Chapter 333 Sudden Attack

By the time the Scarlet Bell was traded, each of the five top players had six hours less time.

Therefore, the five top players now have only twelve hours left.

If this blood-core pencil continues to be traded on an amortized basis, it will be more than enough time for the five top players in Sakura Country and Lighthouse Country at this moment.

But no one among the five mentioned it.

One is naturally because now that they know that the old man in the suit has so many ghost props in his hands, it is naturally impossible for the two top players in Sakura Country to continue to share their time for no reason to benefit the three top players from Lighthouse Country.

Even if the two top players in Sakura Country are still willing.

This transaction is absolutely impossible.

In other words, it is impossible to proceed now.

Although they are all in urgent need of the fourth-level top-level ghost props, it does not mean that they will waste their time excessively because of these top-level fourth-level ghost props.

For twelve hours, they are confident enough to maintain a balance of payments, even if they encounter some special circumstances and unexpected events.

With a twelve-hour guarantee, there will definitely be no problems.

But if they choose to trade this blood-core pencil from the old man in the suit now, on average, each person will only have six hours left.

Six hours, even for top players like them, the risk is too great.

Although top players seem to be invincible to ordinary people, they can easily pass the dungeon.

But that doesn’t mean top players won’t die.

In this dungeon, if the time on their bodies disappears completely, the only outcome waiting for them is death.

Thinking of this, several people suppressed the idea of ​​​​trading directly with the old man in the suit.

There are two days left.

These two days were enough for them to save some time.

When the dungeon is about to end, if they still have enough time, they might consider trading with the old man in the suit.

but now! No one wants to let them continue to waste time trading.

Thinking of this, several people temporarily suppressed their thoughts about the blood-core pencil in the hand of the old man in the suit.

At this moment, what makes them continue to stay is one last question.

That is, if they leave this time, will they be able to deal with the old man in a suit again in the future?

If there was only one chance to trade with the old man in a suit.

Then maybe they would really choose to take a risk and trade this blood-core pencil.

One of the top players in the Lighthouse Nation asked this question.

"We don't have much time now. We want to get some more time. Can we come to you for a deal later?"

"I welcome you to trade with me at any time."

The old man in a suit said, eliminating the last worry in everyone's mind.

Several people felt relieved at this moment.

Since they can still come to the old man in a suit to trade in the future, they don't need to take too much risk to trade now.

At this point, the five people in the group became increasingly anxious to get more time.

He didn't stay in the hut for long. After saying something to the old man in a suit, he hurriedly left the special hut.

A ghost prop was successfully traded and gained thirty hours. The old man in the suit was obviously in a very good mood.

The old man in suit did not stop them from leaving.

He just stood inside the door and watched the figures of the five people gradually disappear from sight.

After they completely disappeared, the old man in a suit withdrew his gaze and put the blue-covered book with a missing page in his hand back on the bookshelf.


"We have to speed up the process to get more time."

Some distance away from the special cabin where the old man in the suit was.

The five top players from Lighthouse Country and Sakura Country are once again in the dilapidated and mysterious town of Blood Sea.

There was a stronger desire to gain time in the eyes of several people.

If their purpose of obtaining time before was simply to get a good copy settlement score.

But now, their purpose of obtaining time has become purer.

Use more time to exchange for more fourth-level top-level ghost props.

If there are too many top-level fourth-level ghost props that they can bring back from the dungeon this time.

It is a great good thing for the country where you live.

With the existence of this batch of top-level fourth-level ghost props, those top players from other countries who can usually compete with them will no longer have the means to compete with them.

Thinking of this, several people couldn't help but get excited.

Their eyes once again looked at the countless dilapidated places around them.

The five of them could not help but go to the place, obtain tasks from Li Gui, and then use these tasks in exchange for more time.

But just when a few people were about to enter a certain place.

Suddenly they seemed to have discovered something, and the five people's eyes couldn't help but condense slightly.

Their eyes were all looking not far away.

At the end of their sight, two figures were approaching their current location.

And when several people determined who the two figures were, a dangerous look could not help but appear in the eyes of the five top players from the Lighthouse Country and Sakura Country.


On the other side, Qi Yun and Zuo Xiang did not know that they had been targeted by the five top players from Lighthouse Country and Sakura Country.

The two of them reunited after a day of separate actions.

This gathering was not deliberate by the two of them.

At first, the two of them were completing the dungeon mission alone, but during the completion of a certain mission, the two happened to meet.

One day without seeing each other was not a long time, but it was still one-third of the time in this instance.

At the end of the day, both of them had accumulated a lot of extra time.

Because of this, the two of them were not in a hurry and continued to complete the tasks at hand.

Taking advantage of this meeting, the two also planned to slow down their actions and take a rest.

"Thanks to the seniors, we discovered the special mechanism of Blood Sea Town at the beginning of entering the dungeon. At the end of the day, I not only filled up my shadow, but also had four hours of extra time. If I follow the instructions By the time this progress is completed and the copy is finished, I should be able to have more than ten hours of extra time."

Qi Yun said, feeling very satisfied with the current results. Zuo Xiang on the side also nodded in agreement, with a smile on his face.

In the previous day's solo operation, his harvest was very different from his start.

