The black technology empire started with a debt of one billion

454 Chapter 469: Conscience to have no friends

454 Chapter 469: Conscience to have no friends
"Mr. Sanjay, you are a generous and kind-hearted person. I need a certain amount of time to lobby other committee members. This process will take about one or two months. I guarantee that this issue will be implemented within three months." Ajit Pai said.

"Isn't three months a long time?" Sanjay Merlot said with a frown.

At most, Micron can only hold on for another half year. He doesn't know how much money he will lose in three months. For him, the sooner the better.

"Sanjay, you should know that the FCC commissioners are all in different states. I need to arrange time to fly over to lobby the other party, and I need the other party to have time to see me." Ajit Pai said.

"I can add money." Sanjay Mellot said helplessly.

"Sanjay, this is not a question of money. If the committee members don't have time to meet, it will be useless no matter how much money you give. You can't give each committee member a sum of money." Ajit Pai said.

"Then let's do it like this." Sanjay Melot sighed.

Richfield, Minnesota.

Led by the secretary, Lu Bingwei went to the CEO's office to meet Hubert Jolly.

The moment the secretary opened the door, Hubert Jolly got up from his seat and greeted Lu Bingwei with a smile.

"Lu, welcome to Best Buy." Hubert Jolly stretched out his hand and smiled.

Hubert Jolly is in his 50s, has white hair, a big nose with a borderless nose, and a very amiable smile.

The best doctor can bring a person back to life.

The best CEO can bring a company back to life, and Hubert Joly is exactly such a business leader.

When he joined Best Buy, the world's largest retail company, as CEO, the veteran retailer was facing the impact of the e-commerce giant Amazon. Its profits in a single quarter plummeted by 90% and it was on the verge of bankruptcy.

To make matters worse, the company is also facing a double blow from internal and external troubles.There was a conflict between the company's founder and the board of directors, and they tried to buy out the company and take it completely private. Internal disputes continued.

Hubert Joe used 4 years to create a miracle of recovery in the retail industry.

He ran Best Buy as CEO from 2012 to 2016.

Under his leadership, Best Buy has turned losses into profits, transformed from a traditional retail company on the verge of death into a technology retail company with continuous revenue growth year by year.The total market value of Best Buy fell from a low of 2012 billion US dollars in 25 to more than 2016 billion US dollars in 100, achieving a commercial feat of a 4-fold increase in market value in 4 years.

"Hello, Mr. Hubert." Lu Bingwei shook hands with the other party and said.

Then the two of them came to the office sofa and sat down. The secretary quietly closed the door and left the office.

"Lu, you said on the phone that you want to cooperate with us at Best Buy. I wonder what kind of cooperation Deep Blue will cooperate with us?" Hubert Jolly asked.

"Because of our lack of management capabilities, we plan to find an agent in Europe to sell our products. After examining various data, we feel that Best Buy, which is on the rise, is a very good partner for us. " Lu Bingwei said.

Hubert Jolly was silent for a while after hearing Lu Bingwei's words.

If I remember correctly, Deepblue Technology's stores have spread all over Europe, Deepblue Technology's sales channels have been established, and Deepblue Technology's mobile phones are all sold out, so how could they find an agent at this time.

However, he thought of what Lu Bingwei said just now, "Because our management capabilities are insufficient."

Could it be that Deep Blue Technology chose to find an agent to act as an agent because it found that it lacked management ability in retail?

But Deep Blue Technology has invested a lot of money in the specialty store.

"As far as I know, Deep Blue Technology has opened 147 stores across Europe. Your company's sales channels can be said to be very complete, and your company has also invested a lot of money in this.

If your company changes from a self-operated to an agency model at this time, it will probably lose a lot of money. said Hubert Jolly.

"Mr. Hubert, it was because we opened too many stores that we discovered that we were not good at retailing, so we chose to cooperate with agents and hoped that the agents would buy all our stores.

