"Tongtong, I beg you to be kind!" Jin Xin's exaggerated performance, pretending to be scary, Tongtong and those big guys learned bad things!
"This is not because I have ambitious goals. I want to help you realize your ambitions as soon as possible. Isn't it?" The smile in Wu Tong's eyes was like the stars breaking into the river, feeling relaxed and relaxed.

The project was successfully completed and the burden was lifted. She was now free and relaxed. The joy of going home to celebrate the holidays with her family lingered in her heart. Naturally, she was free to play tricks and tease her little brother.

"Please spare me. During the Chinese New Year, let's not talk about study or research, just be happy!" Jin Xin gestured with his index finger to express that this was all he was thinking about.

Everyone wants to be lazy sometimes. He does not regard academic research as a burden, but it does not affect his desire to be lazy during his rare vacation time.

Stealing half a day's leisure, for him these days, happiness is almost the supreme pursuit.

How many people dream of having the opportunity to participate in the Canglong J-35 project.Jin Xin knew very well that if he could participate, he would have the teacher's respect and Tongtong's influence.

Opportunities are hard to come by. After entering the project, Jin Xin had to take a life-threatening attitude and study and research without any delay!In order not to embarrass the mentor and Wu Tong, but also to waste such an excellent opportunity.

Now that the project was a complete success, he had a holiday and could go home with Tongtong to celebrate the New Year and relax for a few days. At this time, his tense nerves could finally relax. Jin Xin really didn't want to move a finger!

"No problem, it's up to you!" Wu Tong made a gesture, and it was teasing. Wu Tong couldn't let Jin Xin race against time like this.

They don’t have too many requirements for the little brother. They support the little brother if he volunteers to learn and learn. They also support the little brother if he wants to relax and enjoy life. As long as he is on the right path and as long as he feels that he is happy, that’s fine. Got it!
Wu Tong would never make excessive demands on Jin Xin because he was fairly knowledgeable. This was always Wu Tong's attitude toward Jin Xin's decision.

The teasing and bickering between the brother and sister was just a different kind of closeness. However, even during the make-up classes in the senior year of high school, Wu Tong would not set excessive goals for Jin Xin.Including when it comes to school applications, Wu Tong and his family followed Jin Xin's preferences and let him pursue his dreams!

After Wu Tong Jinxin and the security personnel escorting them back to Beijing were seated, the special plane glided and took off.Over the past year or so, the superior technologies of the Veyron J-20 have begun to spread. Today's military aircraft have been optimized and adjusted. The special plane that came to pick up Wu Tong, the representative after the formal adjustment of technology, has been optimized It flies faster and more smoothly, and its battery life is also greatly increased.

After the brother and sister joked with each other for a while, the topic turned to their expectations for their family, and they discussed what dishes would be served at this year's New Year's Eve dinner. When they got home, their family members would definitely greet them with great surprises. Everything at home was ready and waiting for them to go back. Woolen cloth.Wu Tong also gave his family the news that they were going back today.

The taste of the year lingers between the lips and teeth, getting stronger and stronger.As the special plane got closer to Beijing, another piece of news that shocked the world once again caused shock at home and abroad.

The Wolf Prize in Mathematics is officially announced during the Chinese New Year Festival and New Year's Eve. As the He, Fields Medal and Albert Medal in Mathematics, it is jointly hailed as the highest honor in the field of mathematics. This award is a contribution to the world. Focused on mathematicians and mathematics enthusiasts.This year's Wolf Prize in Mathematics has attracted worldwide attention.When I saw the news about the winners, Chinese Wu Tong, the prover of Goldbach's conjecture, the prover of NS-equation!She is the only winner this year, and she will exclusively receive the [-]-meter Wolf Prize in Mathematics!
Such a resume is shocking but not surprising to everyone. Just as everyone sighed when the NS-Equation Academic Symposium came to a successful conclusion, the mathematics awards in the world are now proud to be awarded to Wu Tong, sharing Wu Tong’s Glory, no, Wu Tong must be recognized by these awards.

Therefore, many people are speculating whether the 12 Wolf Prize in Mathematics will be awarded to Wu Tong.

Why is it possible? It’s mainly because Wu Tong’s resume and academic level are enough to win this award, but Wu Tong’s age, even if it is postponed for several years, can pull the age line for receiving the Wolf Prize to one lowest point.

The youngest winner of the Wolf Prize in Mathematics is Jean-Pierre Serre.He is also the youngest recipient of the Fields Medal.Throughout the history of Wolff's mathematical achievements, scholars who have won this award are basically of a certain age.

Before the emergence of the Chern Mathematics Prize of the International Congress of Mathematicians, it was almost equivalent to a lifetime achievement award.

Wu Tong, who has just turned eighteen, is too young compared to this award. She is so young that some people would think that those mathematics awards could be awarded to her later!

However, after repeated discussions, the organizing committee of the Wolf Prize in Mathematics still insisted on awarding this award to Wu Tong. In fact, the most dazzling mathematical achievements this year were all contributed by Wu Tong. No one can compare with Wu Tong. The contribution to world mathematics can be compared!

Whether it is the proof of Goldbach's conjecture or the NS-equation, they are all blockbuster results that are difficult to find in a century, and these two century results were all proved by Wu Tong in this year!This year can be called the year of Wu Tong. She came into the world like the scorching sun. No one can compete with her!

For such a hard-to-find achievement and contribution in the century, if the award is not awarded to her but Wu Tong is asked to queue up, the authority of the Wolf Prize in Mathematics will be greatly reduced. This is definitely not what the organizing committee wants to see.

What's more, there are many pure mathematics scholars who uphold the true pursuit of academics and greatly support Wu Tong's award.

Their reason is very pure. The Wolf Prize in Mathematics is to promote the development of science and art around the world, not to reward the elderly.If you can win first because of your age, then everyone will compete with each other to see who can live longer. Will they still resent their mother for not giving birth to them earlier?
If a mathematician's mouth is really mean, it will be as sharp as a razor's edge!
Based on Wu Tong's achievements and 10 years of contribution, he was already qualified to compete for the Wolf Prize in Mathematics last year in 2011. However, the controversy was also the same at that time, so it was put aside for the time being.

However, in 11, Wu Tong's two major mathematical achievements shone in the world, which no one can deny or ignore!
Now it's major awards. I can't wait to award the awards to Wu Tong, instead of Wu Tong praying. They award these awards to her. What else do they have to worry about!It’s still a pleasure to award the award. The most important thing is to ensure the authority and fairness of the award!


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