After sending New Year red envelopes to all members of the institute, Wu Tong took a closer look at the current research and development progress of various members.For the problems they accumulated, we carefully analyzed and sorted out the problems one by one.He has his own research team and cultivates it himself. As long as motivated team members ask questions, Wu Tong will patiently answer them.

The good teachers she met had a good influence on her.

By the way, Wu Tong checked and accepted the current operation of the institute after she had been away for several months.

Three to five feasible material research and development plans were completed. The lithium battery data collection and repeated experiments she had previously ordered were all completed. The entire team compiled a set of practical existing information and detailed experimental data.

As well as Tao Ran and Ruan Chengxu, they tried experiments in new possible directions. Although they basically failed, they basically couldn't go on in the initial stage, and the rest couldn't go far.

But for scientific research, it is a normal state. Although it is something that scientific researchers do not want to encounter but cannot avoid, on the other hand, it is also a different kind of exclusion.It cannot be said that it is a complete failure, it can only be said that it is still on the road to success.The experience of failure will also help Wu Tong waste less time and perhaps be on the road to success faster.

This project took almost a year from the time she came up with the idea.

However, during this year, one topic after another, one project after another, there were always other projects that pushed this topic to the side. Wu Tong really didn't take the time to study it with all his heart.

Even now, Wu Tong felt that she might have to put this project on hold temporarily and not make it the first research and development topic after the year.

Sitting behind her desk on the fifth floor, Wu Tong was sorting out arrangements for the start of the new year, follow-up on the J-35's regular takeoff and landing and carrier-based aircraft form research and development, arrangements for academic affairs in the new semester, and the optimization of several feasible projects in the institute. ···Counting it all together, there are still many issues and projects in her hands that need to be solved.

During the New Year days, she felt quite carefree and light-hearted, but it was just her slightly delusional peace of mind at the time.

Moreover, after watching the Canglong J-35 test flight and the H-20 test flight, Wu Tong had a new idea, which was to continue to optimize the air-to-air missiles and increase the long-range attack capability beyond visual range. This is equivalent to her actual I took another project for myself that has not yet been finalized.

Three hundred kilometers, in terms of performance, it only takes a few minutes for a fighter jet with the performance of the Veyron J-20 to reach the destination at top speed.Internationally, there are still many missiles that can achieve this strike capability.

Three hundred kilometers is not enough, what about eight hundred kilometers?Even the best fighter aircraft currently has to run for a while, and its range can be considered doubled.

If you want to achieve such a powerful range in the state of air-to-air missiles, it is important to optimize it, and it cannot be done in three or two attacks.

Wu Tong also needs some time to get it right. She even wants to expand on this topic and upgrade the DF series missiles.Just the continuous improvement of air-to-air missiles is not enough. The power of land-based intercontinental cruise missiles must also keep up. The positioning of the PL-15 is very clear. The combat targets are mainly high-mobility fighter jets. The large-kilometer air-to-air missiles are added again to strike. Targets can be supplemented by focusing on large-scale high-value air targets such as enemy early warning aircraft, tankers, and bombers...
To develop a new type of air-to-air missile again, Wu Tong's goal is to focus on the PL-17. She will do research and development for a further generation. If there is progress on the Hua President's side, she can just leave the 16 model to the Hua President. .

Advanced active radar guidance seekers and advanced infrared sensors have strong anti-interference capabilities and smaller size and weight... These are all things to consider for new air-to-air missiles.

Otherwise, the size and weight are too large to be mounted on the powerful J-20 and J-35. It would be a waste of powerful air control research and development results to only let the H-20 operate.

Her goal is still to increase the range and strike range, so that ammunition can be loaded into the internal magazine of the J-20 stealth fighter J-35, which can become the guarantee for their power in the world!

An inch longer and an inch stronger, the farther the BVR air-to-air missile can hit, the more preemptive advantage it can gain in air combat. However, it is limited by the upper limit of the mounting capacity brought by the size of the fighter body and the maneuverability of the missile.

If the PL-17, a small, ultra-large-range air-to-air missile, can be developed, the PL-17 air-to-air missile will make it a missile that poses a strong threat to any air target.

With longer range, they can be launched beyond visual range, which can better protect aircraft such as fighters and bombers.The ultra-long-range strike capability can also bring oppressive force to enemy aircraft at a longer distance, which will greatly restrict its flexibility in combat.

This will make the battle more predictable, because the enemy cannot avoid engagements at will; the PL-21 is a powerful air-to-air missile, and its emergence has an important impact on China's air strike capabilities.

With the plan written in his hand, Wu Tong couldn't stop deducing it in his writing, and began to deduce the prerequisites for the success of PL-17 on a new basis.Having led an entire missile research and development project, Wu Tong can be said to be very familiar with the entire missile research and development sector, which can be regarded as her strong reserve area.

Is there any technology that can increase beyond-visual-range strike capability?Can the new air-to-air missile PL-17 be added?The information in Wu Tong's mind emerged again. After more and more complicated eliminations and screening methods, Wu Tong recorded certain inspirations by the way.Supersonic gliding warheads and inertial guidance technology may be able to shoot down any maneuverable aircraft...
Wu Tong hopes more than anyone else that there will be such a large Tai Sui in the domestic air and space sector to firmly suppress those elements with evil intentions.In ultra-long-distance strikes, whoever has a longer range has the ability to take the lead and suppress them.

Wu Tong still clearly remembers the most important indicators of missiles: hit accuracy, range, and power!
Missiles with high hit accuracy can greatly save combat costs and improve the efficiency of single operations; the greater the range, the farther away oneself can launch an attack from the enemy, defeating the enemy's aircraft first and reducing one's own losses, especially missiles for beyond-visual-range combat. It can kill people thousands of miles away, and the enemy will not even know who did it until they die; whoever has a long enough range will control the priority!

A powerful warhead can cause a large damage radius. Whether the missile can achieve its combat purpose ultimately depends on the warhead. This is equivalent to the last kick in football. This is one of the most important parts!

···········(End of this chapter)

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