Half of it was settled. Chu Hengyuan and Lin Zheming looked at each other. The remaining scientific research department and aviation group were not under much pressure. Both parties were half and half, and all the funds were settled.

This time, the air/army and artillery/soldiers were much more generous than they expected, and had to bear nearly half more than they expected.

It seems that the appeal of super missiles, super fuel, and super ammunition is particularly attractive to these armed forces, which relieves a lot of their financial pressure.

"That's it. The PL-15 project has been confirmed. The project leader is Wu Tong!" At the end of the meeting, Chu Hengyuan gave another instruction.

"Everyone knows the confidentiality regulations. Except for the door of the conference room, talking in sleep can't bring out anything about Wu Tong. The child is still young, and we elders must do a good job in protecting him!"

Such top talents will become national treasures wherever they are.However, their country's national treasure cannot be obtained by others, and subsequent damage and destruction are inevitable.

Their treasures must be protected and not allowed to suffer any damage.

The importance of confidentiality is all too clear to all participants who have participated in confidentiality projects more than once.

"Is the security over at Institute 624 guaranteed? If necessary, I will send a special team to take charge of security!" A lot of money has been thrown out, but the project and Wu Tong must be protected, Leader Wu asked bluntly.

He was looking forward to super fuel and super explosives, and he was even more looking forward to Wu Tong being able to come to them to guide their work after the results were obtained, so that the artillery could reach a higher level. He could not let the Air Force take advantage all the time.

Isn't it just a coincidence that they caught up with Wu Tong and came into contact with the aerospace sector first.For such children, the protection work in Xizhou cannot be in place, so they don't mind doing it for them.

All the attendees clapped their hands in celebration, hoping that Wu Tong's child would bring them another huge surprise, so let them be greedy and hope that China will be self-reliant and create greater glory!

All parties acted quickly. Within three days, all the funds were collected and transferred to the public account of the PL-15 project team. The funds were in place, which meant that Wu Tong could officially start the experiment.

In the past three days while waiting for the project to be approved and funds to be secured, Wu Tong was not idle. He led Hua Yanxing and the core project team engineers she had determined to figure out the principles of scram engines and total nitrogen compounds bit by bit. The preparation plan and experimental procedures allow core experimenters to have a clear understanding of the sections they are responsible for, laying a good foundation for the smooth conduct of the experiment.

"Wu Tong, the funds are in place!" Hua Yanxing said to Wu Tong with some excitement after receiving the payment notice.Her excitement was not the excitement of seeing money, but that she finally had the funds to start experiments.

The more detailed the understanding, the more one can perceive the superiority of the engine and high-energy materials derived by Wu Tong, and the more one can verify the rationality and unbridled creativity of Wu Tong's derivation.

She couldn't wait to enter the experiment and let the real thing be presented in front of their eyes to verify the performance. "Okay, Mr. Hua, let's start preparing materials and equipment and start testing!" Wu Tong is also eager to try. She also hopes to verify her deduction design in reality as soon as possible to help the national scientific research work.

The engine sector is a big project, and it is impossible to see results immediately.Hua Yanxing and Wu Tong agreed to start with total nitrogen compounds so that the effects could be seen the fastest.

Nitrogen can be prepared directly, and the graphene film is also prepared from a specialized laboratory. This is not a troublesome matter. They have prepared the special preparation equipment in advance. They have also perfected the design manuscript during the past few days of communication.Whether it is a gas pipeline or a vacuum pump, the preparation facilities are not difficult to implement. The most difficult part of the entire experiment is the special filtration reduction membrane.

With funds in place, loan after loan, purchase after purchase, various experimental equipment were gradually delivered to the core laboratory area of ​​624 Institute.Including seconded professionals, all arrangements are in place.

They all said hello in advance when they were waiting for funds. After the funds were allocated, they were notified of the funds immediately. All preparations were carried out at lightning speed.

With everything in place, Wu Tong took the seconded polymer experimenters to conduct experiments in person. After a series of preparations, he finally obtained a batch of the required silicon hexaoxide.

Several core experimenters who assisted in the experiment looked at this batch of flour-like, slightly transparent white powder products with anticipation and anxiety. Is this the kind of magical molecular material they were looking forward to?

Is it an important medium that can achieve the magical restoration filtering effect predicted by Chief Designer Wu?
"Put on the lens!" Wu Tong used a glass slide to apply some of the prepared target products and sent it to a professional lens for inspection. A few minutes later, Tao Ran, who was in charge of the lens operation, couldn't help but excitedly said: "Mr. Wu, my God, I saw it. , it’s the kind you predicted, a six-sided honeycomb silica product.”

What Wu Tong predicted turned out to be miraculously accurate in reality, and all the experimenters couldn't help but cheer as if they had been given a shot in the arm.As the first person to witness a miracle, Tao Ran was so excited that he couldn't control his excitement. He started to call him random names and called out all the usual names in his mind.

No one thought this kind of title was inappropriate in such a rigorous occasion. Aren't Wu Tong's deductions and predictions the same as miracles?The first item has become a reality in their hands. The rest can be done step by step. Can it still be far behind?
Everyone can firmly answer that it is not far away. They work overtime to make progress and be witnesses to the birth of the miracle!
Hua Yanxing, who was waiting on the side, couldn't help but shake his hands, his eyes flashed with excitement, and he gave Wu Tong a tight hug again, "Wu Tong, I knew, I knew you could do it! You are the best !”

Wu Tong used facts to once again prove that her choice was not wrong, and her expectations were about to become reality. What Wu Tong presented to her had exceeded her initial expectations.

At first, she just hoped that the PL-15 air-to-air missile could cross the ordinary boundaries and catch up with the world's advanced level, but Wu Tong gave her expectations of surpassing the world's advanced level.

"Mr. Hua, let's praise and be excited first, continue the experiment, wait for PL-15 to land, and then celebrate wildly!" Wu Tong hugged back this senior who has devoted most of his life to the country incognito, comforting him with a gentle smile, fearing that Hua Yanxing Excessive excitement is harmful to the body
.Those of them who stay in the laboratory all year round and work hard, working day and night are all common contributors. Physical fitness is the most important thing to pay attention to, and excessive emotional fluctuations should not be allowed.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Hua Yanxing said three good words in a row, let go of Wu Tong, and continued to wait for the next experiment.

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