The son-in-law of Mr. Hachishaku

Chapter 250 Innocent Body

Chapter 250 Innocent Body

The cowboy outfit that Sadie changed into was tampered with in advance and was completely transformed by the black light virus. When she was injured, the virus would enter her body through the wound, thus achieving the miraculous operation of Li Ang's resurrection from the dead.

In addition, he also specially added some golden light from the golden tree prayer to make the overall picture look even cooler.

What Arthur finally sees is that the wings are spread, the golden light appears, and the holy angel brings the souls who have fallen into the abyss back to the world.

"Hoo——" Sadie took a sharp breath and woke up like a nightmare.

Looking down at his intact body, his face was full of disbelief.

"Good day, Mrs. Adler, congratulations on returning to this world full of suffering but not lacking in beauty." Li Ang stood up: "Enjoy your hard-won second life."

"By the way, if you have symptoms such as dizziness or vomiting, don't worry, just go back and take a nap."

Sadie looked at the man in front of her with a complicated expression and said in her hoarse accent:

"This world is nothing but misery for me."

Li Ang shrugged: "Then I have nothing to do with it. I am only responsible for rescuing you."

Sadie didn't speak anymore, silently got up from the ground, took back the dagger inserted in the enemy's chest, and helped Arthur clean the battlefield and search for loot. It wasn't until a few people were about to leave Chui Dog Ranch that she said firmly to Li Ang: "I owe you a life."

Dusk fell in the small town of Rhodes, and everyone involved in the collection operation gathered at the Sheriff's Office.

All the Austrian gang members entrenched in the six-point wooden house have been wiped out. Kieran successfully obtained a new job. A small number of Austrian gang members escaped because they were not in the two strongholds. However, this operation was not accomplished overnight, and It will last for a long time until the Austrian gang is completely destroyed.

Their boss, Colm, will soon be hanged.

Leon went to Saint-Denis and left Bronte alone for several days. It was time to go back and take a look.

Arthur returned to the gang camp and told Dutch and other members about the Austrian gang and Colm. Everyone was very happy, and a lively bonfire party was held again that night.

The only problem is that there were three of us when Arthur left, and he was the only one left when he came back.

Kieran went to the Di family manor to be a butcher. Sadie said she wanted to be alone and went to the town's tavern, without mentioning when she would return to the camp.

The former is okay, no one cares about Xiao Transparent, but Sadie is an official member of the Fan Gang.

Although everyone said that she wanted to drink to vent her anger because she wanted to get revenge, and would be back in a few days, Ke Qi felt a little uncomfortable.

The next day, something even more unexpected happened. Abigail proposed to move to the town.

The reason was that he was afraid that Jack would miss the opportunity to receive a formal education.

Although Abigail claimed that she did not want to leave the gang and would still work for the gang even if she lived in the town, Dutch expressed her dissatisfaction many times and sent her husband John to persuade.

As a result, Abigail slapped John back with just one sentence.

"This may be Jack's only chance to change his destiny in his life. Do you want him to grow up like you and become an outlaw who only knows how to fight and kill?"

Naturally, John didn't want to see his son suffer the same fate as him, so he chose to side with Abigail.

This incident caused some cracks in the relationship between him and Daqi, who was also his teacher and father.

Dutch felt that John was speaking out against him and questioning his authority as the leader of the gang.

And as Abigail and her son left, some people in the gang had other thoughts. After all, no one wanted to live such a wandering life.

For example, Chef Pearson is considering opening a grocery store in town.

Of course, these people just think about it and don't really take action.

Only Bill, who was not very bright, suggested to Dutch in a joking way after being drunk one time: The gang could just stay in Rhodes Town. They would make money and Detective Pinkerton would not dare to harass them. If something goes wrong, Sheriff Arthur is still there to stand in front of him.

Most of the members could tell that this idiot Bill was definitely being used as a weapon, but no one knew who had the idea.

After hearing this, Dutch smiled and said he would think about it carefully.

Unexpectedly, the next day he decided to leave Point Clemons and move the camp to another place.

Arthur still obeyed the boss's decision unconditionally. Although Hosea felt a little pity, he also felt that moving away was a good thing.

Rhodes Town is too tempting for the Fan Gang, and something will happen sooner or later if they continue to stay.

But except for the three of them, everyone else said they couldn't understand.

Everything is obviously moving in a good direction, so why let everyone leave.

"Arthur, what about your job as Sheriff?" someone asked.

