"Professor Wu, you are here!!"

"Professor Wu, good morning!"

As Wu Tong walked towards the laboratory, the experimenters he met along the way greeted Wu Tong respectfully one by one. After several days of preparation, the holiday did not affect the spread of the news. Now, Wu Tong has been specially appointed as a full professor by Peking University. The news has been widely known to everyone.

Shocked and taken for granted, now that they saw Wu Tong, they naturally changed to formal honorifics.This Professor Wu, they had envisioned it many times, and now it has become a reality, and they are not uncomfortable at all.

Everyone who had signed a confidentiality agreement and had done experiments with Wu Tong felt that it was natural, and the school finally reacted with great force!Wu Tong was promoted to the rank of professor. Finally, they no longer had to be ashamed to be students with such a god!
Although Wu Tong, who is much younger than them, has graduated and has a formal professional title, they are still not good-looking.However, what is that called? They are not in the same league, so let them cover their ears for a while.

If you are one point above ordinary people, you will be envied by them, and if you are ten points above ordinary people, you will be admired by them, then if someone like Wu Tong is beyond the ordinary people, then that is the difference between gods and humans. They do not compare with gods!

"Professor Wu, what do you need me to do?" Ruan Chengxu followed, but compared to others, as a junior fellow student, he was more joking.

However, he had to hold on tighter.

When they first met, the junior sister was a freshman and he was a sophomore. Now his graduation thesis is barely ready. The junior sister has already graduated before him. Even though he knows that he cannot compete with a genius like the junior sister, there is still a slight gap. Clearly heartbreaking.

"Brother Xu, you are teasing me too!" Wu Tong laughed, "Help me make some molecular materials, Brother Xu!"

Wu Tong simply changed the subject. Regarding her appointment, people around her would be surprised for a while, but they would eventually return to normal.

"Okay, Wu Tong, please arrange it!" A tease is enough. If it were Professor Wu, it would be a matter of friendship among classmates, and Ruan Chengxu would still be very talented.

To be honest, the construction of the junior sister's exclusive research institute has already begun. As a senior brother, he should quickly perform well and lick his face to enter the junior sister's research institute in the future. He has a ready-made golden backer and will not seize the opportunity. He is stupid.

"What materials are going to be synthesized? What preparations are needed?" Ruan Chengxu asked carefully, making the preparations that an assistant should do very well.This is not flattery, but a look that must be followed by a big boss.

Unless someone is a top genius like Wu Tong, it is difficult for someone who needs to be poked to move to get ahead in the laboratory.

"A special silicide, starting from silicon monoxide, we first synthesize all existing silicon oxides!" Wu Tong was not ambiguous and gave the direction very clearly.

Among the four research directions, Wu Tong decided to first complete the ultrafiltration purification membrane that already had a foundation.This was an idea she had wanted to develop before, but it accidentally collided with the direction of PL-15 fuel derivation, deduced a special silicon oxide film, and developed N18 and N24 first.

Wu Tong got up early and deduced casually, and felt that the direction of the ultrafiltration purification membrane should still be on the silicide and graphene membranes deduced before.This time, the silicon oxide prepared by Wu Tong is not limited to oriented silicon hexaoxide, but multiple silicides.They were all basic materials, and with the help of Ruan Chengxu, who was skilled in basic skills, Wu Tong made rapid progress. In one morning, a series of preparation processes were completed, and Wu Tong obtained some silicon oxide materials.

After the preparation was completed and after lunch, Wu Tong continued the experimental process. At this step, she did it herself, observing these silicon oxide molecules one by one under a transmission electron microscope.

While observing, Wu Tong made derivation records. In his mind, his thoughts were running at high speed, accumulating accumulated knowledge and turning it into a booster, allowing Wu Tong to determine the direction of progress and make progress step by step.

In the end, Wu Tong spent three days to select seven silicas connected together and superimposed with a special co-bonding effect, and finally obtained a new molecular material.

Wu Tong called it high-density silicon oxide, deposited it on the prepared graphene film, cut off the excess edge deposition irregularities, and prepared a high-density silicon oxide film.

According to Wu Tong's derivation, this high-density silica heptoxide has a powerful filtering effect and is incompatible with foreign elements. In principle, it only allows water molecules to pass through. It can be called a high-energy water molecule filter, and it truly meets her expectations. ultrafiltration purification membrane.

"Is this a success?" Ruan Chengxu looked at the ultrafiltration membrane in front of him, which was shining like a black diamond in his eyes, and his rising voice was a bit incredible.Even though this was not the first time he had collaborated with Wu Tong on experiments, he was still shocked by the accuracy and speed of Wu Tong's experiments.

Without Wu Tong's experiment, it would basically be trial and error, trial and error, failure, then choosing a direction, and then failure again. If you get lucky within a few hundred times and find a feasible direction, everyone will thank God for holding a celebration banquet. .

However, following Wu Tong's experiment, Wu Tong gave the direction and they followed the instructions to prepare.Wu Tong deduced the next step. He listened to the instructions and continued to synthesize. Step by step, it seemed that after the precise assembly line operation was completed, the experimental results were also successfully achieved.Such smoothness and precision made them so envious that they wanted to burst into tears.

"It was only partially successful!" Wu Tong installed the successfully prepared ultrafiltration membrane on her temporarily modified water purification instrument, turned on the switch, turned on the electricity and water, and after a while, she got it in a transparent storage container. A glass of [-] ml of transparent water, and a little turbid solution in another container.

"Conduct a sample test!" Whether the ultrafiltration oxidation membrane is truly successful requires this step of confirmation.Soon, the sampling test results came out.

Ruan Chengxu's eyes were full of excitement, "Wu Tong, the clear liquid sample No. [-] is confirmed to be pure water that can be basically recognized as pure water. The turbid solution No. [-] contains trace amounts of bacteria, mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium and other trace heavy metals. And a mixture of trace amounts of various organic and inorganic substances!”

After seeing the test results of this mixed solution, although he knew that they were extremely trace amounts, Ruan Chengxu still felt that he did not want to drink natural drinking water within a few days.Or, he can learn from Wu Tong to assemble an ultrafiltration water purifier and filter the water for drinking.

As for drinking pure water for a long time, it is not good. Just add beneficial trace elements yourself.

They play with materials and are involved in basic chemistry. They still know the appropriate ratio of various trace elements that are beneficial to the human body and water!It doesn’t matter if you don’t know, just do a few more experiments.

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