Being a policeman in American manga, every day is a holiday

Chapter 138 Superman and Diana take action

Chapter 138 Superman and Diana take action
On the moon, in Attilan's base.

Zhao Hao put down the barbell in his hand.

"Bang!" A sound.

"My shadow clone was killed like this? We also lost 37 sentry robots!"

Thinking of this, he showed a solemn expression.

Although this shadow clone doesn't have much energy, it is almost one-tenth of his normal strength.

Think again about Batman, who was just a regular guy the day before.

In just one day, he has gained so much strength.

If you give the other party more time, you don't know how much you can grow.

Could this be what Gu Yi said, the crazy devil bat?
I remembered the way I saw the bat just now.

Crazy is a bit crazy, but it still feels a little less interesting.

But the devil does look a bit like it.

After all, with the evil spirits flying all over his body, he looked like a devil.

And bats can match it.

After all, Batman.

It seems that it should be him.

Thinking of this, he immediately left the gravity chamber and flew towards Kama Taj.

Harleen should have left and not gone to Gotham.

Thinking of this, he immediately mobilized the satellite to start checking.

After looking for a while, he found that Harleen could not be found.

After all, the laser satellite system is an attack satellite, not specifically used for reconnaissance.

There is no dedicated system for tracking people.

Of course, he could also ask Deep Blue to make one, but this would consume a lot of computing power, so he didn't install it.

After ten minutes.

Zhao Hao came to Kama Taj.

It's noon here, and there are new mages training all around.

Soon, he found Wanda who was wandering around.

At this time, the opponent was wearing red leather armor and holding a staff in his hand, walking in a park in Kama Taj.

Behind her was Polar Star in white plain clothes.

Obviously, Polaris, who lost his superpowers, was greatly affected. He looked depressed, his face was a little pale, and even his lips were not as bright as before.


Hearing Zhao Hao's voice, Wanda turned around and immediately showed a happy expression.

"Zhao, you're here."

Immediately afterwards, she trotted to Zhao Hao and grabbed his arm.

Usually they spend too little time together.

Basically we can only be together once every ten days and a half.

So she was naturally very excited when she saw Zhao Hao.

Zhao Hao also smiled and touched Wanda's head, showing a hint of a smile.

Polar Star, who was nearby, felt uncomfortable when he saw this scene.

You must know that she met Zhao Hao earlier than her sister, and the relationship between the two is also very good.

But because of her father's relationship, she finally chose to leave with him, while her sister chose to stay with Zhao Hao.

The result now is that he has lost his superpower and his sister has gained happiness.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but shed tears in her eyes.

Wanda quickly noticed her sister's condition and immediately let go of Zhao Hao, her face turning slightly red.

"Lorna is here too, go and see her."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Hao immediately looked at Wanda in disbelief.

What does she mean?
Why are you calling me to go see her?

Shouldn't it be us?
When Wanda saw Zhao Hao stunned, her heart felt sweet.

But when he thought that his sister had lost her superpower, she could only feel depressed every day. In the end, she gritted her teeth and pushed Zhao Hao towards the North Star.

Wanda is undoubtedly a woman who values ​​family and emotions.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be a big movie like Wanda’s Search for a Family.

Although the name of the movie is wrong, it is called Doctor Strange 2.

This also shows that Wanda attaches more importance to family ties than her own feelings.

After all, for the sake of the happiness of her sons in other universes, she finally chose to give up taking them away.

If you are selfish, you will grab it first and then talk about it.

Zhao Hao looked at the North Star not far away and finally walked over.

To be honest, why did he land in the corner of the park and keep a certain distance from Wanda and others.

Just to prevent Wanda from misunderstanding.

Although he is a scumbag, he will never be a scumbag in front of a woman.

But now Wanda took the initiative to push himself out, which he never expected.

But when I saw Polaris’ cute face, I thought that she was Wanda’s sister.

I don't know why, but I suddenly felt a sense of excitement in my heart.

The word hot dog suddenly flashed through my mind.

When Polaris looked at Zhao Hao in front of him, his heartbeat quickened, and then he lowered his head.

Just like that, the two were silent for a while.

Just when Wanda was about to come over, Zhao Hao finally said, "How are you doing lately?"

Polaris nodded immediately after hearing the question.

"I'm okay, how about you?"

"I'm fine too."

Shyness is not Zhao Hao's character.

Seeing himself acting like a little boy, he suddenly felt contempt for himself, and then boldly grabbed Polaris' hand and walked towards Wanda.

"Wanda, where is the Ancient One?"

He has not forgotten why he came to Karma Taj this time.

Love can wait until the crisis is over.

Otherwise, if Batman becomes a hero, it will probably be the end of the world.

When Polaris' little hand was held, his brain suddenly lost the ability to think, and he could only let himself be pulled away.

When Wanda heard Zhao Hao's question, she immediately said: "The Supreme Mage seemed to have discovered Casillas' traces and went after him."

After Zhao Hao heard this, he immediately continued to ask: "Then the other party did not leave any communication method before leaving?"

