Chapter 193 Uchiha Itachi was beaten
The same red Susana with two wings on the back. Uchiha Itachi's Susano has a ten-fist sword and a eight-foot mirror; Izumi's Susana has no weapons, but has a layer of gloves on his hands. Like Izumi, he prefers close combat. type.

Anyone can tell that Uchiha Itachi's Susano is stronger.

Itachi Uchiha tentatively slashed out a sword, but Izumi used the glove on Susana's wrist to block it.

The sword and the glove intersect, making a "bang" sound.

Uchiha Itachi was a bit unexpected, and Izumi's Susano's strength was surprisingly good.

You must know that Uchiha Itachi is a genius of the Uchiha clan. Susana awakened at an earlier age than Shisui, and Uchiha Izumi's talent can only be considered average among the Uchiha clan.

Although the three-magatama has been activated, the Uchiha clan has never lacked three-magatama clan members. What they lack is the kaleidoscope.

As for Mangekyo, Itachi's eyes were taken away by Rasa and are now reopened with his mother's eyes, so his pupil power is stronger, several times what it was five years ago.

In addition, after changing the eyes, it unintentionally made up for the defect of blindness caused by excessive consumption of pupil power.He also practiced senjutsu, and his physical quality was further enhanced. Now Itachi is by no means inferior to Madara Uchiha who once did not get Hashirama cells.

He wasn't that serious about fighting Izumi, thinking he could definitely win.

But when the Ten Fist Sword slashed at Izumi's Susana, I realized that Izumi's Susana was not weak, at least not much weaker than my own Susana.

"Itachi, you will suffer a loss if you underestimate me."

Izumi gathered strength and suddenly accelerated, leaving a phantom on the spot. The next moment, he rushed in front of Itachi and punched Itachi's Susana hard. Itachi hurriedly raised the eight-foot mirror shield, but the huge power was still there. Directly knocked Itachi's Susano away.

Except for Bai Hexiang Phosphorus, this result was beyond everyone's expectations.

Although the ninjas of Konoha led everyone to a safe area, they still did not go far. The battle between the Susanas was unprecedented even in Konoha.

Besides, this is also important information.

It is said that Uchiha Itachi is the genius of the Uchiha clan, and Uchiha Izumi is just an ordinary ninja. I thought Itachi would have the upper hand, but it turned out that Izumi was stronger.

Sasuke was also very shocked. He had never seen his brother in such a miserable state in his memory.

On the other side, Uchiha Itachi stood up again and was not seriously injured. Their attacks were all tests.

However, his own temptation was easily caught by Quan, but Quan's temptation was so strong that he couldn't catch it at all.

However, Itachi has almost seen Izumi's tricks. Compared to his own Susana, Izumi's Susana pays more attention to melee combat. Although each Susana has a strong melee ability, there must be some differences in strength and weakness.

Although he possesses the Juken Sword and the Eight-foot Mirror, which combine offense and defense, Izumi's Susanoo weapon is a glove, which is more powerful in close combat, and when he raises his wings, he can accelerate instantly.

But it is still the same as before. Without Susana, Izumi is just a ninja who is only proficient in taijutsu. Uchiha cannot master the most basic fire escape. Now that he has awakened the Mangekyou, Susana is still good at close combat.

Unfortunately, I, Uchiha Itachi, am omnipotent.

When Susanaka turned on Amaterasu, a huge black flame blackened half of the sky and burned towards the Uchiha Spring, but was blocked by Susana and did not burn the body.

But that's enough.

Blocking Amaterasu requires consuming pupil power. Izumi's pupil power will definitely not be able to support it for a long time, and it is impossible to be stronger than himself after changing his eyes and being reborn.However, Uchiha Itachi was disappointed. After burning for a full 2 ​​minutes, Izumi still blocked it easily, showing no sign of exhaustion.

On the contrary, because I have been increasing the output of maintaining Amaterasu, even after strengthening it, the consumption at this moment is a bit high, and a trace of blood and tears began to flow from the corner of my eyes.

Izumi seized the opportunity, and Susanna immediately spread her wings and flew into the sky.If it weren't for the fear that Amaterasu would involve innocent people, Izumi would have been able to break free from Amaterasu long ago.

It spun, accelerated, and spiraled down. Itachi quickly dodged, and a three-meter-deep hole was created where he stood.

However, it was not over yet. Before the dust and smoke cleared, Izumi's Susan jumped out, grabbed Itachi's Susan's ankle, and started throwing him left and right that he loved to see.

The rough method stunned Itachi, and it took him a long time to recover from the tremor. He swung down the ten-fist sword, and when Izumi raised his hand to block it, he broke free from the restraint and flew out of the distance.

However, the continuous fighting consumed a lot of chakra and eye power, and Itachi began to breathe heavily.

On the other hand, Quan's face was neither red nor out of breath, and he seemed to have consumed nothing.

It doesn't make sense...

Uchiha Itachi couldn't figure out how Izumi's eye power could be stronger than his own. He had already consumed one-third of his eye power, but Izumi was still like a normal person.

You must know that you have changed your eyes.

It seems that I can't keep my hand.

Itachi originally felt a little guilty towards Quan and never took action with all his strength. He was also absolutely confident in his own strength. With his own strength, he should be able to deal with Quan easily, but he didn't expect the reality to be a slap in the face.

In this case, there can be no delay.

"Quan, I'm going to attack with all my strength, magic mode."

Natural energy gathered, and black eye shadow appeared under Uchiha Itachi's eyes. Susana became more powerful. He rushed towards Izumi's Susana and punched him down... forcing Izumi's Susana to take a step back.

Only took one step back?
Uchiha Itachi was surprised, how could it be possible?He had activated the senjutsu mode, and Susana's power had tripled, but he only managed to take one step back?
Even if they are not broken up directly, it is normal to fight them off. How could they just take a step back?
"You just fought me and you didn't use your full strength?"

Uchiha Itachi asked in disbelief.

Quan shook his head: "No, I have been using all my strength, and I have not held back. Itachi, you are too confident. If you had used your current full strength from the beginning, I might really be in a hard fight."

The next moment, Quan's aura continued to rise, his whole body emitted light, and he also entered the fairy magic mode.

The advantage Itachi had just gained dissipated in an instant, and was directly suppressed by Izumi, whose power surged with the blessing of magic.Not only that, Izumi's Susana was also wrapped with a substantial light wave formed by his thoughts, which directly shattered half of Itachi's Susana's body with one punch. Uchiha Itachi spit out a mouthful of blood and shed a lot of tears of blood from his eyes.

Uchiha Itachi did not give up, quickly repaired Susana, then condensed Yasaka Magatama in his hand, and threw it at Uchiha Izumi like a shuriken.

Izumi gathered the fluctuations of telekinesis into his fist, hit Yasaka Magatama, and exploded with a "boom".

Then Uchiha Itachi quickly appeared in front of Izumi, grabbed Izumi's Susan with both hands, then closed his right eye, and opened Tsukuyomi with his left eye with all his strength: "I'm sorry, Izumi, I wanted to win openly and squarely, but now I can only I can rely on illusions now.”

(End of this chapter)

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