Chapter 103 Ramanujan Award

As the time approached nine o'clock, all participants took their seats, and this International Congress of Mathematicians officially opened.By International Congress of Mathematicians President John.Bowles and the Chairman of the International Union of Mathematicians took the stage and delivered opening speeches respectively.

"Thank you to the host for supporting this conference, thank you to all old and new friends who came to attend the conference, thank you to every mathematician who has made new contributions to the mathematics community, thank you to the mathematics... No. 20 Sixth International Congress of Mathematicians has officially begun !”

With the loud announcement of the chief of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Bowers, the atmosphere of the meeting was pushed to a peak, entering the first highlight, the awarding ceremony.

First of all, the first award to be awarded is the Gauss Prize. This award mainly rewards mathematicians who have made contributions in the field of applied mathematics. It is also the highest honor in the field of applied mathematics.

The winner of this year's Gauss Prize is Yves Meyer from France. The reason for the award is his fundamental contributions to number theory, operator theory and harmonic analysis, as well as his key role in the development of wavelets and multi-resolution analysis.

This was followed by the Chern Award, the first award named after an outstanding Chinese mathematician. It was jointly established by the Chern Foundation and the International Union of Mathematicians. It is awarded to those with lifetime achievements in mathematics. Personal.

The first Shiing-shen Chern Award was awarded to Louis Neelon from the Krone Institute of M, thanking him for laying the groundwork for the modern theory of nonlinear elliptic equations.

After the third Nevinlin Prize was awarded to a mathematician from Yale, we came to the last one. The most anticipated opening ceremony of this event is the focus of the award ceremony, the Nobel Prize in Mathematics and the Fields Medal. issued.

Because most of the mathematical achievements are born before the age of 40, the Fields Medal is only awarded to young mathematicians under the age of 40. The age of 40 is Dao Kan, and it is the only mathematician who can win the highest award in the mathematics world before this time. honor.

Although receiving this award does not necessarily determine whether a mathematician is great, but the mathematicians who receive this award are undoubtedly top scholars who have made great contributions to mathematics.

When Andrew Wiles proved Fermat's Last Theorem, he was over 40 years old, but because of his outstanding contribution, he was awarded a special award by the International Union of Mathematicians, but it was also a silver medal that was different from Fields' official medal.

Laszlo Lovaas, President of the International Union of Mathematicians, took the stage and announced the winners of this year’s Fields Medal in person.

Everyone in the audience held their breath and stared at the unknown person on the podium with burning eyes.Laszlo didn't waste any time. He took the stage and solemnly announced the winners of this year's Fields Medal and the reasons for their award.

"The first laureate, Ms. Wu Baozhu, thanks to her for proving the fundamental lemma of the theory of automorphic forms in the Langlands program! The second laureate, Elon Linden-Strauss, thanks to him, The measure rigidity of ergodic theory and its application in number theory..."

The four winners took the stage in the eyes of everyone and received their honorary medals under the shining lights. The candidates who accompanied the runners and reached the age limit were inevitably disappointed, but everyone still unanimously and enthusiastically cheered for these four winners. outstanding mathematicians gave them warm applause to congratulate them.

"I hope that one day, a truly Chinese mathematician will step on this stage and win this highest honor!" As the names were announced one by one, and the Fields Medal was finalized, Zhou Wenping couldn't help but pay attention, and sincerely expressed his gratitude to Wu Tong. sighed.

After all, Chinese modern mathematics started late, and they must face up to the gap. They have passed the best age, but Wu Tong's glory has just begun. She is only 17 years old this year. Who dares to say that Wu Tong can't win for China? Get a Fields Medal!

Let China truly own a Fields Medal winner!
The School of Mathematics at Beijing University spares no effort to excavate and train talents. Even if the children sent out are not many, they still hope that quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes, and a Chinese Fields Medal winner will be born from these children.

"Yes, there will be. I hope that one day, the Fields Medal will be honored because it is awarded to the Chinese!" In the 5000 years of China's history, there have been many famous figures among them. From ancient times to the present, they are the only ones who have never been in Chinese civilization. Cut off, even if it is a step slower, no matter how difficult it is, it will not affect the rise of China.

She doesn't think she will be a special genius, but she will also go forward bravely for this goal.

The Fields Medal was grandly announced, and after the four honored Philippine Medal winners stepped down, this International Congress of Mathematicians also came to an end, with Lavas making the closing speech at the opening ceremony.

However, unexpectedly, after the chairman had a lively atmosphere and counted the contributions of the Philippine Prize winners and other big names, he suddenly changed the topic:
“In the past four years, there have been many scholars who have contributed to the progress of mathematics. Mathematics has prospered because of you. Every progress in mathematics always makes people happy and cheering.

For example, today, I would like to make a digression. On this stage, I would like to thank a pearl who has made great contributions to mathematics this year. From April to July, he successively broke Zhou's conjecture and the twin prime number conjecture. , as well as the Polignac conjecture that has just been confirmed, and the infinite group proof method that she has brought to the mathematical world that is about to amaze the world!
I marvel at the youthfulness of mathematics for her young age, and I also regret that the rigid regulations of the Mathematics Union cannot award her the Fields Medal this year. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce to the world a woman from The mathematical genius of the East, the Pearl of the Orient, is Wu Tong. To show her gratitude for her outstanding performance this year, the International Union of Mathematicians will award her the Ramanu Gold Medal this year!

The Ramanujan Award shines because of her! "

After Lavas looked kindly in the direction of Wu Tong, he then faced everyone in the audience humorously: "I'm sorry, I revealed the question in advance, but please forgive me for being so happy!"

"Let us hope that mathematics will always be young and make infinite progress!"

"Wu Tong, Wu Tong, Chairman Lavas said, you won this year's Ramanu Gold Award!" Zhou Wenping and Li Yisheng cheered in low voices. They were a little regretful that Wu Tong's results did not have enough time to ferment. This year, with the Philippines Missing the Fields Medal, I wonder when China will have a Fields Medal winner who truly belongs to China!

However, they did not expect that Chairman Lavas would specially praise Wu Tong at the glorious moment at the end of the opening ceremony of this International Congress of Mathematicians. This has made them infinitely glorious. What is even more unexpected is that they can unexpectedly learn here that Wu Tong Tong won this year’s Ramanu Gold Award!

Ramanujan Award!This is the Ramanujan Award, an international award only awarded to young mathematicians from developing countries who are under 45 years old and have made outstanding scientific research!

Wu Tong's first award was actually an international award, and when the news spread back to China, everyone was probably going crazy with joy!So happy!

(End of this chapter)

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