Of course we will sell these stores to agents at cost price. " Lu Bingwei said.

Hubert Jolly frowned slightly after hearing what Lu Bingwei said. To be your agent, do you have to buy your store?
There shouldn't be any huge pit waiting for us here.

Thinking of this, Hubert Jolly really didn't dare to accept the agent of Deep Blue Technology.

"Have you invested a lot of money in these 147 stores?" Hubert Joly asked.

"I have invested a total of US$147 million in the 6 stores in Europe. So far, our products have been sold out as soon as they arrive, so our stores are all profitable. Of course, this value is based on the amount given to agents. It’s calculated based on price,” Lu Bingwei said.

"I wonder how much Deep Blue Technology charges agents?" Hubert Joly asked again.

Although he didn't dare to accept the agent of Deep Blue Technology, he decided to ask first before talking.

"8% off the retail price." Lu Bingwei said.

Hubert Jolly was moved when he heard Lu Bingwei's quotation, because Deep Blue Technology had given too much.

Just like Deep Blue Technology's popular Deep Blue MAX mobile phone. The price of a Deep Blue MAX phone is 1299, which is 1039 US dollars based on the 259% discount. Every time you sell a Deep Blue MAX, you can earn US$[-]. If it is other products of Deep Blue Technology Profits will be higher.

The sales volume of Deep Blue in Europe reaches as much as 20 units per day. Based on the average profit of 150 US dollars per mobile phone, the daily profit can reach 3000 million US dollars. If other products of Deep Blue Technology are included, the daily profit can at least reach 5000 million dollars.

That’s a profit of 15 billion in one month. After deducting all operating expenses, the net profit in one month is at least 5 million US dollars.

By doing this, Deep Blue Technology is simply sending money to Best Buy.

But I don't know if this cake is poisonous or not.

"What price will Best Buy have to pay to win Deep Blue Technology's agent?" Hubert Jolly couldn't help asking.

Even though there are invisible risks involved in acting as an agent for Deep Blue Technology's products, how could he miss out on such huge profits? If the conditions offered by Deep Blue Technology are not very harsh and the profits brought are less than the risks, Deep Blue Technology's agency rights will still be It can be taken down.

"Best Buy needs to buy Deep Blue Technology's 10 specialty stores in Europe for US$147 billion. Best Buy must pay all the purchase price for each purchase. Deep Blue Technology will provide Best Buy with a price guarantee for half a year, but Mr. Hubert does not need to worry. price guarantee issue.

Because Deep Blue Technology has always been adhering to the code of preferring to stop production rather than lower prices, which is why the value of second-hand products of Deep Blue Technology is so preserved.

In addition, we will provide Best Buy with a 2-week return service. " Lu Bingwei said.

Hearing Lu Bingwei's words, Hubert Jolly was completely moved. Let's talk about the problem of Deep Blue Technology stores first. It is not expensive at all to buy 10 stores for 147 billion US dollars. From the construction of these stores to the recruitment of employees, these work All require a lot of time and money.

Moreover, Shenlan Technology also provides half-year price guarantee and 2-week return service.

The most embarrassing thing for him is the issue of payment for goods.

Let's calculate the average price of Deepblue's mobile phone at 5500 yuan. The sales volume of Deepblue Technology in Europe can reach 20 units a day, which means that Best Buy needs to pay Deepblue Technology 11 billion yuan each time.

In other words, Best Buy needs to pay Deep Blue Technology $1.61 million for each purchase.

At that time, I wanted to compare the net profit of 10 billion per month. These money were small things, which meant that the money invested could be earned back in two months.

Becoming an agent of Deep Blue Technology is no different from picking up money.

"Mr. Lu, I need to consult with the board of directors before I can give you an answer on this matter." Hubert Jolly said after silence.

"I hope Best Buy can give me an answer as soon as possible. Beacon Country has other alternative partners besides Best Buy." Lu Bingwei said.

