Chapter 126 Approval
"Don't, brother Cheng, whoever we are with is our own people, and we don't have anyone who bullies us!" Zhan Gong is very proficient in current affairs and Wei Junjie. After being shocked, he also knows that what he said is not quite right.

The conversation immediately changed. He would be a fool not to push for such a material with superior performance to his Gada project. He needs it right now, but he can't really be pressured by an old man to ask for an order without asking for explanation. There is no shame in being submissive. !

What is face? It’s worthless if thrown away!

"You've really come up with such powerful materials, you're such an expert!" Gong Zhan said in admiration as he gave a thumbs up.Coupled with materials with such superior performance, the domestic aviation industry can make great strides forward.

His eyes were venomous, "This material is enough to make engine blades!"

"Of course, but we have a more suitable material for the blade, which is the fuselage material! T4 titanium aluminum alloy, high resistance and high resistance, the best titanium aluminum alloy, lighter than ordinary fuselage materials, reducing the weight of the fuselage, can Achieving a higher thrust-to-weight ratio and higher ammunition configuration!" Cheng Huanan straightened his back proudly, the old man is proud now.

"The teacher is amazing, I'm going back to the teacher's school to study again!" Zhang Shaoming applauded lightly to help the teacher. He is Cheng Huanan Kaishan's first student, the first student, and was selected as an academician of the Department of Materials Engineering two years ago.

In gratitude for the teacher's hard work and hard work, Zhang Shaoming respected the teacher very much. Just now he was one of the assistants who silently stood up to help Cheng Lao activate the projection.

It's just that it's not easy to leave their reputation as a small group between master and apprentice, and the few who spoke were elders with no ill intentions, so he didn't say anything. Looking at the teacher's state, he immediately shouted for help.

"Congratulations to the wrong person. You should congratulate. It's the old man. I found you a young junior sister who is very close to the door. You can discuss it when you come back, but it's not with me, but with your junior sister. It is also the T4 new titanium-aluminum alloy material on the screen. , and the designer and developer of the new T5 single-crystal nickel-iron alloy blade material later, Wu Tong!"

"Wu Tong? Is that the child who proved the three major conjectures, Zhou's conjecture, twin prime conjecture, and Polignac conjecture, which became famous a few days ago? Or does he still have the same name?" Mathematics and Statistics Analysis Department of Aviation Group The person in charge, Yan Chunli, who is also an academician of the Academy of Sciences, was surprised.

As a math person, I have been too sensitive to this name recently.

After all, not everyone can give a one-hour report at the just-concluded Hydera International Conference of Mathematicians, with the level of top international scholars.His best friend, Ming Enhe, who happened to be the representative of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended the event in person!Just now, I shared my excitement with him one after another.

"Of course, it's this child. There is only Wu Tong in Peking University! She was inspired by the International Mathematicians Conference in Hydera, and transformed the material problem into a mathematical problem. Based on the dynamics, she deduced and designed The mathematical model of the T4 titanium-aluminum alloy material was connected with me by Lao Pan from the Beijing University of Mathematics, and came to my research institute for experimental verification. I thought it was just a whim of this kid.
However, when running the simulation, the material data is quite amazing, and the actual results are even more amazing than the simulation data! "Cheng Huanan said with emotion on his face. Fortunately, he has no empiricism. If he blocks the way of such an outstanding child and loses such an epoch-making new aviation material, he is a sinner of China.

Haha...haha...and then let you take advantage of it and take advantage of them to take advantage of their ignorance?
Are you as proud as if you taught me step by step?The attendees present at the meeting couldn't help but sneered when they saw Cheng Lao's proud look on his face.

However, he held a big killer in his hand, and even the most popular Zhan Gong kept his mouth shut and could not speak at the moment.

As if he had guessed the slander from these people, Cheng Huanan continued to say proudly: "I also said that I have no face to be this child's teacher, but Wu Tong insisted and respected me very much, so I had no choice but to lick my face and sit on the table. Barely guide the child on the basis of material science, and help her step on the material road!"

So what if he was unhappy and muttered in his heart? Who allowed him to have such a good disciple as Wu Tong? Why did they keep scratching him before?Today, he will pay back everything!
From now on, these people will be envious and jealous more often!
Of course, Cheng Huanan wouldn’t show off in an unreasonable way at the moment, and then turned to the topic, and began to introduce the material properties, prospects, and current state of the art of T4 titanium-aluminum alloy to the participants. Start to introduce the T5 blade material and the expected data!
With this material, their WS-15 can be even more powerful. Coupled with Wu Tong's optimized parameters, it can really eliminate the serious problem of heart disease in Chinese fighter jets. Finally, it is loaded with Lu Xiao's revised and perfect fighter design, so that their The Chinese Condor has the ability to stabilize the world's top, reduce dimensionality and strike beyond visual range, guard their overall control of China's airspace, and guard the integrity of China's blue sky!
"Okay!" Most of the attendees were knowledgeable people, not material people, but they were from the aviation industry, and they couldn't be more sensitive to these data.

"This material is real. The thrust of our fighter jets can be increased by a few percentage points at least. The fuselage material is strong in quality and light in density. The engine blade material has even better performance. It is no small feat to catch up with the so-called Raptor from the opposite company. I am experienced. Your doll did a great job this time!"

Academician Lu and Gong Zhan all praised each other. For the birth of such an epoch-making superior material, so what if they let him be proud of South China for a while!
Who would have let him, the mature man be considered a wise man, and he was lucky enough to get such an outstanding Guan disciple as his next disciple!

One of the big apprentices here is Zhang Shaoming, a newly promoted academician of the Academy of Engineering. A young apprentice is already a top international scholar in mathematics, and he is still shining in materials. Seeing that he is the seedling of the academicians of the two academies, there are so many talents under his door, it is simply amazing envious!

"Approve it, Mr. Lin, this must be approved. We used to spend hundreds of millions and billions of dollars for materials, and sometimes it was all in vain. It may not be able to produce results. Now Wu Tong and Cheng Lao have made a lot of money." The entity of a new type of material, the data is so amazing, the second blade material is very likely to succeed, and solve the big problem of our engine heart disease!
What is 30 million, we have to do [-] billion!This year we are tightening our belts, as long as we can get these two materials out and put them into production, it will be the greatest success!As for the internal reference, I am the first to sign! Zhan Gong raised his hand first.

If these two materials are really available, his H-20 will no longer stay on the paper preview, but can be turned into reality to be implemented and approved, and will soon be able to fly into the blue sky.

(End of this chapter)

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