The son-in-law of Mr. Hachishaku

Chapter 208 The hottest girl in Night City

Chapter 208 The hottest girl in Night City
Although the Voodoo Gang is very famous in Night City, it can only be considered a small gang in terms of numbers, with a total of less than [-] members.

This wave of network monitoring attacks killed at least half of them, and most of them were middle and high-level.

The Poseidon subnet, which the Voodoo Gang is proud of, is also overwhelmed by the huge data flow like its hometown of Haiti.

Afterwards, Internet surveillance agent Mosley sent a special thank-you email, but Li Ang didn't have time to read it because he was busy dividing the spoils with his employees.

The Voodoo Gang's source of income mainly comes from hacking into company databases, directly intercepting corporate funds, or stealing confidential technologies and reselling them at high prices. It is considered a relatively wealthy gang.

In addition, most members are hackers and know that the Internet is unreliable, so they prefer to use cash.

The result was cheaper for Li Ang.

On the way out of the Voodoo Gang's lair, he picked up the remaining minions while searching for belongings. When he met up with V and the others, he had an extra 10 yuan.

In the end, Li Ang took some of it himself, scraping together a full [-] yuan, and gave half of it to V.

"We will also be well-known big shots in the future. The appearance fee should be increased. Stop working hard for a commission of several thousand yuan."

V is not a coy character and readily accepts the money.

"I got it, boss! If you have any other jobs in the future, remember to hire me again!"

Li Ang looked at the girl who was happily counting money: "I don't need you later. I need you now. Help me contact Roger from the Afterlife Club and see when she is free. I have a business to discuss."

Arasaka Yorinobu is urging me, 100 million cannot be taken in vain.

V made an OK gesture: "No problem! I'll make a call."

When she contacted Rogge, Li Ang gave the remaining 5 yuan to Judy and Evelin: "You two each have half, it's interesting."

Judy didn't really want to accept it: "They are all friends, just a small favor."

Evelin was too embarrassed to accept it: "I haven't been able to help you with anything, so let's forget it."

Li Ang took Judy's hand and forced the money into her hand: "It is precisely because of my friends that I can't treat you badly, and there will be many places where you, a technical expert, will be needed in the future. You can't always use friendship to pay the bill. ."

"As for you" he turned to look at Evelin.

"To be honest, it is dangerous to carry a network monitoring chip to connect to the Voodoo Gang's subnet. It can easily burn your brain, so you deserve this."

After saying this, the girls had no reason to refuse, and Evelin even said thank you to him several times.

After dividing the spoils, the phone calls to V were finished.

"Roger will stay in the afterlife all day today. If you want to find her at any time."

After hearing this, Li Ang decided: "Then let's withdraw."

Judy had to go to Liz to work in the evening, so she and Evelyn went ahead and returned the Relic chip and the chip containing the Voodoo Gang's technology to him before leaving.

He and V were not in such a hurry, so they walked around Taiping Prefecture and had a Haitian specialty lunch before setting out on the road leisurely.

The Afterlife Club is located in Little Chinatown in Watson District, not far from V’s apartment.
At one o'clock in the afternoon, the elegant gangster stopped in front of the club on time.

As the largest and most famous information transfer station in Night City, it is always crowded no matter when you come.

Walking into the door guarded by bodyguards, a noisy heat wave hits your face.

Li Ang looked at the endless crowd: "So are you mercenaries so idle?"

V led him inside in a familiar manner: "There is an old saying that there is only one road worth taking in the Night City, and that is the road to the next life, so everyone is willing to try their luck here. Even if they can't get it, Great deal, it’s nice to have a drink and relax.”

Li Ang couldn't help but tease: "No wonder the death rate in Night City remains high. It's because you mercenaries always like to talk about the afterlife."

"Fuck you." V spat at him with a smile and came to the bar: "I'll treat you today."

"Claire, two glasses of Dionysus."

The female bartender named Claire came over: "Hey, V, long time no see! Where did you get rich recently?"

V, who was in a happy mood, put his hand on Li Ang's shoulder: "My new boss is really rich. Do you want to introduce me to you~"

Claire countered while pouring the wine: "Go away, keep it for yourself!"

