"You all have your own strengths and serving the country is my biggest expectation!" Cheng Huanan smiled to reassure Wu Tong and told her not to feel guilty, "I had planned to recommend him after your junior brother graduated. Go out and let him go out and experience the world!"

His previous plan was to let his eldest disciple Zhang Shaoming lead Chengxu after Chengxu graduated. After training with Shao Ming, Chengxu could almost leave the school and develop on his own. What the future holds depends on him. Go forward!
The master leads me in, and practice is still personal.

With Chengxu's talent and the resources of their lineage, as long as Chengxu is motivated enough and doesn't waste his talent, ordinary outstanding young people will have no problem. As for whether Chengxu can reach the position of him and Shao Ming, it depends on Chengxu's ability. If you can't break through yourself, or do you have this opportunity? .

Now, with his apprentice Wu Tong, this is a better place. Wu Tong is willing to let Chengxu join the team and board Wu Tong's sailing ship. He can be exposed to more transcendental research theories and further broaden Chengxu's horizons. Asahi's future ceiling.

This is a mutually beneficial thing, how wonderful, why not do this, it couldn’t be better for Sung Wook!

There is no need to feel guilty about him. His biggest wish is that every child who enters his school can develop better.

"Although I am managing and using this research institute now, it is not my laboratory. It belongs to the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Peking University. I am also getting older, and I have planned to entrust this responsibility to others in the past two years. , Wu Tong. If you don’t think that the teacher is old and has a rigid thinking, and the teacher will hand over the laboratory here to the proper personnel, the teacher would like to petition and give you a hand. "

Chenglao smiled and joked, but also said very seriously.

The future of a young apprentice is limitless. He is an old man. Not only his thinking is rigid, but his energy is not as good as before. He will only slowly go downhill from now on.

This year he spent much less time than in previous years. In addition to assisting Wu Tong in the two projects, he also had to serve his age. The future still belongs to young people!

Instead of sitting on the previous merit list and occupying the position, it is better to find a more suitable entry point to do more meaningful things and retire, and his heart cannot be idle.

Use the remaining heat.It just so happens that the young apprentice's future is limitless. Academically, he has reached the pinnacle and can still go to the next level.

The lack of personnel experience is not a big deal, it will be accumulated slowly.He has taught this child the least, and is willing to use his role as a ladder to help the young apprentice walk more smoothly, which can be regarded as a more valuable gain.

He had been thinking about this idea for a long time, and after deciding on rewards for young disciples and establishing an exclusive research institute for Wu Tong, he finally made up his mind.

"Are you joining the team? I will definitely welcome it with both hands. However, my side has not really taken off yet. It is too crude and I feel wronged to you!" Wu Tong should not be too surprised if the teacher is willing to join.

However, a big boss like the teacher has her own resources and team. Letting the teacher sit in and be the boss of her small team that has just started is tantamount to exploiting the teacher to fill herself. In this case, she is doing Not coming. "The stalls I have on hand, what should be delivered, have actually been delivered. Chengxu's graduation thesis has been almost finalized, and only the final defense is left to start his studies! When your research institute is launched, I will talk to the superiors. I signed a confidentiality agreement before Researcher of the agreement, you are quite happy to cooperate. I will join your institute on secondment first!" Secondment, secondment is also a transfer. After entering Wutong Research Institute, as time goes by, it will become Wu Tong's!

He has said before that his mantle will be inherited by young disciples. Wu Tong is his last disciple. As a teacher, he has taught Wu Tong the least. He can not do much for her. He can do more if he has the opportunity. Yes, this is a rare opportunity.

"I have understood their wishes, and they are eager to join your team!" Those who do research, who are researchers before they can do independent research, who would not want to follow a boss like Wu Tong who is constantly producing and achieving amazing results.

"Teacher, thank you!" Wu Tong stood up and bowed deeply. The teacher thought too much about her. This thank you is just the lightest expression. However, at this moment, other than this, she doesn't know how to do better. Express gratitude to the teacher.

"We don't need this between master and disciple. As a teacher, it is right for the teacher to think about you. Besides, with your current results and future, the teacher will follow you to get the glory!" Cheng Huanan also said from his heart. He feels deep in his heart that at his age, it is difficult for him to achieve new results. However, by assisting Wu Tong, he will witness more miracles being born, and his insights will surely satisfy him for the rest of his life.

"Yes, teacher, I will!" It will make you proud and fulfill your expectations!Wu Tong gave an unequivocal guarantee. As the old saying goes, if a family has an elder, it is like having a treasure. Her research institute will be more stable if there are teachers in charge.

Wu Tong handed over the half-point plan mentioned in the second item to the teacher. The teacher had sufficient authority. There was nothing to hide or disclose between her and the teacher, so the teacher could help check it.

"Teacher, look, this is the research I have done recently!" The patents for ultrafiltration purification, N18... are actually in her hands. If she wants, she can actually set up a company and operate it independently. .Even with her limited business sense, she could tell how big this market would be. It was no exaggeration to say that it would be in the trillions.

However, similarly, compared to her ease in the research sector, she is inversely weak and insensitive to commercial operations.She has also heard about the cruelty of business.

When the time comes, she may be trapped without knowing it, and it may not be that she is trapped deeply.Therefore, rather than operating independently, Wu Tong is more willing to continue pure research and position himself as a pure researcher.

Once she has achieved results, she will hand them over to the country for maximum operation, which will benefit the country and the people. The country will never treat her badly. She is already enjoying the country's extremely high preferential treatment, and she wants to be worthy of this preferential treatment.

If possible, she would like to gain some freedom from research funding.A research institute at the University of Nottingham, with the little bonus she had on hand, was nothing more than a drop in the bucket and couldn't do anything.

Wu Tong carefully explained her thoughts and considerations to the teacher, and asked the experienced teacher to help her judge whether there was room for her ideas to be realized.

She has always relied on state funding, which is always a bit passive. Sometimes, her research is more casual, and no one can predict when inspiration will come. She establishes all the projects that she has some vague signs of, and strives for funds to put them aside. , even more unrealistic.

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