Chapter 133 Key Points
You must know that an aero engine is a highly complex and precise thermal machinery and is the heart of the aircraft. The value of the engine accounts for 20%-30% of the value of the entire aircraft.In aeroengines, blades are a special part with large quantities, complex shapes, high requirements, and difficult processing. They have always been the key to engine production.

The thrust-to-weight ratio is an important technical index to measure the performance of the engine. Given that the current gas temperature in front of the vortex is higher than the bearing temperature of the turbine blades, the use of high-performance blade materials can increase the inlet temperature of the turbine, so that the aero-engine can achieve greater gains while maintaining the same weight. thrust, thereby increasing the thrust-to-weight ratio.

Relevant studies have shown that for every 100°C increase in turbine inlet temperature, the thrust-to-weight ratio of an aeroengine can increase by about 10%.

"It is said that the average turbine inlet temperature of existing engines with a thrust-to-weight ratio barely reaching level 10 has reached 1600°C. Many predict that in future plans, the turbine inlet temperature of the new generation engine is expected to reach around 1800°C." Cheng Huanan's voice was a little excited. uncertain,

"Our new T5 material can withstand the high temperature impact of 2400 ° C, directly crossing the threshold of [-] ° C!"

Academician Xie's inner emotions are also surging. After playing with materials for a lifetime, they understand what this data represents.
That is to say, their current fighter engines use this new material, coupled with the new T4 titanium aluminum alloy fuselage material that is much lighter than before. The superimposed effect is really that one plus one equals N. Let their fighter jet thrust-to-weight ratio rise sharply, leaving behind the world's general level and significantly doubling it.

What kind of concept is this? This is an unimaginable concept!
"Wu Tong, the organization will give you a great credit!" One of the most widely used fuselage materials, one of the blade materials with the highest performance requirements, prepared with both hands, blooming in both directions, optimizing the direction of engine improvement, and assisting in perfecting the model design... ·Wu Tong brought China Airlines a miracle of leapfrog progress.

"It's academician Xie who guided well, and it's because the teacher has been busy and made perfect preparations. I just did some design and time follow-up work!" Wu Tong shook his head. In addition to deducing and designing the material model, he arranged with the teacher For experiments, she really didn't do much else, so she can't take credit for it.

However, the physical material achieved the values ​​she expected, which is very satisfying.

"Fortunately, everything went well in the experiment. Teacher, Academician Xie, you have been busy all day, so please rest. Tomorrow, we will start repeating the preparation and verification process, and then let these leaves be tested in a truly extreme environment!" For the Chinese Eagle There is no room for sloppy service materials, and they must be tempered and tested. It is not surprising that thousands of tests are performed. Every item must be precise to the extreme, which is responsible to the people and pilots.

"I'll sort out and deduce the preparation process again, and it finally lives up to the promise!"

Only then did Wu Tong have time to look at the time. It was already late at night. Today's lunch and dinner were spent in the laboratory dealing with two people. Everyone's minds were focused on the experiment.

"Haha... It should be an unexpected surprise. They are all great contributors. Come, come, I have prepared a supper for you. First, I will arrange a person to send you back to rest!" The material came out, and then Upon receiving the notification, Zheng Hongming, who was in charge of keeping secrets, hurried over and greeted with a smile.

He rushed over urgently, just in time to catch up with the final test of the materials. Such transcendent performance data, even as a person with only a little knowledge of materials, could feel the excellence, and he was equally excited.

"This relationship is good, Xiao Zheng, you are the most careful! Hey, there are also egg tarts and grilled wings, Wu Tong, these are what you young people like, you should eat more! The success of this project is the biggest main contribution. You are the best. Without your deduction design, it will be useless for us to assist you!" Cheng Lao waved his hand and smiled at each other with Academician Xie.

Generally speaking, young people need to be a little modest, but if Wu Tong is really big, he doesn't need to. If you want to show off as much as you want, just show off as much as you want, it doesn't matter at all.If they could have achieved such great results at Wu Tong's age, the earth would not be able to accommodate them!

"Your teacher is right, being too modest is arrogant, Wu Tong!" Academician Xie joked cooperatively.

"Yes, yes, my god, you have to leave some way for us to walk. We should do it humbly!" Young experimenters such as Ruan Chengxu and Xiao Lu answered with a smile, and the rest room was filled with laughter.

The experiment was an unprecedented success, and it would not be difficult to repeat the preparation. Everyone felt relaxed and happy. Even if they stayed up late into the night for another day, they still felt as if they were fighting chicken blood, and they didn't feel tired.

Talking and laughing, after everyone finished eating the supper that Zheng Hongming had prepared, Wu Tong sorted out the final statistics and encrypted them for storage.

Others took care of the laboratory, and everyone went back to rest.With the coordination and cooperation of Cheng Lao, these auxiliary experimenters who signed confidentiality agreements have quietly moved into adjacent dormitories.

Wu Tong was also escorted back to the dormitory by Zheng Hongming.In just a few days, Wu Tong's importance to him could be said to be increasing day by day.

Wu Tong's dormitory, he has already communicated that Beijing University is adjusting, and it is expected to move to the teachers' apartment on campus in the next two days. The single-room dormitory on the Shaoyuan side is mostly overseas students. Relatively speaking, it is a bit messy after all, from the perspective of confidentiality It's not very safe.

Wu Tong's dormitory on campus and Yanyuan's house were carefully cleaned by the confidential team in the name of cleaning after seeking Wu Tong's consent the day after the new T4 alloy material came out, that is, the day when the project was declared. Risks were carefully checked.

As Wu Tong showed higher and higher personal value, all her protection configurations also increased day by day.Today, Wu Tong's protection level is almost equal to that of seniors.

Of course, this does not mean that Wu Tong's treatment will catch up with that of academicians in a short period of time.

After all, the experts who can be selected into this level are basically top scholars who have made outstanding contributions to the country and have fought for the country. They may not be as bright as Wu Tong for a while, but on the road of national development, they They all gave their all.

Just because Wu Tong is now leading major national projects, responsible for the research and development and production of two top-secret materials, and has access to extremely high-level confidential information, the security force is the top priority to improve.

However, even so, Wu Tong is now on the national priority list and is a subject of special attention and protection.In particular, now that the T5 single crystal nickel-iron alloy blade material has once again succeeded, Wu Tong's importance level will be raised again!
(End of this chapter)

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