The two of them were obviously very familiar with each other, and they made little jokes about meat and vegetables.

After pouring the wine, Claire quietly winked at V: "Look to your right."

V turned his head after hearing this and found a sneaky figure in the rightmost corner of the bar.

Although the other party tried his best to hide himself, he was still so conspicuous due to his huge size.

"Jack, why are you here!"

Good brother Jack knew he couldn't hide, so he came over with a sneer: "Misty doesn't let me drink recently. I sneaked out. Don't tell her."

After that, he gave Li Ang another warm hug: "Long time no see, my savior!"

"Long time no see." Li Ang smiled and hugged back.

He actually spotted Jack as soon as he came in, but he was obviously hiding from the two of them, and it was hard for him to tell him.

After the greetings, V looked at his good brother: "Have you recovered from your injury and you dare to run around?"

Jack patted the healed wound hard: "I've never felt this good before. It's no problem to break into the Cangbi Building again!"

"The only pity is that my name is not on Claire's wine list."

Claire poured him a glass and responded with a smile: "My wine list is reserved for dead people. I'll tell you when you die."

Jack picked up the wine glass and said, "That's probably too much. I promised Mom and Misty that they would live a long life."

"By the way, sister, I just have something to tell you."

V asked strangely: "What, you want to borrow money? No!"

Jack knew she was joking: "Why borrow money? You are poorer than me!"

V hugged Li Ang's arm unconvinced: "Introduce me, my treasury."

The crowd burst into laughter.

Seeing that his good brother was doing well, Jack felt relieved and said solemnly: "V, actually I want to tell you that I may not be a mercenary in the future."

“The middleman [the priest] over at Heywood was getting ready to retire and wanted me to take over his load.”

"I also promised Misty and my mother not to do such dangerous work in the future."

"So, I'm sorry, sister."

Because of the Cyanbi incident, both Mrs. Wilson and Misty were frightened, fearing that he would die on the street one day without anyone to collect his body.In addition, Misty had just found out she was pregnant recently, and he wanted to settle down and create a good environment for his offspring.

“Lao Wei’s goods are so good, he won the prize just twice!”

Jack forced a smile, but everyone present could see that he was always yearning for the old days.

But there is no way, who makes life like this, someone always has to make a compromise.

If he, a grown man, doesn't take the initiative, will he have to wrong the people around him?
"In a while, Misty and I will be getting married at the Wild Wolf Bar in Haywood. You must come!"

V was silent, the complicated emotions in his heart were difficult to describe.

I don't know whether to be happy for my brother or sad for him.

Claire at the bar saw this and explained: "There will be so many mercenaries coming in and out every day in the next life, and not many of them will end well. We should congratulate Jack."

"Today I will make an exception and add Jack to the wine list!"

"Of course I'm not cursing you to death, I'm wishing you a long life!"

Jack was overjoyed immediately, and kept saying several Spanish words that he didn't understand: "That's great, generous Claire. If it weren't for the fear of Misty being angry, I would definitely kiss you!"

Li Ang said at this time: "Then four cups of Jack Wilson, please."

Claire, who can remember the taste of each customer, pretended to ask: "What is the recipe?"

Jack immediately answered: "Vodka, on the rocks, lime juice, ginger beer, last."

Several people said in unison: "A little more love!"

The slightly sad atmosphere was dispersed by love, and everyone regrouped and prepared to face the future.

Four glasses of wine were served, and Li Ang took the initiative to raise the glass: "Here's to Jack Wilson, here's to a new life!"

"Here's to a new life!" everyone repeated and drank the wine in one gulp.

After chatting for a while, Li Ang deliberately left space for V and Jack to say goodbye properly, while he went to find Rogge alone.

Claire said she was in the box next to her and was easy to find.

Li Ang indeed found the queen and boss behind the scenes in the afterlife without much effort.

Roger Armandias is the best middleman in Night City and a former legendary mercenary. Even though she has been retired for many years, she still has considerable influence. She has the final say on almost the entire mercenary network in Night City. Every big deal requires her nod.

In addition, Rogue is one of Johnny Silverhand's ex-girlfriends, and she was present when Arasaka Tower was bombed.

