Chapter 163
Any even number (natural number) can be written as 2n, where n is a natural number, and 2n can be expressed as the sum of a pair of natural numbers in n different forms.


Sitting behind his desk, thinking extended, Wu Tong wrote down the deduction process on the draft paper, which gradually spread and stretched. Mathematical symbols flew in Wu Tong's mind, forming formulas with unique mathematical aesthetics. From Wu Tong's The tip of the pen is presented on scratch paper.

After spending three days, Wu Tong has reached the 3+4 deduction stage. Through self-deduction, Wu Tong has a deeper understanding of Goldbach's conjecture and the sieve method.

Although I haven't figured out the idea of ​​​​proving 1+1, it should be possible to make some small progress based on the current accumulation.If your thinking is smooth, maybe you can achieve some staged results?

I wonder if it is necessary to provide periodic progress after the project is approved?

The fleeting thoughts were dismissed by Wu Tong, and she continued to be immersed in the deduction.

Wu Tong never disliked slow progress and moved forward slowly. No matter how slow the turtle crawled, it could still reach the end. It was just a matter of time. Wu Tong deduced in an orderly manner without any anger.

The next step of deduction was written in the main text, and the phone rang.

It was the ringtone of a confidential phone. When the phone was taken out, Wu Tong frowned slightly when he saw it. What's wrong with Veyron?

"Teacher Lu!" Without hesitation, Wu Tong immediately pressed the button. "Does the project team need my assistance with anything?"

"Wu Tong, are you at Beijing University now? Is the time convenient?" Lu Xiao's voice came from the microphone. From this voice, it was not that he was in a state of urgency.

Wu Tong felt relieved a little when he mentioned it, "Yes, I'm at the Numerical Research Center, Teacher Lu."

"We are going to Beijing University soon. I need to visit you for something. I can't say it over the phone. Can we meet at the Institute of Adult Care?" On the street outside Beijing University, in an inconspicuous-looking car, Lu Xiao looked at Kyodai said as he looked at the silhouette that could already be seen in front of him.

Next to him, there was a serious-looking middle-aged woman in a seven-seater business car, with a driver and passenger in the front and three people in the back. She had a straight back and was in a special state. She was obviously not an ordinary person.

Chenglao Research Laboratory is also a relatively safe and convenient place nearby.

"Okay, I'll be there right away!" Wu Tong didn't stutter, hung up the phone, and went to the Materials Research Institute.There was some distance between the Institute of Mathematics and the Institute of Materials Science. When she arrived, a car stopped in front of the Institute of Materials Science. Chenglao was already in front of the institute.

"Teacher!" Cheng Lao nodded and looked at the stopped car.

"Chenglao, Wu Tong!" Lu Xiao opened the door and got out of the car, greeting with a smile, "Sorry to bother you!"

The door on the other side was opened simultaneously. Cheng Lao nodded and smiled at the people who got off the car: "Mr. Hua, welcome to the Institute of Materials Science and Technology of Peking University! Wu Tong, this is Hua Yanxing, Mr. Hua, the current chief designer of PL air-to-air missiles Master!" The old man tilted his head and introduced to his young apprentice softly. Lu Xiao wanted to use his research institute to discuss matters, so he also told him in advance.

"Hello, Mr. Hua!" Is this the Iron Lady?Wu Tong admired him and put himself above the younger generation. He respectfully stepped forward and shook hands with Hua Yanxing to say hello.While they were greeting them, several other comrades in the car who were responsible for protection work had quickly got out of the car and quietly set up defenses around the area.

"Hello, Wu Tong, excuse me. I asked Lu Xiao to bring me to visit you!" Hua Yanxing only held Wu Tong's hands with hers. Her eyes were bright. If it weren't for the wrong place, she would have wanted to take Wu Tong to discuss it right now. , how was such a stunning ballistic-breaking trajectory deduced?

The group of researchers under her spent about ten days just studying and fully understanding it.It took her nearly five days to fully understand it.

One can imagine how shocked she was when she learned that this ballistic trajectory was actually deduced by a little girl!

Only someone who played with missiles knew the value of this ballistic trajectory. As soon as she got it and saw it, she felt it was extraordinary. After researching and understanding it, she was even more amazed and shocked. Only core personnel were involved in learning the basic parts of the research.

This information can be directly raised to the top secret level of the country!

She initially thought it was Lu Xiao who had done it, and immediately she couldn't wait to go to Institute 606 to discuss the specific implementation plan with Lu Xiao.However, after tracking down the 606th institution, she realized that this information was actually written by this genius child.

As for the confidential list, if she hadn't had enough authority, she really wouldn't have known of Wu Tong's existence, so she came to see Wu Tong in person.

"Let's go in and sit down first. It's not convenient to talk outside!" Mr. Cheng looked around. Fortunately, it was student class time and there was no one outside. However, it was not suitable to stay for a long time.

After opening the door of the research institute, Cheng Lao led a group of people into his office and sat down. "I borrowed flowers to offer to the Buddha, and Lao Pan gave Wu Tong some Keemun black tea. Wu Tong gave me a box of it as a gift. I don't know the complicated techniques of making tea, and I don't have all the utensils. I just make the black tea with hot water, so everyone makes do with it!"

Cheng Lao didn't let Wu Tong do anything. He grabbed the teapot and made tea and brought it over. Lu Xiao took it and poured the tea into the cups smoothly. "I still have some skills that I learned when I was young. I will be free tomorrow. I'll make you some tea!"

He was a little uncertain when he was young, and he was pressured by the old man to learn calligraphy and tea ceremony.Over the years, I have not left too much behind. When I have no ideas and inspiration, and when I am upset and impetuous, I will use it to meditate.

"Cheng Lao, I'm not an outsider, so I won't make those false claims. We don't have to do any work. I'm here to ask Wu Tong for help!" Cheng Yan said with a sharp and quick voice, "Wu Tong, the meeting gift you gave to Weilong, This is really a great gift. The Veyron’s engine parameters and materials come from your assistance. Can you please help with some optimizations based on PL?”

The anti-ballistic design already amazed her, but when she learned about Wu Tong’s outstanding contribution to the Veyron project, she was even more shocked and overjoyed at the same time. For the PL series air-to-air missiles, they are already doing pre-research on the PL-15, and the progress is not good. It seems like they have reached the end.

However, she can be sure that there is absolutely no end. She supports the project and insists on continuous experimental research, but they seem to have fallen into a strange circle of thinking and need to break through it forcefully.

If she said that the ballistic deduction design allowed her to see the elusive miracle of PL-15 easily breaking through defenses, then seeing the optimized parameters provided by Wu Tong for WS-15S, the data of WS-15S almost doubled. This surprised her even more.

Her first thought at the time was, could PL-15 invite this kid to participate in research and development so that their air-to-air missiles could soar into the sky like a mighty dragon and become a world-class sword for national deterrence?
(End of this chapter)

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