As Wanda showed her ability to learn magic, Ancient One had vague intentions of treating her as his successor. He would basically talk to her about everything, and would also say hello to her when going out.

This is why, every time Zhao Hao wants to find Gu Yi, he has to find Wanda first.

When Wanda heard the question, she immediately took out a flute from her arms.

“The Supreme Mage said that if you come to her in an emergency, you can blow this flute.

After she senses it, she will come back as soon as possible. "

Upon hearing this, Zhao Hao immediately asked Wanda to play the flute.

Although he is not 100% sure yet, Batman is the crazy devil bat.

But in the current situation, the opponent must be killed as soon as possible.

This requires Gu Yi to take action.

Because he was afraid that when he was fighting the opponent, if he didn't control it well, he would directly destroy Blue Star.

Then you will become a sinner.


As the flute was played, a beautiful sound began to sound.

But after a while, there was no movement.

After playing the flute, Wanda looked around suspiciously.

But I saw nothing but trees covered with snow.

"I guess the Supreme Mage is busy."

Zhao Hao nodded.

Although he was a little anxious, he still forced himself to calm down, then he held Wanda in one hand and Polaris in the other, sat on the chair next to him, and then chatted about home affairs.

But basically Zhao Hao and Wanda were chatting, and Polaris could only occasionally intervene.

Although Zhao Hao didn't care about Polar Star's departure, the relationship between the two also needed time to ease.

After half an hour.

A golden portal opened not far from them.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Yi, the bald head, appeared.

After seeing the two beauties next to Zhao Hao, she immediately said jokingly: "You came to me, didn't you come to me just to show me how capable you are?"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Hao and Wanda had no reaction, but Polaris immediately turned red and retracted his palm.

Zhao Hao didn't care, because he also knew that it would take time for the two of them to recover as before.

So he stood up, came to Gu Yi, and said solemnly: "I found a crazy devil bat that you mentioned, but the opponent's strength is not weak. I need your help."

Then, he talked about Batman and Gotham City.

When Gu Yi heard this, he immediately looked confused.

"How could this happen? His future shouldn't be like this, and he can't even defeat you?"

Zhao Hao shook his head.

"That's not to say, it's just that the opponent's strength is not weak. I'm afraid that using all my strength will break Blue Star or cause irreparable damage.

So I want you to take action and teleport that guy to outer space. "

Hearing this, Gu Dun breathed a sigh of relief.

"So that's it, then let's go there right away without further ado." Zhao Hao asked with concern: "How is the pursuit of Casillas? Do you want to take a rest?"

"It's okay, no need to rest, but it's a pity that he still escaped."

After finishing speaking, Gu Yi opened the portal directly on the spot.

Zhao Hao looked back at Wanda and Polaris, and said with a smile: "I'm going to save the world. You guys just wait here for me to come back."

When Wanda heard this, she immediately grabbed Zhao Hao's arm.

"I'll go too. My strength has increased a lot recently. I can definitely be your helper."

Hearing this, Zhao Hao turned to look at Gu Yi doubtfully.

Gu Yi nodded slightly.

The meaning is obvious.

Wanda's strength has indeed improved a lot, and she can join this level of battle.

When Zhao Hao saw this, he couldn't refuse, so he said hello to Polaris and entered the portal.

When Polaris looked at the back of Zhao Hao and his sister leaving, his eyes suddenly dimmed.

I have lost my superpower now.

Otherwise, you can go over and fight with Zhao Hao.


In Gotham City.

It's night here.

But bursts of fire shot into the sky, making the place as bright as day.

After Batman killed Zhao Hao's shadow clone, he became more confident and acted without a bottom line.

At first, he might only kill people who looked like gangsters.

Later, the elderly, children, and women were not spared.

Among them, the famous Arkham Neurological Hospital in Gotham City was destroyed by him personally.

All the patients and non-patients, criminals and non-criminals, doctors and nurses inside were slaughtered.

Anyway, not a single person was left alive.

Maybe there are a lot of strong guys in Arkham Hospital.

But in the eyes of today's Batman, they are just things that can be slaughtered casually.

As time passed, more than half of the millions of people in Gotham City were killed by evil spirits.

The number of evil spirits has also expanded from two at the beginning to about a million.

At the same time, soldiers from the Beautiful Country quickly appeared around Gotham City.

These soldiers drove tanks and armored vehicles, holding rifles and various weapons in their hands, but they dared not fire.

Because the lessons of the last Los Angeles crisis have been told to them.

Evil spirits are not afraid of physical attacks.

No matter how powerful their artillery fire was, it was of no use.

The only thing that can cause harm to evil spirits is holy water.

But this crisis occurred too suddenly, and it would take some time for the beautiful country's military to mobilize the holy water.

So they can only besiege Gotham City to prevent the evil spirits from escaping.

High in the sky over Gotham City.

Gu Yi looked solemn when he saw Batman's exaggerated killing efficiency.

"Although this guy is a little different from the crazy devil bat I saw, there is a high probability that it is him."