When Li Ang arrived outside her box, a female mercenary walked out angrily.

"What are you looking at? A good dog doesn't block the way. Get out of the way!"

Li Ang, who was scolded for no reason, was not angry and obediently gave way to the irritable girl.

Seeing that he was so honest, the other party felt a little guilty, and kindly reminded him: "Be careful when doing business with the old ladies inside!"

Li Ang watched her disappear into the crowd, making a clicking sound from his mouth.It wasn't until he was completely out of sight that he looked back regretfully, explained his purpose to the bodyguard guarding the door, and walked into the box.

Rogge was currently sitting on the innermost sofa with one leg crossed. Although he was not young, he still had charm. After being a big shot for so many years, he had developed a calm and unhurried aura.

"It looks very unfamiliar. Is this your first time here?" she greeted proactively.

Li Ang sat next to her and looked at the boss who looked more like the afterlife than her: "Yes, this is the first time."

Rogge turned sideways and stared into his unique eyes: "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Li Ang said bluntly: "Check a person, Anders Hermann, who used to be Arasaka's chief bioengineer. He should have switched jobs to Kangtao now. Help me check his recent itinerary."

Kangtao, an emerging large-scale enterprise known for its exquisite weapons manufacturing technology, was interested in Arasaka's Relic chip technology and poached the project's director Herman with a high salary.

Although Li Ang knew this information, he had to ask locals for details.

After listening to his request, Rogge first asked his men to investigate Herman, and then asked: "Why don't you Arasaka people investigate yourself and want to do something shady?"

Li Ang was not surprised that she told him about his Arasaka employees.

After all, if you are not well-informed, you are not worthy of being a middleman.

Moreover, the relationship between Roger and Arasaka is actually a bit ambiguous. After Johnny died, as one of the planners of blowing up the Arasaka Tower, she compromised like Jack and took refuge in Arasaka Saburo's granddaughter and the leader of the dove faction within the company: Michiko Arasaka. , and was able to escape sanctions and survive until now.

(This paragraph is doubtful, it must be a second creation)

"This is not something you can inquire about. You just need to give me the information I want."

"Okay, okay." Rogge lit a cigarette: "It looks like someone from the company. But the ugly words come first. Since it is business and you are asking me for help, then prepare the money first."

Li Ang shrugged: "It's fair to pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand."

Rogge exhaled a thick puff of smoke: "That's good."

As she said that, she poured two glasses of wine herself: "My men are investigating. Sit here and wait. It's just a good time to have two glasses of wine with me."

Li Ang took the wine from her: "It seems that even the queen in the next life has troubles."

Rogge smiled: "Of course, even more, cheers."

The two chatted while drinking, and about a few hours later, someone sent a chip containing intelligence.

Rogge checked the contents, and then said: "Everything you want is inside, take a look for yourself."

Li Ang put his hands behind his head: "I don't really like this way of transmitting information. It's best if you can tell me personally."

"Oh, you are really cautious." Rogge re-inserted the chip into the brain-computer interface.

"Hermann's name is not on Kang Tao's official external list, but it does appear in Mal Qiandi's confidential documents."

"This is a subsidiary of Kangtao, a Chinese company."

"They have been using this method to cover up in recent years to handle 'sensitive' business, do you understand?"

"Herman must have been involved in absolutely confidential projects. It is estimated that all companies want the things in his head, so Contao hid him."

"My staff found the route map of the Contao team in the next few days."

"There is a separate floating vehicle among them. It has no ground protection and no relevant cargo manifest. It is Kang Tao's consistent method of secretly transporting undercover employees."

"The person you are looking for should be in this car."

"But there is bad news. The aerial vehicle's operating route has always been in the airspace of Night City. If you want to do something to it, it will be difficult not to attract the attention of the NCPD."

"And Kangtao's industrial park is nearby. Even if you just look at the car a few more times, their backup will come to you."

"I suggest you find a local who is familiar with the terrain, can plan operations, and get equipment."

"Panam Palmer is good. She just broke up with her own people, but she is a wanderer anyway and knows the roads well."

"She will help you, and besides, you have no choice."

Li Ang deliberately put on a reluctant attitude: "No choice? It doesn't sound so reliable."

