"Mr. Wu, the N18 preparation instrument has been launched and will be officially put into production today. It can be prepared every day..."

"Mr. Wu, the Hive strong oxygen preparation has been implemented, and it can be..."

"Mr. Wu, the ultrafiltration purification membrane preparation process has been digested, the instrument has been implemented, and has been put into production. It can be prepared every day..."

"Mr. Wu, the new MC-4 has just been put into production and put into production..."

As time stepped into May, the weather in Beijing became warmer, ushering in the scorching summer sun. One hurdle after another was passed, and various preparation instruments, manufacturing and processing were accelerated one after another, and research and development was completed.

At the same time, engineers on other fronts are not idle. They have also successfully studied the deep recycling production line, the heavily polluted water treatment production line, and the seawater conversion into fresh water production line.

After accurate experimental verification, the process of increasing mass production was immediately entered. News of the good news came one after another, adding a very fiery atmosphere to the temperature of the upcoming summer, making the air even more scorching in the atmosphere of joy.

China Infrastructure has always been famous for its mature and fast technology. Soon, the site was determined, the factories started to be built were completed one by one, and the production lines were installed in place. This indicates that Zhongyuan Group has fully accumulated strength and is ready. It is ready for the final inspection and production correction, and we are taking a big step forward to enter the real new era of resources.

"Mr. Wu, the construction of the deep recycling production line has been completed. All debugging is expected to be completed within two days, and the actual start-up of processing will be carried out the day after tomorrow. The Shanghai garbage sorting reform has been put in place, and all garbage will be transferred to our deep recycling factory for resource sorting. Reuse. We have already strengthened publicity on garbage classification, and will sort it again before entering the production line."

"The initial accumulation has been completed. Factory No. 20 has been officially put into operation. Would you like to come and take a look?" the academician in charge across the street invited. Wu Tong can be said to be the most important person who created the foundation of all this. She came to witness it in person and will It will be the greatest fulfillment.

"If you are free, please shoot a video for me remotely. I won't go there!" Wu Tong declined. It was too troublesome for her to travel and it would easily attract unnecessary attention wherever she appeared, so she would not go there again.

She had already made predictions about the large-scale processing production line during the deduction. Although she could not see the spectacular operation in person, she could have the most intuitive feeling based on the data they transmitted later and the live video. It needs to be something other than seen in person.On that day, everyone was concentrating on witnessing the production line being put into operation, so let everyone release their emotions.

On May 5.20th, the weather was fine, and the sky in Beijing was a rare blue sky with white clouds.

A place on the outskirts of Beijing looks like a garbage disposal plant, but it is also the inside of a real garbage disposal center.

There were no noisy gongs and drums, no blasting of firecrackers, and the equipment had been set in advance. All the guests had quietly arrived and were waiting quietly.Without too many expressions, after a simple ribbon-cutting ceremony, at the order of the person in charge of R&D, the switch was pulled down and the production line equipment began to operate.

The screened garbage moves forward on the automatic transport crawler and enters the processing workshop. The automatic system adds corresponding N18 catalysis, and then undergoes directional special light wave diffraction... and passes through the gas preparation area...
After all the processes were completed, gas began to gather in the gas storage area. The employees in each link of the production line were absolutely reliable and had signed confidentiality agreements.Sampling tests were carried out to confirm that the gas produced by the production line was just like the small simulation experiment, and it was indeed gas that could be used to facilitate people's lives.

All the staff couldn't help but have joyful smiles on their faces, and some even clenched their fists and waved them vigorously, venting their excitement.

In the distance, on the storage site, there are piles of garbage waiting to be processed. They are no longer discarded waste products. In the eyes of these people, they are all raw materials for gas conversion, dusty treasures, and ready-made oil field veins.

It is even more reliable than oil field veins. After all, China has never been an area rich in oil and gas resources, and oil and gas resources are basically very difficult to extract, requiring huge investment costs, enduring extremely harsh natural environments, and facing huge dangers.

But now, they have a new choice. Thanks to Chaoshen Technology, the garbage that has been polluting the environment can be turned into treasure and converted into gas that facilitates people's lives. Compared with the huge investment costs in oil fields, the conversion costs are so low that it is amazing. the point.

The site is provided by the state, and the production line can be reused. Taking into account the depreciation costs of the production line instruments, labor costs, and catalyst costs..., the average cost per tank of gas is not much, and other costs can be ignored. .

The promotion of such gas to the market will definitely have a huge impact on natural gas and the current artificial gas market. Especially now that gas has been popularized in rural areas and areas where natural gas cannot yet reach, it will be a direct substitute. Popularization of sex.

No one's money comes from the floods. The domestic people with brains have always been able to calculate.Comparing cost performance is a natural instinct.

When there are more suitable and preferential options with higher cost performance, they will naturally rush to pursue them. Needless to say, their gas consumption structure will naturally change. From then on, the country will get rid of its dependence on imported natural gas.

"No matter how detailed the gas storage area is, the safety of the gas storage tank must not be ignored. There is 24-hour patrol supervision. No sparks are allowed to exist..." the person in charge of the processing center stressed over and over again in a hoarse voice.

All processes are smooth and complete. The most important safety issue must also be emphasized over and over again not to be redundant and not to let things slip in such a mentally retarded place.

"Peace of mind, peace of mind. Our gas storage equipment and gas tanks are made of new special steel and have new reinforced coating secondary insurance. They are much safer than traditional gas tanks. We have already planned to further promote them. As long as it is not dropped from a high altitude on purpose, there is basically no risk of explosion!" Academician Wan, who was on-site guidance, gently patted the person in charge on the shoulder.

It is necessary to be more vigilant mentally, but people cannot be anxious. Being anxious for a long time is not beneficial to production management. Their future tasks are still arduous!
Speaking of new reinforcement coatings, we have to lament that the best people attracted around them are also the gathering of outstanding talents.Tao Ran and others who admired Wu Tong's name and had worked with Wu Tong at that time, after confirming that Wu Tong formed a team, gave up their current jobs that were either OK or not taken seriously and rushed to Wu Tong.

The new reinforced coating is a new result that Taoran designed and developed on the basis of Wu Tong's super high temperature resistant coating. After coming to Wu Tong and being guided by Wu Tong, the new result was formed. It just helps the production of new gas tanks and ensures Sufficient safety for users. (End of chapter)

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