Arthur said calmly: "I'm not going to do it anymore. I'm not this good at first. But if Mayor Hansen asks me for help, I will still help."

Lenny actually had a chance to stay. He did a good job as a clerk in the police station, but he resolutely chose to continue to follow Hosea and be his disciple.

Charles is currently not in the gang. Because of his Indian ancestry, Hansen sent him to the Indian reservation in the north to communicate with the local tribal chiefs on some business, so his thoughts are unknown for the time being.

The day Dutch made his decision, Arthur went to Han Sen to submit his resignation.

Han Sen didn't try to persuade him to stay, he just hoped that he would wait until Colm's trial was completed before resigning, so that he could have a beginning and an end, and he would give him a big gift when the time came.

Arthur agreed.

Time soon came to the day Colm was to be hanged. Since he was a wanted criminal at the same level as Dutch, many people traveled thousands of miles to Rhodes Town to see with their own eyes how he died.

It was even more impossible for Dutch to miss his old enemy's 'good old days' and arrive at the scene in disguise.

Several key members of the Fan Gang followed him.

Sadie, who had disappeared for several days, also appeared. She had learned from Abigail that the gang was moving away.

When she was heartbroken over her husband's death, Abigail often counseled her.

Therefore, in the gang, the person with whom she has the best relationship is Abigail, and even the 'widow's friend' Arthur has to stand back a little.

Sadie came here this time to tell Dutch that she would go with the gang and stay in the new camp for a while to repay the Fan Gang for saving her life, but after that, she would go to Li Ang and work for him.

Micah pointed directly at her nose and called her a traitor.

Dutch was very calm and said, "Let's get together and part ways." He agreed with Sadie's decision.

At noon, it was time for Colm's execution.

The gang he worked so hard to manage has been completely eliminated in the west, and no one will come to rob the execution site.

Mayor Han Sen personally walked to the gallows and announced Colm's countless crimes, and the executioner was Arthur, who wore the police badge on the last day.

Before sending Colm on his way, Han Sen announced another decree that no one expected.

Due to Arthur Morgan's outstanding meritorious service and meritorious service in this liquidation operation, and his unremitting efforts to maintain public security in Lemoyne State, the federal government and local state governments decided to pardon all his crimes and cancel the wanted order and reward.

In other words, Arthur, the outlaw, came ashore clean from now on.

Not to mention Dutch and the others were dumbfounded, even Arthur himself was as stunned as a puppet.

"Did I hear wrongly?" John asked.

"You heard that right." Micah sarcastically said with both envy and jealousy: "Mr. Morgan will no longer be with us, and of course he will no longer be your good brother." As soon as he finished speaking, Dutch slapped him in the face. He cursed a lot.

"Canceling the wanted order means nothing. If you keep talking nonsense, I will tear your mouth apart!"

Micah felt aggrieved. Was he wrong?

But then, he thought of a clever plan to take revenge on Arthur.

"Does Arthur's pardon mean he can return to Blackwater Town?"

When Da Qi heard this, he suddenly looked thoughtful.

Unexpectedly, Javier directly pointed out Micah's thoughts at this time: "If you want Arthur to be wanted again, just say it clearly. There is no need to beat around the bush."

"What the hell are you talking about!" Micah said anxiously: "I am doing it for the sake of the gang. Who else but Arthur can get the money back in an honest and fair manner now!"

John also understood at this time and said with a strange tone: "Some people's hearts are really dark."

Seeing that the three of them were about to quarrel, Dutch shouted: "That's enough!"

"It's up to me to decide the matter between Arthur and Blackwater Town. You don't need to worry about it. Now, get the hell back to the camp!"

Micah left in despair, but not in the direction of Point Clemons.

John went back to town to find Abigail and her son.

Only Javier returned to the camp obediently.

The behavior of the three people was seen by Daqi, and he couldn't help but sigh: "People's hearts are broken, and it's hard to lead the team."

Hosea, who was silent for a long time, said, "You can't blame Arthur."

"I know." Dutch lit the pipe Arthur gave him a few days ago.

Hosea added: "This is a conspiracy. Obviously, Colonel Hansen does not intend to let people go easily. It is right to move away as soon as possible."

Dutch patted his old friend on the shoulder happily: "Thank you for being here."

Now the two gang founders had no intention of watching any executions. They ordered Bill to stay and wait for Arthur, and they hurried back to the camp to pack their belongings.

I must leave today to prevent a long night and many dreams.

