Chapter 282 Solemn
After a brief preliminary agreement, Li Yisheng and Xu Chenyang gave up their positions to more scholars at home and abroad who came forward to talk to Wu Tong and make friends.The core of the celebration banquet was Wu Tong from beginning to end. No one could ignore Wu Tong's brilliance.

Wu Tong and many visiting scholars greeted and thanked them one by one, wished them a happy meal, and left early.Next, there will be more meetings and exchanges between companies and visiting scholars, and Wu Tong does not need to accompany them one by one.

In the rare free time, Wu Tong wanted to go home to rest and accompany her parents. During this period, her focus was on research breakthroughs. At the last moment, she was not at home for some time. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, she was in a hurry to have a meal with her family. Simple.

Now that he has free time, Wu Tong wants to spend time with his family.

During the National Day holiday, given that there are too many people traveling now and various scenic spots are crowded, the family has long decided not to go anywhere and just stay at home.

"Tomorrow let's go see the flag-raising ceremony. We won't join in the other excitement!" Jin Yongqing and his wife were the first to express their opinions.They are two old bones, so they don't have to squeeze in with the crowd.

Jin Yongqing felt doubly happy and proud when he thought of the crowds in Beijing and the influence of his precious eldest granddaughter.

As for the daughter and the couple and the son and the couple, it is up to them to decide whether they want to go out for a walk or not. The old couple will not interfere. They are not deaf or dumb and are not housewives. The children are all grown up and do not need too much supervision from them.

Anyone who comes to Beijing will not want to see the flag-raising ceremony. This is a must-see and the obsession of the Chinese people.The national flag and the sun rise simultaneously, and the rising sun never sets.

After decades of ups and downs, we are embarking on a new journey!
On October [-]st, the National Day, it can be said that hundreds of millions of Chinese people are watching the grand National Day flag-raising ceremony held in Tiananmen Square.Although this year is not the whole year, there will be no large-scale military parade ceremony, but the atmosphere of National Day has not diminished at all.The streets and alleys in Beijing, every shop and street lamp, have been hung with bright red flags flying.

The osmanthus is fragrant, the chrysanthemums are in full bloom, and there is a grand scene everywhere.

In the early morning, before the city woke up, the square was already crowded with people.The majestic city tower stands tall, and everyone is waiting for the arrival of the sacred moment.

Nearly 20 people from all over the country gathered together to celebrate the 62nd anniversary of the founding of New China.

The number of people who come to Tiananmen to watch the flag-raising ceremony every year is 10,000+. This year, because of Wu Tong, the number has doubled, and the influx of people to Beijing has increased the upper limit of this number.

If it weren't for the overlap, this number would only increase again, reaching the limit of Beijing's reception.

"There are so many people!" Wu Tong and his family arrived at Shengsheng Square quietly surrounded by escort vehicles.

The family watched the flow of people with curiosity. They felt that they had come early enough, even in the middle of the night, but they still could not get past this early. Maybe they had formed a queue here the night before.

Wu Tong wanted to see the flag-raising ceremony. It was recommended that Wu Tong enter directly from the special entrance and wait first.Faced with the pure patriotism of Wu Tong, I am very pleased with the centripetal force of such a top talent for the country, and the recognition and love of Wu Tong's family for the country.

However, Wu Tong did not do this special thing after consulting his family.She made a temporary decision, and the possibility of danger is relatively small. She followed the flow of people into the venue through normal channels and was treated as a normal experience, which was also a special treatment.

The family quietly merged into the queue of people. They arrived not too late and were still in front. The accompanying protection personnel naturally pretended to be people watching the flag-raising ceremony and guarded the family in the middle, occupying favorable positions in front, back, left and right, preventing them from letting anyone pass. A chaotic flow of people approached Wu Tong.

At early four o'clock, the crisp whistle sounded through the silent square in front of the Meridian Gate. This was the flag-raising guard who rose upon hearing the whistle and fully engaged in training before the flag-raising ceremony.The family was at the front of the queue. They originally wanted the old man to rest and wait in the car and come back to join them when the time was almost up.

However, the second elder felt that he was in good health and insisted on lining up with everyone. They brought a few light folding chairs to sit on when they were tired of standing and walked around when they were tired of sitting. The whole family talked, which was not boring at all.

"It's almost here, it's finally time to enter the venue!" Jin Yongqing looked forward to it happily. They had been here once last year, so they were considered an experienced group.

They have come to enjoy the blessings of old age. Over there, ordinary old people in their hometown, who are as knowledgeable as them, can wait here to watch the flag-raising ceremony at such a glorious moment.

Just because of this contrasting excitement, Mr. and Mrs. Jin Yongqing did not feel sore in their legs or waist. Like the 20 people present, they looked in the direction of the tower with eager anticipation.

As the sky turned white and the cordon allowed the crowd to enter, everyone basically rushed to the spot to watch the flag-raising ceremony at a running speed.

Soon at early six o'clock, the high-pitched and passionate flag-raising horns pierced the sky, the square was solemn and solemn, and people invariably looked towards the Tiananmen Gate Tower.

The whole place was silent, waiting for that majestic moment: 30 soldiers of honor stood on both sides of the south side of Jinshui Bridge. 96 members of the National Flag Guard walked across the Jinshui Bridge and changed into goose steps in unison. Three squad leaders in uniforms of the Army, Navy and Air Force raised their swords in a salute.

Sonorous, powerful, and uniform footsteps came closer and closer.The footsteps that shook the earth stirred up firmness and self-confidence, and flew high with ambition and pride. Step by step, they seemed to be stepping on the hearts of the people present, making them involuntarily solemn and solemn, and the whole place was silent.

Everyone in the square had bright eyes, staring at the majestic and solemn procession walking step by step without blinking.The honor guard of the Chinese armed forces is the best in the world, and pride still rises in everyone's hearts.

"Salute to the flag!" the command sounded, and the military band played the majestic national anthem. Everyone present spontaneously saluted with attention and hummed involuntarily along with the music.The flag bearer waved his right arm vigorously and threw the five-star red flag into the sky.

Facing the first ray of sunshine in the morning, the bright red flag rises slowly!Every time he witnessed such a solemn moment, Wu Tong felt moved and moved in his heart, and more urgently, he wanted to do something to make this sacred stand in the east forever.

46 seconds later, the red flag was raised to the top of the flagpole, and the scene suddenly erupted in enthusiastic cheers. The cheers of 20 people almost turned into a roaring tsunami.

"Singing our dear motherland, we will be prosperous and powerful from now on..." In the music of singing the motherland, the flag-raising escort solemnly returned along the same route.

"I love China!"

"Long live the motherland!"

Wu Tong's family has been immersed in it. Like everyone present, they waved the little red flag high and shouted fervently their best wishes for the country.

(End of this chapter)

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