"Look, what a wonderful little sun. Her light illuminates the world, even better than when I proved Fermat's Last Theorem!" Andrew whispered happily, sharing his good mood with Deligne.His first report meeting that year ended in failure.

Of course, this did not affect his confidence and persistence in continuing to pursue. He still successfully proved Fermat's Last Theorem.

Deligne glanced at some people and said, "Most people can't compare with you!" After all, this person has set many records in the report conference!Is it fun to cook them?Not everyone is as evil in nature as him.

"Hehe... there has to be some fun in life. I even held a report meeting for fun, but Perelman didn't even hold a report meeting. Isn't this more willful!"

"The youngest winner of the Philippine Prize is born! At this age, Jiang Wu will be an unprecedented success!" As Wu Tong's story came to an end, this was the thought that flashed through the minds of all the participants.

At present, the youngest winner of the Philippine Medal in the world is the record set by Jean-Pierre Serre, who was less than 1953 years old in 28 when he won the Fields Medal. He is the youngest winner of the Fields Medal and has not been broken so far.

But Wu Tong is still not enough. She is only 21 years old when the next Fields Medal is awarded. She is to make way for those who need it more. After delaying one term, Wu Tong is only 25 years old and is still the youngest Fields Medal winner. .

However, who can make Wu Tong make way for her? Who can deny that with the speed at which Wu Tong creates results, she will not be able to produce more shocking results before the next International Congress of Mathematicians?
Under such circumstances, if the Fields Medal is not awarded to Wu Tong, it would be a serious blow to the authority of the Philippine Prize, not a loss to Wu Tong.The Philippine Prize is never awarded to someone whose age is approaching, but to young people who have made great contributions to mathematics.

It is very likely that Wu Tong will push the minimum age for the Philippine Awards to seven years, becoming an insurmountable gap! At the age of 21, when others may not have graduated from college, she already holds the Fields Medal.

In other words, now that she is about to reach adulthood, at an age when others are preparing to go to college, she is already aiming to book the Fields Medal. How shocking!

"Introducing the theorem, we can get that any even number greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two prime numbers. I am sure that I have given a perfect answer!" After an hour and a half report, Wu Tong spent half of the time expressing what she wanted. The method of creation, when the method comes out, the result is just a natural thing.

As soon as this new method came out, the top scholars in the front row already understood that proving Goldbach's conjecture was just a process.Perhaps, proving Gechai is shocking, but for scholars who truly understand, the emergence of new methods is the real essence.

New methods mean new progress in mathematics. People who really like mathematics are always happy for mathematics.

There was no special time limit. Wu Tong's report was detailed and clear, with no faults to be found. The big guys in the front row had no objections, and those in the back row who had a deeper foundation also understood a lot.

If you really don't understand it, there's nothing you can do about it. Even if Wu Tong breaks it down and breaks it down to explain it, you still won't understand it without a certain foundation.

Among them, only one percent can truly play and understand.There are only so many top scientists in the world. Mathematics has always been a game for geniuses, and the top circles are even more niche. Those who come to join in the fun for Goldbach's conjecture don't care if they don't understand. They have already expected it.

It's not that the speaker is bad, but that they simply can't keep up. Don't they even have opinions even if they don't look at the big guys in the front row?They just wanted to come and witness in person the scene where Goldbach's conjecture was proven. It would also be their resume talk in the future, and they would be honored to do so.

When Wu Tong finished speaking, the audience burst into thunderous applause again, lasting for a long time.Under the tacit leadership of the top experts in the front row, the audience stood up to thank Wu Tong for his new contribution to mathematics, and for giving his brother a perfect guess.It also moved a big mountain again for the mathematics community.

Wu Jingzhong and Jin Yu applauded vigorously, their excitement and excitement almost went to their heads. The girl who performed so well on the stage was their daughter, their Tongtong, their Tongtong, she was the best. Look, all of them Everyone was paying tribute to him.

This Tongtong is a mathematician, a great mathematician!

Wu Jingzhong felt that he would just giggle at this moment, and Jin Yu himself was not much better.However, there was still a trace of reason in him, and he made fun of his lover who was grinning so much that his lips reached to his ears.Be more reserved, be more reserved, give Tongtong some air, and don't let others laugh at you!
Wu Tong stood on the stage and bowed to the people in the audience.With a slight smile on her face, this academic seminar has reached the end of the 99 steps, and there is only one last step left before everyone can pass the meeting.

When the applause gradually died down, Wu Tong raised her hand and tapped it. The people on site took their seats. She asked the last step of the process: "Do you have any questions?"

However, for a while, no one in the audience raised their hands, no one in the front row moved, and naturally no one in the back had the nerve to expose their ignorance.

The most important thing about the outcome of the entire report meeting was the big guys in the front row.Xiao Xiami is just here to witness history and truly learn.

"Doesn't everyone have any doubts about my report just now?" After waiting for a while, Wu Tong was a little surprised and spoke again.Generally speaking, in such academic seminars, especially on Goldbach's conjecture, there should be many people finding faults and problems.Although she was confident and well-prepared, she had no expectations and no one found fault.

"Wu, you should have confidence in your rigor and thoroughness." In the front row, a tall old man stood up, "Wu Tong, hello, I am Langlands R. It is impossible to find a perfect answer. Regarding the question, I would like to ask you more about the entry point of your sieve circle method into Langlands program...especially the Hibbert model form!"

"Mr. Langlands, nice to meet you. When two prime numbers are divided, is the remainder a perfect square? The quadratic reciprocity law reveals a wonderful relationship about the prime numbers p and q. The ratio of p divided by q Is the remainder a perfect square...and "Is the remainder of dividing q by p a perfect square? Gauss once proved..."

In response to Langlands' question, Wu Tong pondered for a moment, and then gave a complete explanation. She cleverly bridged her infinite sieve circle method with the Langlands program, which is regarded as the unification of mathematics, and related number theory, algebraic geometry and Reduction groups represent theory and their relationships are deep and close.

As Wu Tong answered, the light in Langlands's eyes became brighter and brighter. Those in the front row who could understand it couldn't help but delay their thinking. It was so amazing.

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