Chapter 106
Wu Tong vaguely has some matching directions for the materials, but these directions still need to be verified in the laboratory. After further data is obtained, she can more accurately determine the direction and deduce the next step.

The birth of a new material can never be achieved overnight. It is because countless researchers have worked tirelessly, day and night, and experienced countless failures. Only a little bit of luck is needed to achieve success in a flash.

Although she has a match that is equivalent to assisting fast-forwarding, it is obvious that she is not so immortal that she can create something out of nothing.

The ratio of materials and the production process still need to be tried in detail before she can have further data, based on which she can make more in-depth preparations.Perhaps, after returning to China, she can ask the school if she can borrow the school's materials laboratory to try it out?
With the absolute determination of the direction, she felt that she still had some guarantees of success!
Thinking about some dangerous rumors that she had heard, Wu Tong felt that although the thing she had tinkered with was not a top secret, people abroad should be more cautious.

She will never leave this notebook for the time being.

In fact, the data was all in her mind, and burning it would have been the best option. However, hotel rooms generally have smoke alarms. There are certain operational risks in implementing this idea.

At 01:30, Li Yisheng gently knocked on the door, "Wu Tong, it's time to go to the venue."

At two o'clock, the venue No. [-] was overcrowded, and almost all the mathematicians who participated in the opening ceremony that day were present.The front row is full of big shots, top-notch big shots abound.

Oh, you're here too, everyone exchanged a knowing look.

After the host gave a simple opening on the stage, Wu Tong walked out from the backstage with firm steps under the guidance of the conductor. The corners of her skirt with gradually smudged ink and blue colors flowed gently as she moved.

She stood still in the center of the stage, raised her eyes and looked down the stage. She could clearly see the 4000 to [-] attendees. Everywhere she looked, there were familiar or unfamiliar faces. It was almost overcrowded.

She took a deep breath, calmed her mind, nodded gently to the audience and then spoke.

"I am the reporter here, Wu Tong, from China!"

"Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend my lecture. When I received the invitation to the conference, I was pleasantly surprised. Thinking that I didn't seem to have much to offer, I tried my best to give the newly opened topic Polynia a try. Ke Guess. Thank you to the organizing committee for trusting me and giving me enough time to present it here for everyone to listen to and discuss with you."

She calmly and orderly stated the opening that she had rehearsed in her heart. From the moment she stood on this international stage, she represented more than just herself.Of course, she doesn’t have stage fright either. Her perfect proof and rich knowledge reserve are her best confidence.

Wu Tong tapped the laser page presenter in his hand, and displayed the first page of her report in front of everyone.On the huge screen, the magnified theme appeared, a new group proof method and the proof of the Polignac conjecture.

"Before I tell you about my process of proving the Polignac conjecture, I will first explain to you the tool I use to overcome the Polignac conjecture, the proof of infinite groups."

"Among the integers greater than 1, the number that can only be divisible by 1 and the number itself is called a prime number. 2000 years ago, our ancestor, Euclid, has proved that there are infinitely many prime numbers... Introduced from Zellberg The principle of topology complements the sieve method, and I get directions..."

Wu Tong's opening was not difficult to understand. Some of the students or ordinary scholars in the audience who came to study with the teacher couldn't help but think,

That's it?This proves the Polignac conjecture, and there is an illusion that they can do it too!
But as Wu Tong explained step by step in depth, starting from this group of students, some people gradually couldn't keep up with Wu Tong's pace of thinking expansion. If they couldn't understand a step, they would all get motion sickness. Those who were a little disdainful at the beginning People, now all become the rhythm of who am I, where am I, what is said above.

Such shallowness naturally has nothing to do with the big guys in the front row.When the content moves into the in-depth part, it’s the part that interests them the most.

Andrew Wiles tilted his head and smiled with Terence Tao: "Zelberg, who first mentioned the topological sieve method, probably didn't expect that the sieve method could be used like this! I remember that he seemed to want to use it to Later generations enlightened Goldbach's conjecture."

"Please include me here. This is something I didn't expect. It seems that the potential of the screening method still has room to be deeply explored. It is not the end as many people think!" Tao Zhexuan nodded and whispered, Wu Tong's Part of his research has touched him a lot about the topic he is currently working on.

"This kind of logic seems to be applicable to my L function logic!" Deligne rested his elbow on his hand, "Langlands will probably be very interested!"

"Wu Tong's step is solid, I know that Wu Tong can do it!" Zhou Wenping relaxed his nervous mood. Before Wu Tong took the stage, he was a little worried. It was the first time Wu Tong stepped on such a stage. Too nervous.

"Young people are awesome!" He was Qianlang's senior brother, and he was immediately reduced to scum before the dazzling performance of this elementary school girl.His decision is right, he can do research even when he returns to China, and the moon abroad is no rounder than that in China.The achievement of this elementary school girl is the best proof!

"...Therefore, we can be sure that for all natural numbers k, there are infinitely many pairs of prime numbers (p, p + 2k)!"

As Wu Tong narrated the last sentence of his argument, the audience suddenly burst into warm applause. When the applause gradually fell, Wu Tong faced the audience and continued the last step of the report, answering questions and doubts.

"Next, you can ask any questions you have."

"Professor Wu Tong, page [-], line [-], why did you introduce Wilson's theorem and go directly to n=···?" The person standing up was a Western scholar in his thirties, who seemed to use the word "professor" for the sake of honorific.

"I'm not a professor yet, so you can call me Wu Tong, or Researcher wu!" Wu Tong explained the title problem, and she remembered that she also has the identity of a researcher at the Mathematics Center of Peking University, which can also be used as a title.

"This idea comes from Goldbach, based on Fermat's Fn=···1, n=0, 1, 2, 3····. To prove the infinity of prime numbers, I proved that any two Fermat numbers are relatively prime , that is, no integer greater than 1 can divide two Fermat numbers simultaneously. To accomplish this goal, we want to verify the iterative expression..."

"Wu, it's No. 30, page seven, line three..."

One after another, some people, including the bosses in the front row, raised more profound questions. However, they all got satisfactory results in Wu Tong's answers, and no one continued to ask questions.

(End of this chapter)

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