Chapter 200 Climbing to the top
"Wu Tong is still doing her research. You know, we have no restrictions on her and support her pursuit!" Zhou Wenping looked at the bright sunshine outside the window. The rare good weather in March was just like his love for her. Wu Tong's mood of anticipation was equally bright.

There are still two days left before the two weeks Wu Tong said. Even if the time passes, it doesn't matter. Zhou Wenping doesn't intend to rush, they can afford to wait.Since Wu Tong already has a direction, even if there is a slight deviation, he can still reach the other side of success if he corrects it in time.

Within this century, if there is anyone who is most likely to prove Goldbach's conjecture, he thinks that perhaps everyone in the world should have a record, and it is none other than Wu Tong.

"What?" Andrew Wiles widened his eyes and looked at the computer screen in front of him in disbelief, as the latest Arxiv content jumped out.

Refreshing Arxiv every day and paying attention to new mathematical developments is his hobby.This allows him to pay attention to the latest achievements and developments of his peers in the industry in a timely manner.

Perhaps other scholars and professors would leave this work to their students to follow, but Andrew still felt that he would rather browse and check it by himself. This was the fun part of keeping her in contact with mathematics every day.

[Any even number greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers]

Isn't this Goldbach's conjecture?Who conquered and proved Goldbach's conjecture?
Andrew Wiles immediately saw the author's name, Wu Tong, which was the name he had set as a special reminder. If there was new news, it would pop up immediately and would not be thrown into the general category.

If it had been someone else, Andrew might have thought it was a joke, but the contributor was Wu Tong, and his expression instantly became solemn.The shadow of a person's life tree, Wu Tong's achievements are placed there.

"Zhou, Wu Tong proved Goldbach's conjecture?" Andrew Wiles seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be asking questions, coming from the microphone.

He had heard that Wu Tong was studying Goldbach's conjecture, and it was said that he had entered a special Eastern research mode called seclusion, which meant that he had no contact with the outside world and only focused on research.For this reason, even the three major awards she won last year were received by teachers at the school and she did not attend the award ceremony.

He believed that Wu Tong was always a pursuit of genius. Any mathematician studying number theory could not refuse the temptation of Gechai and follow in the footsteps of his ancestors to study Gecai.He had full confidence in Wu Tong and recognized Wu Tong's academic level. He had no doubt that Wu Tong had achieved certain results in Gecai.

Just like Wu Tong had a wide range of hobbies before. On the NS equation, didn't he also challenge the ultimate solution of nonlinear equations and explain it in another way, opening a new chapter in cross-border!

However, he never expected that Wu Tong could conquer Goldbach's conjecture and reach the top of Mount Everest in such a short period of time, less than half a year after her last achievement!

"What?" Zhou Wenping was also stunned, "Did Wu Tong prove it?" Two weeks have not been used up, and it has been proved. This news simply made Zhou Wenping a little confused, and he was so happy and excited that he couldn't control himself.Andrew could see it there for the first time, and Zhou Wenping used his last bit of reason to judge that it was the preprint website Arxiv.
He hurriedly opened Arxiv.

"Wu Tong has proved Goldbach's conjecture and has posted it to Arxiv. Zhou, please allow me to be rude and hang up the phone first to verify Wu's proof. I believe that you feel the same way at this moment!" Andrew White Erns thought the signal was not good, so he repeated the call, and then hung up the phone impatiently.

Goldbach's conjecture has been proven. This is absolutely earth-shaking news. As people who follow Wu Tong or follow Arxiv discover this paper, they are all shocked to the point of disbelief, and the impact continues to spread and ferment.

Two days ago, Wu Tong became more and more energetic as he wrote, writing as if with divine help, he was writing the final breakthrough.On her desk, there are already several thick stacks of manuscripts, all of which are the results of her past few days. 【····Obviously, we have Px(1)····n=p1m1——xna——·····(1)】

[····From formula (27), introduce Theorem 7, Theorem 8, Theorem 9···, and it can be proved that Theorem 1 is true]

Theorem 1, which is the Goldbach's conjecture in her proof, states that for any sufficiently large even number N, if there are prime numbers A and B, it can be written as the sum of A+B.

Stepping up the last staircase, Wu Tong is at the top and has a panoramic view of the mountains. The feeling is hearty and infinitely beautiful.She proved that she had conquered Goldbach's conjecture, known as the crown jewel of number theory.

The absolute direction and absolute deduction both verified that she really did it!If there were levels in mathematics, after half a year of accumulation, she felt like she was suddenly enlightened and moved to the next level.

The stone tablet of enlightenment rippled in circles in the depths of her sea of ​​consciousness, seeming to be celebrating and cheering for her.A trickle of warmth overflowed from it, soaking and baptizing her body from top to bottom.The consumption of the passionate deduction in her brain was instantly replenished, and with a slightly swollen feeling, the space of the sea of ​​​​consciousness she could feel doubled.

Wu Tong's physical fitness has also been strengthened and improved to a higher level. He will basically not get sick and will no longer be troubled by current diseases. His vitality has been enhanced and he will recover as quickly as possible from any slight injuries.

This is the monument of enlightenment that was once again complemented by Wu Tong’s efforts and shared by Wu Tong.It and Wu Tong are integrated into each other, sharing weal and woe.

With her energy restored, Wu Tong struck while the iron was hot and started editing the paper, transforming the manuscript she derived into a well-organized paper and publishing it as soon as possible.

Wu Tong worked harder on the narration including the sieve circle method. For two whole days and two nights, except for a few rest and meal times, Wu Tong almost never stopped and edited the entire argumentation process into nearly [-] words as quickly as possible. After finishing the final translation of the [-]-[-] page paper, Wu Tong submitted the paper to the most familiar mathematics annual journal and uploaded it to the preprint website Arxiv simultaneously.

Wu Tong let out a long and joyful breath. He finally completed another project and settled something he had been worrying about for a long time.The end of this certificate also means that she has embarked on the countdown to graduation and is about to graduate!

Although such a major achievement is recognized by the outside world, it will take a long time to be reviewed and verified before it can be published, and it may even take one to two years or more to be recognized by the International Union of Mathematicians and transformed into Wu's theorem. .

However, these are incidental to Wu Tong.

The most important thing is that she did it, completed it, and used this as a cover last year. It finally stopped being an excuse and turned into a fact.As for recognition and verification, just leave it to time. She is confident enough and she has really succeeded!

After completing this project, she was busy from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, almost without stopping. She was finally able to announce that she would take a temporary leave and go back to spend time with her family.I’ll ask her soon if there are any restrictions on her freedom. If there are no restrictions, book a ticket and go home immediately!
(End of this chapter)

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