "Ning Liao. Its displacement is 54500 tons, its full load displacement is 60900 tons, and its load capacity is 6400 tons!"

These data were transformed into corresponding understandings in Wu Tong's ears.

Displacement refers to the weight of the water displaced by the ship in the water. It is an important indicator of the size and carrying capacity of the ship.Full load displacement refers to the weight of the water displaced by the ship when fully loaded, including the weight of the hull, power plant, fuel, ammunition, food, personnel, cargo and other items.Carrying capacity refers to the weight of items that a ship can carry excluding its own weight when fully loaded.

"Our current maximum speed has reached 30 knots, which is equivalent to 55.56 kilometers per hour, which is more than twice as fast as ordinary passenger ships. At present, the expected cruising distance of the Ningliao ship has reached 8 nautical miles, which is equivalent to 000 kilometers, which is equivalent to Flying from Beijing to Paris and back again. Ningliao's endurance time has reached 14 days, which is equivalent to being able to perform continuous missions at sea for one and a half months!"

"Currently, our Ningliao ship is equipped with..."

These are the progress finally brought about by their unremitting efforts and persistent pursuit.

However, compared with the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier across the sea, it has a displacement of 13 tons, an advanced power system, and excellent seaworthiness. The reactor core has a lifespan of 15 to 80 years, and it can sail 100 to [-] million nautical miles with a single fuel change.It can stay at sea for several months without replenishment and has strong self-sustainability, but there is still a big gap.

These differences may not be too noticeable in daily life, but in real wartime, the errors are too huge, and this will be an obvious fatal weakness!
(End of this chapter)

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