By the time Arthur finished participating in the ceremony prepared by Han Sen for him and returned to Cape Clemons with Bill drunkenly, the entire gang was ready to go.

Looking at the faces of everyone with different expressions, Arthur suddenly had a strange idea.

This time I didn't leave him behind.

But this thought only passed by for a moment, and was immediately replaced by other questions.

"Where are we moving to?"

Dutch was counting the people. Except for Abigail, Little Jack, and Micah who didn't know where to make trouble, everyone was there, which made him very satisfied.

"Linshain Beauty, do you still remember the place you proposed last time?"

Shade Beauty is a beautified name, but it is actually a dilapidated manor in the southern swamp area.

Arthur drank the wine and said frankly: "I thought the money we made before was enough for us to move to a better place, such as Tahiti?"

Dutch said nonchalantly: "There's still a lot left to go."

The usual rules of the Fan Gang are that whether it is a train hijacking or other group action, the gang will first divide half of the money earned, and the remaining money will be divided equally per head. If you get money from your own actions, you can donate part of it according to your personal wishes.

This part of the gang's public property was hidden by Dutch in a safe place. Only he knew the specific amount.

But Arthur did a rough calculation.

The last time Dutch took the lead in robbing the Valentine Bank, nearly $10,000 was taken into the account, and the gang could get at least $4,000. During this period, Hosea made almost a few thousand dollars from selling bootleg liquor. Arthur himself also made a lot of bounties by arresting wanted criminals at the police station, and he also donated a lot to the gang. In addition, the other members have been living well recently, and the gang's assets are conservatively estimated to be in the tens of thousands.

This is not a small amount of money, and Arthur doesn't know how much they have to earn to meet Dutch's expectations.

"You are the boss, we will go wherever you say."

It was just an ordinary joke at first, but it changed its taste when it entered Dutch's ears.

"Are you expressing dissatisfaction to me?"

Seeing this, Hosea quickly pulled Arthur aside: "You are drunk, go to the carriage and rest for a while. When you wake up, we will arrive at the new camp."

Arthur stood there stunned for a while, then shook his head with a wry smile and climbed into the carriage.

After a while, the snoring began.

Arthur drifted off to sleep, and Dutch grew increasingly distraught.

Even his most trusted right-hand man dared to express his dissatisfaction in person. What would the other members think? Would it be more extreme and just leave the gang like Abigail did?

Thinking of this, Dutch glanced at everyone's faces.

He must catch up with the big ticket as soon as possible in order to reunite the scattered hearts.

The Idea King is thinking of good ideas again, and Hosea has no choice but to shoulder the heavy responsibility and lead the gang's convoy to the beauty of the woods.

Meanwhile, the Mayor's Office of Rhodes Town.

Two Pinkerton detectives wearing round hats and suits found Hansen.

"I'm Andrew Milton, head of the Pinkerton Detective Agency's Western Region, and this is Agent Edgar Ross. We're here for the Van der Linde Gang."

Han Sen asked the Nether Dog to bring coffee to the two of them, and joked: "I thought you were here to reward me because of Colm."

Seeing the serious expressions of the two senior agents, he suddenly felt bored and said slowly: "The only person I know from Van der Linde is Arthur Morgan, and he has been pardoned by the federal government."

Milton said very politely: "We have no ill intentions towards Mr. Mayor's former subordinates, but we have to catch other people. We hope Mr. Mayor can provide us with some useful information. The entire detective agency is grateful."

Pinkerton's behavior is indeed domineering and arrogant, but that depends on who is right.

Especially when the big investor behind them is Cornwall, and Hansen is now Cornwall's guest, and the two parties are cooperating to develop newly discovered oil fields in the Indian reservation.

"Intelligence?" Han Sen leaned back in his chair: "The Van der Linde gang had nothing to do with us the moment they left Rhodes, so I don't have the information you mentioned."

After a few seconds of silence, Milton said, "In that case, let's take our leave. Thank you for the coffee."

His goal has actually been achieved, and asking for information is just an excuse.

While the Fan Gang was in Rhodes, they actually received Han Sen's protection secretly. Even if Pinkerton found them, he couldn't arrest them. If he did, he could only send them to the Rhodes Town Police Station. If he dared to violate the rules and angered the big benefactor, then He, Milton, is just waiting to be dismissed.

Now, Han Sen has made it clear that he will no longer protect the Fan Gang.

Milton and his men can then let go and continue the hunt, they just need to pay attention to Arthur Morgan.

(End of this chapter)

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