"Mr. Wu, the launch preparations are complete. All parameters and data have been adjusted in place, and the interception system is also ready. Please give the instructions!" The manpower brought by Leader Wu quickly completed the launch preparations, and the combat speed was absolutely unprecedented. Obsession that holds you back.

"Please launch!" Wu Tong confirmed the final command.

Following this instruction, the leader of the armed forces waved the flag forcefully. This time, it simulated a vehicle-mounted launch without any support. The instructions were in place, engineers and ground artillery operators were in place. Five minutes later, the DF-5, which had been ready for launch, instantly took off.

Passed through the atmosphere and entered the outer orbit.The unique waverider design began to initiate the orbit change movement. The DF-17 was making a complicated orbit change to the east, just like water wasted. The trajectory was constantly changing and unpredictable.

All radar satellites have lost their function, and we can only watch its speed, which does not decrease but increases. With the blessing of new materials and systems, it flies over the target with amazing stability and reliability.Then, with its astonishing penetration speed and special trajectory curve, it can accurately hit the intended target.

On the other end, the interception system has been prepared for a long time, and the interception missiles launched into the air, with widely different interception errors, palely demonstrate their futility.

"Gan..." The person in charge of the interception slapped the table hard. The data displayed by the radar had a clear error of more than ten kilometers. It could not even touch the corners of the DF-17 on the opposite side. It was so straightforward. Heartbreaking.

However, he simultaneously developed such a magical weapon for the country, and he couldn't help being excited, "Happy, happy! Lao Wu, I won't care about you cheating me this time! Hurry up and equip it, and hurry up and give it to our guards." Get equipped!"

"The terminal penetration speed is Mach 12, and the bullseye error distance is 20 meters!" Soon, the astonishing speed was transmitted back to the general control center, and the scene suddenly became a sea of ​​cheers.The deck width of the aircraft carrier across the sea is 78 meters. This data means that any target larger than 20 meters is the precise strike range of the DF-17.

The new missile they developed is once again leading the world, without giving up speed in pursuit of accuracy.In a true sense, hypersonic speed has been achieved.

The Pershing 2 across the sea has a maximum range of 1800 kilometers, a hit accuracy of 40 meters, and a maximum speed of 12 times the speed of sound. But... these data are now easily surpassed by the DF-17!

The penetration speed of DF-17 has easily jumped to Mach 12, the maximum speed in the outer ring even exceeds Mach 18, and the range test started at 20 kilometers.They are still exploring the upper limit, and the hit accuracy has reached an astonishing [-] meters at hypersonic speed...
Comparing data item by item made the atmosphere in the research base more and more lively.Their DF-17 is awesome!
"Mr. Wu, we did it, we did it!" Zhu Dingjun rarely cared about his image and held Wu Tong's hand tightly. He was so excited that he couldn't express it in words.Before, when Mr. Lin found her, she thought it was a fantasy.

However, the design that existed on the drawings for only two or three months, which made her doubtful at the beginning, has now become a real and powerful reality, presented in front of everyone. They once again have a The artifact of the country!
"Yes, Mr. Zhu, we did it!" Wu Tong smiled and nodded in confirmation. It is always the happiest thing when the idea turns into a powerful reality and is truly realized.

"Mr. Wu, Mr. Zhu, thank you, thank you!" Leader Wu started, thanking each and every one of them fervently. Such a weapon was something they would not have dared to imagine years ago. Sure enough, those who believe in Mr. Wu are absolutely right. !

"You're welcome, and I want to thank you for your trust and support. This is a preliminary test success. We will sort out the remaining data and provide it as soon as possible!" All her ideas are also based on the above trust and support. on the basis of.For this, she was very grateful. "Haha... Who among us can't believe Mr. Wu's results!" Wu Tong's prestige was established by her superior and successful records time and time again.

"Mr. Wu, if we cooperate more in the future, we will definitely give our full support!" Li Huaimin smiled and deepened the relationship. If they have an aircraft carrier breakthrough, they may also see a miracle in Mr. Wu. "Welcome Mr. Wu, please take the time to visit the aircraft carrier Ningling!"

"Old Li, you're not being kind!" Leader Wu and Leader Liu of a certain company all rolled their eyes at Li Huaimin, because he was not a good comrade because of his thick eyebrows and big eyes.In front of them, he started poaching.

Leader Wu, in particular, wanted to roll up his sleeves and punch the opponent. Mr. Wu finally paid attention to the land artillery section. In just a short time, naval ships came to cause destruction. It was too much!
"Everyone can cooperate when given the opportunity!" Wu Tong nodded. If she can find a breakthrough direction, she will definitely try her best. "Celebrating today, welcome several leaders to come!"

All the hard work, all the hard work, are for the success at this moment. If you succeed, you will naturally celebrate. Today, everyone has a great time and relaxes from the tension of the past two months.

After sorting out the data and sorting out the process, it was another week before Wu Tong could actually hand over the project.After the project is completed and submitted, the next step is to follow up the production and put into service. There is a dedicated person in charge of these, so she does not need to keep an eye on it.Mr. Zhu is responsible for all the technical arrangements. She has nothing to worry about.

"Mr. Wu, don't you really want to stay a little longer?" Zhu Dingjun persuaded him to stay. Wu Tong was here, and the backbone of the whole project was there. It felt really different.

"Mr. Zhu, I'll leave the rest to you. I'm very relieved. PL-17 needs me to come over and take a look at the follow-up arrangements of our DF-17 project team. Thank you for your attention!" Wu Tong smiled and patted him. Zhu Dingjun's hand entrusted him.When it was finished here, she had to go to Mr. Hua's place to take a look.

Mr. Hua has experience in following up on the entire PL-15. He will deliver PL-17 to Mr. Hua and she will control it remotely.It's going pretty well.Now it has entered the final stage. She went over and concentrated on making the final breakthrough and conducting the final test, which was the best verification.

May in Xizhou is the most beautiful day with clear blue sky and clear sky. It can be said to be the most beautiful weather.It's not too far from the space city to the air-to-air missile base. Wu Tong drove there directly. The magnificent and desolate atmosphere hit the face of the place he passed, making people deeply appreciate the majestic beauty here that is completely different from the inside.

Hua Yanxing warmly welcomed Wu Tong's arrival. When she received Wu Tong from the entrance, she gave Wu Tong a deep hug and said, "I'm really looking forward to having you, Mr. Wu, to guide the work!" Mr. Wu focused on the front. On top of the DF-17 hypersonic missile, she had been waiting for Mr. Wu to arrive for a long time!
"Mr. Hua, don't I trust your strength?"

"Mr. Wu, I would rather you not trust me. I know that the DF-17 hypersonic missile is important, but we can't let the PL-17 become a successor, right?" (End of Chapter)

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