You are among thousands of people, enjoying the glory!

At this moment, those ordinary scholars who could no longer keep up with Wu Tong's rhythm, and the mathematics enthusiasts who came behind to witness the miracle, couldn't help but echo this sentence.

Standing on the central stage where thousands of people are watching, he talks about the mysterious principles of mathematics. His majestic and silent aura naturally spreads. Rows of top international mathematics experts and well-known scholars all use what they have learned. His eyes were focused on Wu Tong, listening to her story with all his attention.

Although they could no longer understand what Wu Tong said, it did not affect them at all. They felt proud in their hearts. Wu Tong on the stage was a Chinese, proud of China, and glorious of China!

At this moment, no Chinese people felt bored or sleepy because they did not understand, and their hearts were filled with pride, which made them more energetic and looking at the scene with bright eyes!It took a lot of effort for them to get in. Every glance and every second can't be wasted!
It is their Chinese girls who prove the millennium problem that the world is obsessed with!
As long as they think of this, they, the Chinese people, will stand tall and proud.Thinking of the crowds of onlookers outside the cordon before they entered the factory, with limited seats and unable to squeeze in, they were honored to be able to sit here, even if they couldn't understand!
As for the problem of not being able to understand, it’s not that Professor Wu didn’t teach well, it’s that their skills don’t allow them to understand the mysteries of the world’s ultimate problems!

It was their first time to come to the Great Hall, and the girl in the center of glory on the stage was their child. Mr. and Mrs. Jin Yuan and Jin Yongqing were filled with joy and pride on their faces. They wished they could tell everyone that the child on the stage was theirs. The girl at home is their Tongtong!

Jin Yu and Wu Jingzhong were both excited. Originally, Wu Jingzhong had no intention of taking leave, but he had already taken a long leave in August.However, the direct leaders are the few who know the identity of Wu Jingzhong as Wu Tong's father, so the government sent Wu Jingzhong to attend this event.

Not to mention the separate instructions from above to take more care of Comrade Wu, even he himself is very considerate.Who doesn’t want to participate in such an important moment for their children? If he has such a promising child, let alone half a day off, even ten days off. As long as he is not required by his position, he must make time to attend!

On the stage, the lecture was going smoothly. Wu Tong had clear ideas, detailed content, and talked about the mysteries of mathematics.Except for adjusting the PPT, Wu Tong hardly looked at the screen guidance behind him. The entire report meeting was almost unscripted. Such mastery and research also opened the eyes of many mathematics scholars in the audience.

The mystery of infinite topological manifolds is like a key that unlocks the big lock that blocks NS-equations, allowing people to have a glimpse of the scenery behind the door.The whole thing can be seen at a glance, the door has been opened, and the results are presented naturally. The final proof of the NS-equation pushed the atmosphere of the entire venue to its peak.

When the final introduction proved to be promoted by Wu Tong.

"To sum up, we can be sure that the solution to the three-dimensional incompressible NS equation exists and is as smooth as we expected! I can tell everyone with confidence that the questions left in the last century are in this century , the mystery has been solved, the unsolved issues have become history, and we have opened a new chapter!”

Wu Tong's voice was not loud, but it was clear and firm. It was like a fuse, completely igniting the fiery atmosphere at the peak of the scene. Almost as soon as Wu Tong's voice was about to fall, applause resounded through the sky, and it lasted for a long time. All the participants , almost able to stand up and pay the highest respect to Wu Tong who proved this millennium super difficult problem on the stage.Just now, history has turned a page, and everyone here is a witness!Regardless of skin color, race, nationality or gender, everyone in the venue applauded vigorously to express their inner excitement. The whole world applauded the girl on the stage.

The Millennium Problem, which has been hanging around for most of a hundred years, has finally been answered satisfactorily after Pelgemann solved the Bombale conjecture.This is a miracle of China and a miracle of the world!It’s a huge improvement on what the world has learned!

I believe that today, Wu Tong's name will resound throughout the world again. As the prover of the NS-Equation, all awards in the world will be honored to be awarded to Wu Tong!Even people who have nothing to do with mathematics will know Wu Tong and this Chinese girl who has just grown up but is already at the pinnacle of mathematics!

Wu Tong bowed slightly and returned the salute from the attendees.After a long while of endless applause, the topic was introduced to another stage.

“If you have any questions, you can ask them!”

"Professor Wu, Chapter..." The big guys in the front row already understood in their minds, and there were no more doubts, let alone doubts.Wu Tong's papers and proof process have always been rigorous and thorough, and he is always known for being error-free. They have no objection.

Those who spoke on the spot were mostly well-known scholars who understood most of Wu Tong's story, but still had many questions that needed to be answered.They are not questioning, but consulting and asking for advice.

Wu Tong's retelling of each question, all kinds of related mathematical knowledge at his fingertips, almost without thinking, mastered it so skillfully, many international experts in the front row sighed in their hearts, there is no one here or even in the world who can compete with Wu Tong. , it is almost impossible to make up the number of five fingers!
"Number theory, partial differential equations, differential geometry, group theory, abstract algebra, topology...are there any branches of mathematics that Wu is not good at?" Andrew Wiles tilted his head and Deligne sighed in a low voice. , it is Princeton’s loss to fail to invite such top talents to study and teach at Princeton.Perhaps, before leaving, he could grant Wu Tong an honorary professorship so that Princeton could also be tainted by Wu Tong's glory.

"Algebraic geometry is not Wu Tong's blind spot. In the previous seminar, Wu Tong also had profound knowledge in algebraic geometry!" Deligne felt that there was nothing in the mathematics section that Wu Tong was not good at. Compared to her, Tao Zhexuan, who has always been known for his all-round talent, has reached a higher level.

"We are here at the coronation of a new leader in mathematics. Before coming here, Grothendieck said something to me. I think it is very applicable to now. We are witnessing the birth of a new emperor in mathematics!" Deligne stared deeply. As he stood, Wu Tong, who was answering each question carefully and seriously on the stage, was extremely serious.

"Yes, the new emperor of mathematics has been crowned here! In this century, we have miraculous geniuses like Euler and Gauss!" Feynman showed a heartfelt smile. Under his personal witness, the NS-equation was successfully entered. At the end, the new progress in mathematics made people so happy. He felt the accelerated heartbeat burst out in his chest, which was a surge of excitement.

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