Zhao Hao felt uneasy when he heard that Gu Yi was not sure.

Isn't it him?
If this isn't the crazy devil bat, then who is it?

"No matter, you teleport him outside the Blue Star, and I'll deal with him first."

Gu nodded.

Just when she was about to take action, a person suddenly flew over from a distance.

The other person was wearing a blue tights, a red cape, and a classic underwear look. Who else could he be if he wasn't Superman?

But the current Superman is still young, right?

After seeing Superman appear, Zhao Hao was no longer anxious.

After all, this guy can be said to be a son of the plane. He is so powerful that DC's Justice League has become a leg pendant for the League of Supermen and Superman.

It can be said that in the entire Justice League, except for Superman, other superheroes do not need to exist, as long as there is only one Superman.

Superman has appeared, so Wonder Woman shouldn't be far behind, right?
Sure enough, this thought came to an end as he did so.

Soon a golden whip appeared in the distance.

This whip stretched out several kilometers, directly grabbed the clouds in the sky, and then flew towards this side like Spider-Man on a swing.

Seeing this, Gu Yi was no longer in a hurry to take action.

"Why did the girl from Paradise Island and that alien come here?"

As the guardian of Blue Star, she naturally knows about the existence of Superman and Wonder Woman.

Even Superman's spaceship almost fell into the military's territory when it landed.

After she saw the result, she slightly changed its trajectory and let it fall into a good family's home.

She occasionally paid attention to the alien's growth. After discovering that he was not growing crookedly, she stopped disturbing his life.

At this time, Wanda next to her asked curiously: "Who are they?"

When Gu Yi heard this, he just smiled mysteriously.

"They are members of justice."

After a while, Superman flew over Gotham City. Looking at the hellish Gotham City below, he felt uncomfortable and painful in his heart.

As a child who had been well educated by his father, he could not stand to see such a scene.

So after learning about the tragic situation in Gotham City through the news, I immediately came here wearing this dress.

"Devil, die!"

After roaring, Superman immediately flew towards Batman.

When Batman looked at the flying Superman, he suddenly felt as if he had met the enemy of his life. Without any nonsense, he just called on the evil spirit and rushed over.

"You criminals are all going to die!"

"Damn you!"

After Superman roared angrily, he put his hands forward, using his body of steel and biological stance to resist the invasion, and went directly to Batman.

When Batman saw this, he immediately clenched his fist and hit him.

"Bang!" A loud noise.

Superman's fists collided with Batman's.

The glass of the surrounding high-rise buildings was also shattered by the violent collision.

But in a second, Superman was no match for Batman, was knocked out, and crashed into a high-rise building.


That's right.

At this time, the young Superman could not beat Batman, and even his strength and speed were not as fast as Batman's.

Just when Batman was about to pursue his victory, Cyanna arrived.

She landed on a tall building, whipped out her whip, grabbed one of Batman's legs, and then put one foot on the balcony wall, trying hard to pull him over.

But Batman didn't even look at Wonder Woman, he just gave a slight push.

The wall on the rooftop suddenly cracked, and Wonder Woman lost her focus and flew over immediately.


As the fighting continued below, high-rise buildings in Gotham City soon suffered damage.

Either it was knocked into two pieces, or it was blocked and beaten into two pieces, or the whole building collapsed.

on the sky.

When Wanda saw this scene, she immediately said: "Supreme Mage, Zhao, shall we go down and help?"

Master Gu Yi shook his head.

"Let's wait and see if they can beat the Crazy Devil Bat. If they can't, we'll take action again."

When Zhao Hao heard this, he immediately nodded.

He finally knew why the name Kamal Taj had not been known to the world.

Based on Gu Yi's actions, everyone who knew her would probably have been killed by the villain.

Just like the Los Angeles Crisis, she was probably watching from the shadows.

When she dies, she will take action.

After ten minutes.

Batman seemed to feel impatient, and with a final roar, he summoned all the evil spirits back and sucked them into his body.


Superman and Wonder Woman immediately looked solemn when they saw this.

The strong man clenched his fists, and heat vision shot out from his eyes.

The latter put away his sword and shield, then the wrist guards of his hands collided, and powerful energy rushed away.


There was a collision of energy, and the entire Gotham City was shaken, and all the houses collapsed one after another.

But it still couldn't stop Batman's actions.

Upon seeing this, Gu Yi, who was above, immediately said solemnly: "King of Evil Spirits? How could it be absorbed and fused with a human being?"

As the king of the underworld, the King of Evil Spirits naturally has the ability to rule other evil spirits.

Its powerful energy and dominance cannot be integrated with any ordinary life.

Anyway, in the several evil spirit crises she has experienced, she has never seen anyone fuse with the King of Evil Spirits.

But when it comes to fusion, not even control.

When Zhao Hao heard this, he immediately felt that this scene seemed familiar. Why was it so familiar?

Isn't this what happened when I first saw the King of Evil Spirits absorbing the little evil spirits?

And as millions of evil spirits are continuously absorbed and integrated, Batman's momentum becomes stronger and stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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