"The most important thing is the foundation of the country!"

Suddenly asked about people's livelihood issues in some unfamiliar sectors, Wu Tong paused for a moment.However, her knowledge covers a wide range of areas, especially the agricultural sector, which happens to be Wu Jingzhong's job. Wu Tong has been exposed to it since he was a child. It's not that he can't answer the questions, and he has some understanding of the current agricultural environment.

As the saying goes, "If you don't eat one meal, you will starve." Agricultural products are in urgent need. Rice, white flour, vegetables, fruits, etc. are necessary for people to have three meals a day. No matter how much they save, they cannot be saved.

Domestic agriculture has mostly not changed in the past 5000 years. It still depends on the weather. At most, the human method of old oxen pulling plows has been replaced by mechanical planting and harvesting, which has made farmers less hard-working.However, when adding up the costs of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and rented machinery, farmers still don’t have much room for income,·
Nowadays, it is easier to buy and sell. It is no longer like before, if you don’t cultivate the land, you won’t have food to eat.

Rather than earning a meager income from farming, people are more willing to work in cities and improve their family economy. This has resulted in the abandonment of large areas of cultivated land in the country, reduced food production, and greater reliance on imports. Both in terms of international issues and long-term social issues. From a development perspective, it is not feasible.

Therefore, allowing people to earn income from farming, making farming profitable, and promoting scientific and large-scale planting are top priority development issues.

"Helping farmers, enriching farmers, and effectively increasing farmers' income!" Let farmers' "money bags" bulge, benefit the people, scientifically plant, and specialize in planting...

Wu Tong briefly expressed some of her views. Although these expressions were still immature, they were based on a broad enough perspective when looking at the long-term perspective of the matter.

Chu Hengyuan nodded seriously, yes, this is not a long-term solution.Agricultural development has always been valued by high-level officials, so many favorable policies have been introduced, such as rural revitalization, as well as various national and local subsidies...
However, in the end, he thought, as Wu Tong said, the most practical thing is to let farmers see the income. The world is bustling with profit, and those who are willing to farm will naturally be more tired, so there is no need to worry about agriculture. Can’t develop?
How to promote foreign farm operation models and domestic agricultural development to make farmers happy to farm and establish a new agricultural system is a fundamental issue that needs to be considered!
"Sorry, Mr. Wu, we will have more detailed discussions and research on how organic fertilizers can better support agricultural development!" Chu Hengyuan thanked him before cutting off the call.Immediately, he used the landline on the table to dial the number of the Department of Agricultural Development.

After Wu Tong hung up the phone, she couldn't help but think deeply about this issue. She listed the factors that would help agricultural development on a piece of paper.

Suitable for industry selection, training farmers to master practical technical skills, technical support, organization and promotion, and production and marketing docking.

You must have good seeds and good technology, and the things you grow must be sold and sold at a good price.

"Technology is the primary productive force", and the sale of agricultural products has always been the main source of income for farmers. At present, the sales path of agricultural products in rural areas is relatively single, the purchase price is low, and farmers' income is not high.

With the rise of online live broadcasting in later generations, in order to effectively increase farmers' income, many regions seized market opportunities and took advantage of the "Internet +" to start building live broadcast rooms and e-commerce platforms to help farmers.

Internet celebrity anchors with traffic are invited to conduct live broadcasts to help farmers. There are also many local first village secretaries or college student village officials who start live broadcasts to introduce their local specialty agricultural products to netizens across the country, building a bridge of consumption and helping farmers.

The ultimate goal of scientific and technological development is to benefit the people, expand sales channels scientifically, increase sales channels through science and technology, increase agricultural production and farmers' income, and help farmers and rich farmers to promote rural revitalization in an all-round way.Wu Tong has repeatedly drawn circles and pens on the connection between production and marketing and scientific and technological support. Good seeds, planting technology, and state support for agriculture have never stopped. These already have a good foundation.

To be able to sell, you need good transportation. Although transportation is very convenient now, the policy of connecting every village with roads has been implemented in practice.

It is just a matter of promotion time and construction difficulty that needs to be overcome. Many remote areas are still not radiated.

Moreover, the cost of building expressways is quite high now. How long will it take to achieve a small goal of one kilometer? It is really just piling up the money.

In addition to high construction costs, the most important thing is that highways also incur considerable maintenance costs every year. Some difficult areas lead to poor project quality, and they need to be renovated every few years. China has a vast territory and various geological features. The threat of erosion from natural disasters such as storms, earthquakes, and mountain collapse...these are expensive costs for highways.

However, if you want to be rich, you must first build roads. If the roads are impassable, how can you sell things?Achieve fast long-distance interaction?Production and sales are smooth?
How can we reduce this cost and be able to adapt to different harsh environments and resist natural disasters?Especially for some serious slides, including some mountain tunnels, can we use better materials and combine them with today's earthquake-resistant steel to build safe tunnels to ensure the safety of passing vehicles?

In the final analysis, this is still a material problem. Material problems can continue to be transformed into mathematical models to construct. Since it is a problem, there are solutions to overcome it. They need a transcendent good material to complete this idea.

Wu Tong still has two or three major projects that she has not yet completed. The new energy battery section that she suddenly thought of has only accumulated basic knowledge and has not even been touched yet.

Wu Tong didn't think it was too much to add another topic to himself.However, compared to fighting alone before, she now has a team of people who can help with some basic preparations.

Thinking of this, Wu Tong got up and went to the team office.

"Mr. Wu!" As soon as Wu Tong arrived at the door of the office, he was spotted by a researcher inside who accidentally raised his head and glanced at the door. He couldn't help but call out immediately. The others immediately responded and greeted Wu Tong with a smile.

"How are you feeling recently? Are you getting used to life in Shangjing?" Since he came to the office, Wu Tong couldn't help but pay more attention to some issues.

"It's very good. I feel very fulfilled. All living conditions on the Peking University campus are also very convenient, especially the Peking University canteen. We have tried several of them, but we haven't fully tried them yet!" Tao Ran scratched his head. They first When I first arrived, I concentrated on the experiment and conquered the reinforced coating. I couldn't help but relax a little and relax a little.

Of course, this is on the basis that normal research work is not delayed.It's just that I didn't immediately start researching the next topic. (End of this chapter)

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