"Let's keep working hard, little brother!" Wu Tong encouraged with a smile, "I look forward to fighting side by side with you!"

"No problem, Tongtong, take care of yourself!" Jin Xin hung up the phone happily, his voice full of passion again.He also looks forward to having the opportunity to work with Tongtong!
The two of them had grown up together since childhood, and even when they were busy with school and homework, they could see each other within a few days.

Either Tongtong comes to his house, or he goes to find Tongtong. The county is so big, it doesn't take much trouble.However, now, the two of them are separated by thousands of miles, so it is not easy to meet each other now.He had to work harder, learn more, and keep up with Wu Tong.

If we can work together in the future, we won’t see each other every day.Of course, Jin Xin had no idea at this moment what kind of devilish training he would undergo on the day he really got it.

"Okay, brother, I'll contact you when you have time!"

After sending congratulatory messages to several teachers in the school, Wu Tong put down his cell phone with a smile. After communicating with his family, he eased his longing for his family and his eyebrows were filled with joy.

When the mood was happy, people's thinking naturally became more flexible. Wu Tong organized his thoughts at the desk in the room, and took advantage of a little free time to continue to deduce Goldbach's conjecture.

The project has been approved, and it has been used as a reason not to go abroad. Of course, I must seize the time and make some achievements.Mr. Lu once said that time is like water in a sponge, and there is always squeeze.

In the evening, in the 624 cafeteria, the mutton soup cooked in a big pot is made from the Tan sheep here. The unique geographical environment and the unique quality cultivated here make the meat tender, no smell, and delicious.

Large chunks of mutton are put into the pot directly. There is no need to add too many seasonings. The cooked mutton soup is already fresh and delicious, and it is purely natural.

The whole lamb is grilled directly and is sizzling with oil. The lamb is charred on the outside and tender on the inside. It is fragrant but not smelly, lean but not woody, fat but not greasy. High-quality lamb can be made with just a simple sprinkle of salt. People can't stop eating spicy food, and when paired with a little cumin and chili powder, it is an enjoyment that is directly sublimated to the extreme.

There are also fresh cut fruits of various colors for you to take, as well as other special dishes. Today is a good day that makes people feel happy, and the rhythm of the New Year and the festival is aroused.

In the cold weather, after having such a delicious meal, the canteen was full of satisfied laughter from the project team.

Tomorrow we will enter a new stage of research, so no one is drinking.The core members of the team, no matter how active their tempers were, did not make noises. Their little chief executive was still a minor and had to be protected!

Wu Tong did not show up in the big team. This was not because she was aloof or unapproachable. It was all based on protecting Wu Tong and preventing Wu Tong from participating in confidential projects from being exposed to the outside world.

Although Wu Tong is the leader of the project, this is all top secret information.Hua Yanxing is still the one who connects with most of the team.Only some of the most core experimenters and engineers knew Wu Tong's identity.

When Wu Tong goes in and out every day, no one can see her true face clearly once she wears the isolation suit.He only regarded her as Hua Yanxing's assistant or a student studying with Hua Yanxing.

At most, many people are envious that someone can reach the top in one step and study with Hua Yanxing, and their starting point will be much higher in the future... Of course, 624 Institute continues Hua Yanxing's management style, everything speaks for itself with hard work, and there is still little time wasting like intrigues. , things that consume energy internally. On January 11, 1.2, the scram plan was officially launched. Wu Tong led the team and launched the attack on the scram dual-pulse pressure engine.

Wu Tong has completely drawn the design drawings. While waiting for the instruments and equipment to be in place, Wu Tong and several core engineers in charge of the engine section carefully considered the components of the engine in detail.

Now, Wu Tong is responsible for drawing each one individually according to precise proportions.What they need is for a few core engineers to be grouped together according to their different expertise, to synthesize materials, or to use existing materials to process the vision bit by bit by engineers and workers.

Working on missiles all the year round, 624 Institute has a complete processing workshop. From Wu Tong at the top who is picking out components bit by bit and drawing drawings, to the workers in the processing workshop below, everyone is working hard and pulling up the front line of the battle.

Components were built one by one. The components drawn by Wu Tong were based on the design drawings given by the components. After three days of processing, after all the components required for the first component were complete, the two core engineers followed the schematic diagrams given by Wu Tong. Start assembling.

···From scratch to something, from materials to components, from components to components, and from components to components, a huge engine was gradually formed and gradually perfected.Compared with the flat design drawings and the engine built with real proportions, it is quite visually impactful.

Hua Yanxing has been following the gratifying progress of the engine building every day. Wu Tong has almost no jams and can be said to be producing drawings at a very fast speed. Coupled with the full cooperation of the entire team to tighten the valves, this engine can be built at an unlimited speed. improve!

Putting aside the project that may have taken months or even years to complete in the past, it is now like stepping on the accelerator. It will take less than January at most to see the birth of a new type of scram engine.

This is truly exciting!
After knocking twice as a reminder, Hua Yanxing opened Wu Tong's office door and entered.

"Are you working on missile body design?" Or the team is still short of manpower, and the processing workshop cannot keep up with Wu Tong's drawing of component drawings. Wu Tong has already completed all the component drawings first.

However, considering confidentiality, outsiders can no longer be added to the team for a while.Or she didn't think carefully enough. The conventional configuration could not meet Wu Tong's efficiency. Wu Tong's speed had always exceeded her expectations.

"Yes, I have communicated with Teacher Lu, and now we are perfecting the missile body design!" Wu Tong nodded. The air-to-air missile is a big team that cooperates as a whole. Fuel and engine are important, and other things are also indispensable.When Wu Tong led the team to tackle the engine, he did not ignore the overall situation and communicated with foreign aid in a timely manner.

"Teacher Lu is very efficient. The guidance device is being improved. The first version of the missile body design has been released. I will deduce the parameters and try my best to keep improving!"

Use past data and expected data to build a rigorous and detailed mathematical model. Based on her mathematical skills, physics and engineering dynamics skills to assist sublimation, coupled with the absolute direction of deduction, she must achieve the ultimate goal. The best is Wu Tong’s unchanging pursuit.

Wu Tong praised that she didn't need to measure others with her own speed, but compared to ordinary people, Lu Xiao's speed could really be said to be extremely fast. Even if she wanted to compare her, there wasn't much difference. This was the real difference in talent. Endowment.

I'm not feeling well today, so the update is a bit late. There will be two chapters later. Thank you all for your support, and keep up the hard work!Autumn is getting colder, so everyone should take care of themselves!

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