Chapter 183 Variants
Based on the existing material data and the upper limit of the maximum overload value she derived, Wu Tong deduced step by step, selected the direction, and filtered out wrong options...
Finally, Wu Tong obtained a special steel.

According to the prediction data, its maximum overload capacity will be about three times that of current aviation steel. It has good tensile resistance and heat resistance. It can still maintain strong mechanical properties under extremely high speed and high temperature conditions, which is sufficient for the job. Wu Tong’s requirements for new missile materials.

Based on this, Wu Tong also deduced a variant direction, which has strong toughness, tensile resistance, and corrosion resistance. It is predicted that the cost will not exceed the current cost of ordinary steel, but it has the ability to withstand at least seven or eight levels. Earthquake special ability.

Many places in the country are prone to earthquakes, especially Sichuan-Qingning-Ning. Wu Tong marked this direction specially and planned to deepen the derivation later and leave it to the higher-ups for promotion.

After the material model is designed and the preparation process is roughly deduced, Wu Tong needs to arrange a laboratory to start experiments with new materials. The 624 Institute here is not specialized in materials, so Wu Tong simply asked the teacher for help and conducted experimental preparations at the Peking University Research Institute.

"No problem. Your senior brother is also in Beijing. I'll ask your senior brother to help me! Experimental data, reflections of each step, complete the experiment, and I will report it to you!" Cheng Lao agreed.

Among the top materials laboratories in the country, the Materials Laboratory of Beijing University that he is responsible for can definitely be considered one of the top. There are few places that can compare with it. He still has this confidence.

The tasks entrusted to him by Wu Tong are guaranteed to be completed.

After the safety report, Wu Tong sent the deduced data and preparation plan to the teacher, and waited for the summary data from the Chenglao experiment to be sent. Based on this, he continued to derive more refined experimental parameters to improve the preparation process.

It took a week to repeat the cycle three times until she produced a special steel material, MC4, that met her expected data.

Wu Tong was not at the preparation site and could not supervise the changes immediately, so he could only use this more troublesome method.

This method is the material preparation process that Cheng Lao is always familiar with. It is a rare miracle that Wu Tong can form it in one go.The process is perfect and can be put into production immediately.

624 all have specialized military-factories that are responsible for processing, producing, and preparing missile bodies.The absolutely trustworthy person in charge, Xu Gong, also had a technical background. Under the recommendation of Hua Yanxing, Xu Gong came to No. 624 and met with Wu Tong.

"Gong Xu, thank you for your special trip here!" Wu Tong shook hands cordially with Gong Xu who came to hand over the information.

"Thank you, Mr. Wu, for trusting us and entrusting us with such an important task to Factory 113!" Worker Xu was excited to try out the new special steel with superior data.Technological innovation is what he has been looking forward to.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, the two immediately got down to business.

"New missiles have relatively high overload requirements for materials. I have teamed up with the Beijing University Laboratory to develop a special steel MC4 for new missiles. It is expected to increase the overload value of current materials by three to four times to achieve the goal of new missiles. The demand for new materials." Wu Tong and Xu Gong carefully sorted out the preparation process, understood the current factory processing line situation, and exchanged improvement plans with Xu Gong.

"...The high-temperature reactor requires a higher temperature...the steel must be shaped at one time..."

It took two days for Wu Tong and Xu Gong to complete the technical innovation details of the current production line and clarify each node of the MC4 preparation process.

"Mr. Wu, you are the one!" Xu Gong was full of achievements. Before leaving, he gave Wu Tong a thumbs up.The brain of a genius is indeed different from that of ordinary people. He can deduce such a delicate preparation process without being present at the scene. He, Old Xu, has been convinced for the past two days.Xu Gong patted his heart and issued a military order to promise: "I will go back and arrange the upgrade of the production line. Mr. Wu is waiting for my good news and will never hold back our project team!"

"I'll leave everything to Xu Gong!" Wu Tong bowed slightly to thank him.

While the missile body processing was in progress, the manufacturing and assembly of the scram engine was also coming to an end. With the continuous efforts of several core engineers and master workers, all components were finally formed and final assembly completed before the end of January.

Wu Tong and Hua Yanxing made final checks bit by bit and announced that the most critical engine field test could begin.

At 1.31 a.m. on January 24, the scram engine test started, and fuel N[-] had been loaded into it.Counterweights in place, all ready to go.

Wu Tonghua and a group of core engineers in Yanxing gave the order to start.The engine roared, and reddish fireworks burst out from the nozzle, seeming to make the onlookers feel its breathtaking temperature.

It worked!
Success flashed through everyone's mind, excitement appeared on everyone's faces, and cheers almost echoed through the entire laboratory.

"Attention of all departments, pay attention to the recorded data!" The successful launch can only be said to be an initial success, and it depends on the specific data feedback.

Wu Tong was so happy that he did not forget to give the order. At the same time, he kept an eye on the nozzle condition to see the suitability of the new fuel and the scram engine.

The fuel of the air-to-air missile will basically burn out in about half a minute. After cooling down slightly, Wu Tong immediately stepped forward to check the condition of the nozzle.

"Fortunately, the cooling system is well adapted and there is no sign of the nozzle melting. The existing materials can barely hold up!" Hua Yanxing followed Wu Tong forward and sighed happily when he saw the nozzle with only slight burn marks. road.

This can be regarded as another major difficulty has been overcome. The foundation for the new missile has been completed. She seems to be able to see the birth of the PL-15 in the near future.With the help of various superior scientific research results, the performance of PL-15 is beyond what can be seen with the naked eye.

Although, this also means that the PL-14 she mainly researched has already faced retirement before it has been officially put into production.But apart from feeling guilty for wasting national resources, Hua Yanxing does not complain. If the country can have better strike force, then it should not accommodate her outdated design.

Of course, her PL-14 will not be killed with one shot. After absorbing the new technology and optimizing it, it will still have production value and can be used by fighters currently in service. It will not completely waste scientific research funds.

Wu Tong pondered for a moment, "The high-temperature-resistant coating still needs to be developed. If we add some assistance to the existing materials, they can be used in other places!" Just holding on to this data is not a data that satisfies Wu Tong. For Wu Tong, this data is too reluctant.Sure enough, there were still some omissions in the first version of the design!
"Mr. Wu, the outlet temperature of the engine combustion chamber is 3500°C, the inlet temperature is 1980°C, the engine energy efficiency..." Data were reported to Wu Tong one by one, and Wu Tong's mind kept running as the data was substituted.

"The cooling system must also be further improved!" The high-temperature resistant coating and the two-phase cooling system work together to solve the key problem of excessive engine temperature.

(End of this chapter)

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