Rogge thought he was taking private work behind the company's back: "I have reliable people, but it's not that easy to hide it from Arasaka. I will give you her phone number, and you can contact her yourself."

"By the way, let me remind you a little bit."

"She recently had a bad job and lost both her car and cargo, so she might not be in a good mood."

Li Ang smiled and replied: "I have learned the lesson just now."

After paying the bill for the information, he took the chip, said goodbye to the queen in the next life and walked out of the box.

Before contacting Panan, go to the bar to find V and Jack.

The two brothers had drunk too much and were now telling impassioned stories about their wonderful past.

Claire is not here, probably because she is busy.

"Boss, you're here just in time. Come and have a drink for me!" V wanted to show off after losing the punch.

Li Ang came to help, and then while she was clapping her hands, he inserted the harmless Relic chip into her brain-computer interface.

"What are you doing!" V raised his head with confused eyes, his red face a little coquettish.

Li Ang held the bar with one hand and supported her back to prevent her from falling over due to excessive movements.

"Return it to its original owner, and the chip will still be useful to you."

V bar chirps, like a goldfish blowing bubbles.

Probably because she was drunk and unable to control her body, she leaned on Li Ang's chest: "What's the difference between doing this and stripping me naked and raping me?"

Jack, who could barely open his eyes next to him, burst out laughing after hearing this, not knowing what was so funny about it.

"The difference is huge." Li Ang directly picked up one in each hand, then called Claire and asked her to open a quieter box.

I originally planned to take V with me to meet Panan, but now I'm afraid it's too much.

First, Jack was sent to the box to settle down. He sneaked out with Misty on his back and drank so much wine that he would definitely not be able to return home and could only make do with it here for one night.

V was sent back to the apartment by Li Ang.

Nothing interesting happened during the process. I slept like a dead pig and didn't react even after being stripped naked.

He gave Ms. V some water, covered her with a quilt, and put her to sleep before he came out of the apartment.

When I looked at the time, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

The aerial vehicle Herman was riding in would probably depart from Kangtao Industrial Park around two or three in the middle of the night.

Without further ado, Li Ang immediately dialed Panan's phone number.

A few seconds later, a clear and crisp voice sounded: "Who are you?"

Li Ang quickly explained the reason: "Hello Panan, I am Li Ang, introduced by Rogge."

Panan became furious when he heard Rogge's name: "Ha, that's great! Where does that old retired cousin want to send me?"

Li Ang replied: "I'm not sending you, I'm sending you to retrieve your car and goods. Are you interested?"

Panan said quickly: "There is a railroad yard on Bonita Street, near the edge of the city. Let's meet there."

"Okay, see you later." Li Ang hung up the phone and drove to Bonita Street.

By the time we arrived at the waiting place, it was getting dark.

The hottest girl in Night City is bending over to repair the car's engine. Her jeans, high-cut vest and short jacket perfectly outline her seductive figure.

She is not a beauty in the strict sense, and her facial features are slightly rough. Because she has been transporting outside the city all year round, her skin has been tanned to a healthy wheat color, and her whole body exudes an untamed wildness.

But how do you say that - Panan's butt, the soul of the Night City.

Like Judy's waist, it is the best of the best.

Li Ang parked the car and walked over: "It's so late, are you sure you can see it?"

"What the hell do you care about me!" Panan continued tinkering with her classic car: "Are you Li Ang? Where is my car?"

Li Ang crossed his arms and admired the graceful curve.

"It's easy to find a car, but you have to help me."

Panan turned to look at him: "No, I really don't! Don't even think about teasing me!"

"Hurry up and tell me where's my car!"

Li Ang smiled nonchalantly: "Don't be so rude, little girl, remember to say thank you to me later."

Then, he called the Arasaka Security Department.

Arasaka Yorinobu only said that he couldn't use the company's power when looking for Herman, but he didn't say that he couldn't help others.

When the call was connected, he directly ordered:

"Stone Ridge Mountain, a ghost town on the outskirts of Night City, looking for a man named Nash."

"He has a [Tingwei McNaughty] in his hand, and there is something in it."

"Half an hour, Bonita Street Railroad Yard, I want to meet you and the train."

(End of this chapter)

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