"My situation is similar to yours, but I currently have a little more extra time than you. I have almost four and a half hours of extra time."

Four and a half hours, seemingly only half an hour longer than departure.

But in fact, the half-hour gap may not be filled by one task.

After all, the time consumed in the process also takes a part of the time to complete the task. At the end of the day, the reward for each task of Qi Yun and the two people can actually reach their own hands, which is only ten or twenty minutes.

Even after breaking even, the two of them saved more than four hours of time, which is enough to show that the two of them were almost constantly running to complete the task throughout the day.

Although they understand that the extra time they have now is definitely not comparable in front of Li Yinchuan.

But they also understand Li Yinchuan's strength. He is no longer an ordinary top red player. Comparing him with Li Yinchuan is just asking for boredom.

But they feel that if their achievements were compared with other top players, they would probably be among the best.

After all, there is no character like Li Yinchuan among other top players.

"This time the dungeon is settled. I think with our current progress, it shouldn't be difficult to get an A-level rating."

At the same time, Qi Yun spoke again.

They understand how troublesome it is for ordinary top players to save some extra time.

In the two people's opinion, with their current efficiency, it should be considered the best situation that ordinary top players can achieve.

Even if there were some mistakes during the first day of operations that slowed down the efficiency, the deviation should not exceed half an hour.

"A-level? If there is really an A-level rating, I would be satisfied."

Zuo Xiang on the side also nodded slightly.

As for the S-level rating above A-level, neither of them had even thought about it.

They don't think they can get an S-level rating with their current efficiency and progress, unless they can discover something very important in the Blood Sea Town in the next two days.

Normally, if you want to get an S-level rating, you must at least have the same progress as Li Yinchuan.

"My mission is just ahead. I have a letter that needs to be delivered to the evil spirit inside."

Suddenly, Qi Yun stopped during the conversation and pointed at a dilapidated house not far away.

According to the instructions from the last ghost who received the mission, the building in front of him was where he asked him to deliver the letter.

"I'll go with you and save yourself some trouble."

Zuo Xiang said.

Qi Yun did not refuse this. Facing the fierce ghosts, the deterrence of two top players was definitely greater than that of him alone.

Qi Yun had already deeply understood this during the previous day's mission.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Yun waved his palm slightly, and an envelope appeared in his hand. The two of them were about to open the door of the dilapidated place in front of them and walk in.

But at this moment, Qi Yun and Zuo Xiang seemed to have noticed something, and a strong sense of crisis flashed across their hearts.

As top players, they had no doubts about the warning signs that suddenly flashed in their hearts.

The ghosts around the two people were instantly activated to the extreme.

Under the ghostly wrap, the two people teleported to a distance of more than ten meters.

The next moment, at the location where the two were previously, several ghosts in red with the same strange aura suddenly descended.

The terrifying attacks that had been brewing among the top red-clothed ghosts suddenly exploded, and a rich and strange aura poured out.

Just now, Fan Qiyun and Zuo Xiang hesitated for another second.

They might be hit by that terrifying attack.

If they were really hit, even if they didn't die on the spot due to their strength, they would definitely be seriously injured.

He took action to take their lives.

Qi Yun and Zuo Xiang's expressions suddenly became ugly.

At the same time, several figures also appeared in the sight of the two people.

When they saw who those figures were, their expressions darkened even more.

"It's you guys!"

Appearing in front of the two of them were the five top players from Sakura Country and Lighthouse Country who had also entered the dungeon this time!

The guys who just attacked them were naturally the five people in front of them!
"The guys from Huaxia Kingdom reacted so quickly. You even managed to dodge the attack just now."

At the same time, one of the three top players in the Lighthouse Country looked at Qi Yun and Zuo Xiang and said in a cold tone.

Immediately afterwards, the figures of the other four top players kept deflecting, and they quite wanted to trap Qi Yun and Zuo Xiang in them.

And suddenly, something seemed to be discovered.

The Lighthouse player who spoke looked around Qi Yun and Zuo Xiang, but did not find what he wanted to see.

"Where is the guy from China with you?"

The other guy from China he mentioned was naturally Li Yinchuan.

Originally, according to what they thought, the three top players in China would not dare to separate.

But now, only Qi Yun and Zuo Xiang are together.

"Is it possible that you, the top players in China, had conflicts and chose to separate?"

As if he had come up with an interesting guess, the top player from the Lighthouse Country couldn't help but reveal a hint of ridicule on his face.

"Stop talking nonsense with them and get down to business."

From the side, the voice of another top player from the Lighthouse Country rang out.

The mocking expression on the face of the top player with a mocking face slowly faded away.

Immediately afterwards, his face turned cold, and his eyes revealed a strong murderous intent.

"If you two guys don't want to die, trade your time with us."

And this is also the real purpose of the five top players from Sakura Country and Lighthouse Country to find Qi Yun.

Before that, not long after leaving the old man's hut in the suit, they noticed the whereabouts of Qi Yun and Zuo Xiang.

As countries that are hostile to each other, the group of five people naturally wanted to kill Qi Yun and Zuo Xiang, the two top players of China, in the dungeon.

But when several people were about to take action, they suddenly thought of a question.

Players and ghosts need to trade to gain time.

Do players need to trade to gain time, or can players directly steal each other's time?

(End of this chapter)

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