Once the funding share is determined, the DF-17 hypersonic missile and PL-17 air-to-air missile project applications can be approved. The above action is very fast, and the research and development funds will be allocated to the special account within three days.

In this regard, the five funding parties maintained a consistent fighting speed. The funds were received one day earlier and they were waiting for Mr. Wu Tong and Wu to perform a miracle one day earlier.As for Wu Tong's ability, they are all tangible witnesses and dividend recipients. They can't believe it. Wu Tong's projects have now been listed as priority support options by them.

With the permission of the bosses in charge of the project on both sides, Wu Tong immediately started the verification test project of the open materials. All funds would first be allocated from the active funds in the institute's account.Although the small amount of free funds on her account may not be enough to make big moves, and it may be a drop in the bucket to provide two major projects, but it can still be used as initial starting materials and support funds.

Within the institute, Wu Tong's team is accustomed to working with people from top to bottom. The team has been working together for a long time, and its positioning has become increasingly clear.As Wu Tong issued the order, the entire institute began to operate in an orderly manner despite being busy.

Deriving detailed models and materials for the preparation process is equivalent to copying according to the drawings. Each precise step is only in the hands of a few core people, and only Wu Tong, the developer, knows the best.Other researchers are only responsible for their own aspects step by step, which greatly avoids the possibility of leakage of core information.

It was said that it was two weeks, but it was actually the maximum deadline Wu Tong gave himself. The two parallel operations and the preliminary verification test were completed in the first week.Wu Tong spent another three or four days repeating the preparation work. Wu Tong completed the verification of all material preparations within ten days.

The new projectile material, as Wu Tong expected, is extremely high-temperature resistant and can maintain almost no burning at temperatures as high as [-] degrees Fahrenheit. It can also maintain extremely stable mechanical properties at [-] degrees Celsius.

The rest of the materials are also in line with Wu Tong's predictions, maintaining Wu Tong's consistent stable and new content.Once the materials are determined and the overall preparation plan is established, the funds can be allocated directly to start the formal construction. She is also ready to go to the Second Aviation Academy to do engine research and development work.

Zhu Dingjun originally thought that two weeks was the minimum bottom line for Wu Tong to give a material. Material development was not that smooth, and it was not impossible for others to be stuck for three to five years.However, Wu Tong completed the research and development and preparation of several materials in just ten days, perfected the process, and coordinated with the factory to arrange production and preparation.

Such speed really shocked Zhu Dingjun, who saw Wu Tong's efficiency for the first time, but at the same time, he was also overflowing with joy.Who doesn't want to work with a top expert who produces results with such high efficiency? Wu Tong has proved with real results that she is a real expert in the direction of materials, and no one can deny it.

"Mr. Wu, I will start the overall preparation right now. I hope you will come over in person to take charge of the project. I have arranged the office accommodation, the laboratory, and the team are also well coordinated. I am just waiting for you to come over in person and provide guidance!"

Zhu Dingjun earnestly invited Wu Tong to take charge of such a difficult project challenge. She was very eager to have Wu Tong take charge. She was the backbone of the entire project.

She was very happy that she never underestimated Wu Tong's ability.When she came back from Wu Tong, she immediately started to prepare for the formal launch of the project, arranging everything in hand as well as personnel and environmental coordination.Otherwise, your claws will be numb right now.

"Okay, Mr. Zhu, I will arrange time to go there in the next two days!" Wu Tong agreed with a smile. He did not leave immediately because Wu Tong had to deal with the matters at hand.Because she has been working on key projects, although the school is not very clear about it due to the principle of confidentiality, the meaning vaguely explained to the principal above is still very clear.Therefore, Wu Tong's focus is still on scientific research tasks, and ordinary courses are not arranged for teaching tasks.

Under such circumstances, it is relatively convenient for Wu Tong to come in and out, so he can just tell Pan Yuan.

The school is supportive of Wu Tong’s current focus on scientific research. After all, Wu Tong’s major achievements after major achievements, awards after awards, have earned the school great glory.

With such great benefits, they can only help Wu Tong complete ordinary teaching tasks.Precisely because her superiors and teachers were all sensible people, Wu Tong felt that the atmosphere at Beijing University was very good, so she was more willing to make results and let Beijing University share the glory with her.

Human hearts are made of flesh. If you respect me a foot, I will return a foot to you. One heart for another, only in this way can we last long.Wu Tong also mentioned to the teacher that she is not responsible for ordinary teaching tasks now, and her annual salary can be recovered by the school.

On this point, Pan Wenhua clearly explained to Wu Tong that as long as Wu Tong is at Beijing University, the intangible influence and the scientific research results created by Wu Tong cannot be exchanged for that small annual salary. The school is only afraid that Wu Tong Tong refused to accept it, so Wu Tong was cut off from the school without feeling that Wu Tong had done nothing for his annual salary.

At the research institute, Wu Tong is also given an annual salary. Although Wu Tong's contribution cannot be announced openly, the superiors have no intention of treating Wu Tong poorly. Added together, Wu Tong's annual income can be said to be very generous. She travels Nowadays, the state arranges her food, clothing, housing and transportation. Apart from being filial to her family, she basically has no extra expenses. The money is in her account. Now, to her, it is really just a number.

In terms of teaching tasks, Wu Tong has nothing to worry about. The only thing that needs to be dealt with is the upcoming graduate student interview. It is now the end of March and the beginning of April. The re-examination has begun and the results are basically clear. Although it has not been announced to the public, For candidates who are relatively promising and have interest in both directions, interviews can begin.

Although Wu Tong is responsible for the task, fortunately, there are strong chief engineers on both sides to lead the task. When she is only responsible for research and development, she does not have to stay in the two project teams. In this case, there are suitable candidates to lead Two students can still do it.

In her absence, Wu Tong plans to entrust the daily teaching tasks to Senior Brother Xu and Teacher Li, or teach remotely.The graduate students don't need her to keep a good eye on them. In this state, both of them are free.If the student's qualifications are good, her Mathematical Physics Office will have supplementary staff who can also be used as a team candidate in the future.Whether she can join the team depends on the performance of her future students.

A year ago, she herself was still a student. Now, a year later, she is sitting on the interview stage to interview her students. Wu Tong feels that this reversal of relationships is quite novel.

Sorry, dear friends, my nephew suddenly had a high fever, had repeated fevers, and was a little jumpy. He took the child to the hospital. The update tonight is uncertain. Children are easy to get infected during the changing seasons.Mycoplasma pneumonia has recently struck, so those who have mythical animals at home should pay more attention. I wish all the children are full of energy, and the best thing is not to get sick!

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