Xuehua flew to Beijing University to make an appointment to write a letter for the academic lecture, indicating that it was about to be another grand event that was no less than an academic lecture on NS equations.This time, Wu Tong doesn’t want to make it too big, and just plans to invite some internationally renowned scholars to witness it.However, with the mountain of reservations, the specifications and specifications of the ten-person conference hall of the Great Hall continued as before.

"This is a grand event for the world. It cannot be subtle and there is no need to be subtle. Wu Tong, you don't have to think that it will be troublesome for us to arrange it. This is the honor that Peking University covets!" Pan Wenhua happily asked Wu Tong, "If you have any ideas, Just ask, we will take care of it, willingly! No trouble at all!"

If Wu Tong hadn’t attached great importance to Peking University and had no intention of changing the organizer, Ke Qing would have been waiting to help Wu Tong organize the event. Many colleges and universities couldn’t ask for it. Peking University could only have this honor if they didn’t go all out to organize it. A real fool.

"With the help of your academic lectures, every time you convene such a grand event, Peking University, Shanghai Municipal Government, and major enterprises will get countless benefits. They are looking forward to the grand event more than us!"

The cost of sponsoring Wu Tong's academic lectures has almost started from Wu Tong's Goldbach Proof academic lectures. I don't know how many big companies are waving their checkbooks, waiting for the favor of Peking University, and sponsorship by well-known alumni. In the past two years, there has been a continuous influx of money into the Peking University Fund. Peking University is really not short of money!

"Okay, Pan Yuan, I will listen to your arrangements. You will be fully responsible for everything. I will send someone to report at the report meeting!" Wu Tong smiled and entrusted this important task.

For her, it may mean a lot of trouble, but for Beijing University, it is a matter of great glory.Pan Wenhua responded enthusiastically: "No problem, no problem, just leave it to me, you just have to go on stage and report!"

Pan Wenhua was very high-spirited at the moment. He never expected that at his age, he would host such grand events again and again, presiding over four large-scale academic seminars, two of which were huge achievements like the Millennium Problem, and two The difficulty of the field is almost only slightly lower than that of the Millennium Problem. In their respective fields, it is also a major achievement of the top world problems!
Such a glorious experience, but many people have achieved the glory. Now it is easily held in his hands. He still has to thank the Peking University Admissions Office for recruiting Wu Tong to Peking University. Thank Wu Tong for choosing Peking University. Create a miracle again!
Therefore, Peking University and Peking University School of Mathematics must definitely live up to this trust and strive for excellence in arrangements!

Flights from overseas to Beijing landed one after another, bringing with them mathematicians with different skin colors, different hair colors, and even different body shapes and personalities.Seeing the Capital International Airport, the familiar reception instructions and familiar scenes could be said to be around. The Princeton party who had made a collective appointment to attend were reunited with Andrew who had arrived a little early and waited for a while to meet them.

"Hi... everyone, we meet again. You are finally here. The snails in England are faster than you!" Andrew followed his usual style and greeted all his old friends with the joy of reunion in his teasing. .Last year, he officially returned to teach at his alma mater, Merton College, Oxford University. He officially left Princeton and handed over the reins to Charles Fefferman, the chair of the Princeton Mathematics Department, or Feynman for short.

"Hey... Andrew, I'll pay you back. You will be moldy due to the haze of the smoggy city. It seems that you are still in a damn good state in this state?" Feynman gave a sunny smile to the Princeton group who were complained about. People give him a blank look. Thanks to him, he is now troubled by school affairs. This was obviously Andrew's burden before!The mess he left hit him unprepared.

"Andrew, seeing that you are adapting well, we are relieved!" Deligne and others came forward and nodded to Andrew. "You are the conscientious representatives of Princeton!" Andrew raised his head proudly: "My big brother, Andrew, I will be taken seriously wherever I go!"

"It's just that I didn't expect that before you could get to Daying and let me buy you a drink, we would meet in the far east first. Does this count as a special case once a year?" Or is it more appropriate to say twice a year?Andrew shrugged, it was a miracle anyway.

"May you and I always have the honor to witness the progress of mathematics one by one!" Deligne's summary was extremely insightful. Each difficult problem was solved. What they came to witness was the progress of mathematics!

"To celebrate the progress of mathematics, let's go to the reception desk first, go to the hotel, and wait to participate in this grand event!" There are quite a few people in their group, so don't block the normal traffic here, and don't look at the airport pick-up staff. , have already walked towards them, thinking they are in trouble!
"Tao, nice to meet you here!" Mr. Qiu looked at Tao Zhexuan with a smile. It was a coincidence that they met when they were picking up their luggage.

"Mr. Qiu, it's nice to meet you too. Let's go to the hotel together?" Tao Zhexuan responded with a smile. They were familiar with each other and had the same goal. We happened to go there together and chat about mathematics on the way.

Meeting after meeting took place at the Beijing Airport. Most of the internationally renowned scholars were acquaintances. Even if they were not close friends, they had met and spoken to each other. Under such circumstances, they all came to attend Wu Tong’s academic report. Yes, meeting at the airport or reuniting in a different place seems to be a common occurrence.

On the streets and alleys of Beijing, when traveling, the topic of mathematics once again haunted me.The common people in Beijing are always on the hottest road, and their chatter is always at the forefront of the hottest news.

Countless mathematics enthusiasts flocked to Shangjing. Many of them came to Shangjing simply to witness. Even if they could not enter the Great Hall and did not make an appointment, this did not affect their eagerness to come. In Shangjing, they and my god breathed the same air. Here, witnessing the birth of a miracle for the first time, the feeling was completely different!

The Beijing Municipal Government has come up with an early warning plan for last year’s National Day to ensure that no matter how many people flock in during the event, the safety of the people must be ensured and unnecessary vicious incidents can be prevented, affecting the As the event progresses, patrol cars shuttle through the streets and alleys at any time, and traffic police are on duty on almost every street.

On the eve of the grand event, the municipal cityscape began to undergo detailed cleaning. Today, Shangjing itself is a recycling city with very good garbage classification and treatment, and no large-scale landfills and incineration. Today, Shangjing, After more than a year of cultivation, it has become a clear and spiritual state with beautiful water, beautiful mountains, lush trees and full of vitality.

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