"Grandma, grandpa, I can, I can!" Wu Tong's eyes were slightly red, and he hugged his grandpa and grandma hard. The two elders had put a lot of effort into preparing this bracelet.When she was young, she was taken care of by her grandmother and grew up in her grandfather's arms.
Ever since she was a child, she had always let her two elders worry about her, but it was only now that she allowed them to show off and enjoy some happiness.

"Tongtong, no matter how old you are, in my uncle's eyes, you are a treasure. This is a gift from me and my uncle. Don't refuse and don't think it's too little!" Jin Yuan Xu Meifeng's gift was an unexpected document bag.

As soon as she saw this, without opening it, Wu Tong had an idea of ​​what it was about. She was about to say something, but before she could speak, her words were blocked by Jin Yuan.

"Tongtong, you cannot refuse the gift from the elders. In our eyes, there is no difference between you and your little brother. I only have a little family fortune, and you and Jin Xin are half of each other, so there is no preference for anyone!" The gift from Jin Yuan was exactly the same. It is 50.00% ownership of the car dealership under his name. "Brother-in-law, please work harder and help you expand the family business in the future!"

"What your brother-in-law said is our mutual decision!" Xu Meifeng looked at Wu Tong with a smile. She had always regarded Wu Tong as her daughter, and Wu Tong also fulfilled her dream of having a little daughter.

"Thank you, uncle and aunt!" Wu Tong hugged Jin Yuan and his wife as well, feeling moved in his heart. She would keep this heavy gift for now, and she would do the same when her brother has a child in the future.

"Tongtong, as your life enters a new starting point, your parents wish you always the best pursuit! No matter what, your dad and I will be with you!"

Tongtong is their eternal treasure. Wu Jingzhong hung an emerald peace bean on Wu Tong's neck. Jin Yu raised his hand to buckle it for her. They selected the materials with their own hands and polished and carved it bit by bit. Ping An is theirs. My biggest message to Wu Tong.

I only hope that my son will be safe and always with you.

"Dad, Mom!" Wu Tong hugged his parents tightly. , when she becomes an adult, she will hold up the roof of her home and be a permanent tree for her family, sheltering them from wind and rain, allowing them to enjoy peace and joy.

Now the family is completely different from the sad memory before. Their family has already broken away from the trajectory of that foreseeable memory, and it will only get better and better in the future!
"Well, my brother's finances are limited and I'm not that rich. This is a fighter plane model I made for you using the bullet casings I've trained. You wait for me to work harder. When the time comes, I may have a chance to invite you to see me. The designed fighter plane is on trial flight!" Jin Xin's gift was also extremely unique and thoughtful.Nowadays, this thing is also strictly controlled. This is what he specially applied for, and the model is also his best work so far.

"I wish you happiness every year, everything you ask for, a smooth path, peace and joy, all the best, and a happy birthday!"

"Thank you, little brother!" Wu Tong smiled and took it, preparing to put this little thing on her desk. In the past, the little brother took care of her. In the future, she can take care of him.She looked forward to the day when she saw her brother fulfill his wish.

"I'm waiting. I wish you success as soon as possible!" In fact, as long as the little brother wants to give her a basic design drawing, she will use all her abilities to help the little brother deduce the world's best design state.However, this kind of plundering is harmful to the little brother. She is not so short-sighted. She can give the little brother tutoring and training, but the little brother's life should be left to him, rather than her being too involved.

That's not helping the little brother, but hurting him. "I will, I will, we don't want to rush you!" Jin Xin imitated Wutong's words and assured him with a casual smile.In the near future, he really won't be able to fulfill his ambition.He only dared to quietly set his ambitions and try his best to complete this big goal in ten years.His sister is so amazing, and as a brother, he can't be too different!

"Come on, come on, let's raise a toast and celebrate Tongtong again, happy birthday!" Jin Yuan is the best at mobilizing the atmosphere. After Jin Xin gave the gift, he quickly warmed up and said with a smile on his face, all the feelings for me have been suppressed first. , the most important thing is to happily celebrate the birthday of their eldest child.

On this day, the whole family is happy.After the meal, Wu Tong also received many congratulatory calls one after another. These were all people who knew the news and had estimated the time to call to congratulate.In the morning, I thought it was time for Wu Tong and his family to celebrate, so they avoided it and didn't disturb them too much.

"Wu Tong, happy birthday. The boys in the laboratory also asked me to give you a blessing!" Cheng Huanan congratulated in a cheerful voice, "The gift is on your office table. Come back and open it! It's not something expensive. , you like to write manuscripts and deductions, I ordered a useful pen for you!"

"Wu Tong, happy birthday!" Immediately afterwards, Hua Yanxing, Yang Wei, senior brother Zhang Shaoming...all acquaintances called me to congratulate me.

"Mr. Wu, I hope my blessings are not late. On behalf of... I wish you a happy birthday again!" Chu Hengyuan also called again and sent his blessings in person. "I have some good news for you. Your cross-disciplinary research institute has been completed and delivered. I will personally inspect and accept it after you return to Beijing to relax and recuperate!"

In the past few days, they will put the basic personnel in place so that the institute can be put into operation immediately after Wu Tong returns.They can't help Wu Tong in terms of scientific research, but they will take care of these trivial details for Wu Tong, so that she can not be troubled by trivial matters, concentrate on her field, and show her talents.

"Thank you, Chu Chu, for all your troubles for me!" Wu Tong thanked him. This is really good news. Their team will have their own legitimate research site.

Although they can use the laboratory of the Institute of Materials fairly well now, in the end, it is not a place that belongs to them.A good venue is also one of the cores of team cohesion.

"Wu Tong, when a good time comes, praise the right time, hold onto the beautiful scenery from afar, and wish you a happy birthday!" Lu Xiao took a step slower, and when he called again, he was already on the call. He waited quietly for a while, and this time Finally got through successfully.Immediately, I racked my brains, found some blessings and sent them immediately.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that it was a waste of resources when he was chased by the old man to learn Chinese studies, but he was not very good at it. Now that he has learned more, he will regret it less!
"I sent you a gift. I didn't know that you went to Daihe to recuperate and rest. You left the address of Beijing University and asked Cheng to help you collect it. I hope you will like it when you see it!"

A pair of plum vases, with elegant colors and appropriate themes, are just right for Wu Tong to arrange flowers. Maybe they can also help Wu Tong cultivate his mood and relax his mood, which is a good thing. (End of chapter)

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