Xiangdifeng Garden Villa Area, Shunyi District, Capital City, China.

Liu Qianqian wiped her hair with a towel and walked out of the bathroom.

"Qianxi, have you opened a stock account in the United States?" Cao Mang asked, leaning on the bedside and looking at the oncoming Liu Qianqian.

"I don't understand these and have never traded in stocks, but my mother has opened an account." Liu Qianxi sat on the edge of the bed and said.

As she said this, Liu Qianqian took out a hair dryer from the drawer and handed it to Cao Mang. After taking the hair dryer, Cao Mang also sat by the bed and blew her hair.

"Later, you will ask your mother for an account. I will use an overseas account to transfer 47 million US dollars into it. You will ask your mother to find his stockbroker and buy all the money into Best Buy stocks. When the stock rises to [-] dollars Just sell them all.

This money is regarded as my gift money to your mother. "Cao Mang said while helping Liu Qianqian blow dry her hair.

"Best Buy's stock needs to be protected?" Liu Qianqian asked very puzzled.

"Lu Bingwei is talking to Best Buy about the agent. The agent of Best Buy will definitely not be able to escape. Once the news is released, the stock price will skyrocket. Originally, I wanted Taylor Swift to buy it together, but Taylor Swift is Deep Blue's brand ambassador.

If she bought Best Buy's stock at this time, she might be investigated by the Securities Regulatory Commission of the United States.

I also asked Xiaoyuan and the others to buy Best Buy stocks. Do you want to buy some to earn some pocket money? If you make money, it will be your pocket money. If you lose, it will be my personal loss. "Cao Mang said.

"How much should I buy?" Liu Qianqian asked.

"Just like Xiaoyuan and the others, you should buy [-] million US dollars." Cao Mang said.

You must know that Liu Qianxi is also a little rich woman. In addition to the money she earned as a star, she was also given a share when she sold the optical factory. There are 5 million US dollars in her account.

"Then my contact person will do it for me tomorrow." Liu Qianqian turned her head and kissed Cao Mang on the face.

December 2016, 2.

In front of the No. 830 bus stop in Bawangfen, Beijing.

Wan Shuli bought a finger cake at the Sunshine Breakfast Shop. When she was using Deep Blue to pay, an advertisement popped up on Deep Blue Pay.

【Huzhubao: 30 critical illness insurance is waiting for you】

Wan Shuli was originally a salesperson of an insurance company. She has been engaged in the insurance industry for more than ten years. No one understands the essence of insurance better than her.

"I didn't expect that Deep Blue Technology would also start cheating money." Wan Shuli murmured while biting her hand cake.

It is said that the cat died of curiosity, so she clicked in out of curiosity, she wanted to see what Huzhubao was.

To be precise, Huzhubao should be called Mutual Insurance. It is an insurance launched by Deep Blue Insurance Co., Ltd. To join this insurance, you need to pay a filing fee of 100 yuan. As for the insurance premium of Huzhubao, you only pay when you need it.

Before the number of mutual insurance members reaches 30, all premiums will be paid by Deep Blue Technology.

Once the number of insured persons reaches 30, it will be shared equally among all members.

If one of the 30 members suffers from a major illness, each member will need to pay a premium of 3 cents to 1 yuan. All these premiums will be paid to the sick person. The more people insured, the lower the cost.

Deep Blue Technology will charge an 8% management fee.

Wan Shuli frowned when she saw this rule. The insurance fee of this mutual insurance is really cheap enough, and the mutual insurance will definitely have a huge impact on the insurance industry.

Focus on: insurance premiums.

This mutual insurance is undertaken by Deep Blue Insurance Co., Ltd.

Cao Mang learned the lesson from Lao Ma Mutual Insurance and directly insured it with the insurance company, which also meant that the insurance was legal.

After confirming that there were no traps in the regulations of mutual insurance, Wan Shuli bought a mutual insurance for herself and her family, because the premium of mutual insurance was too cheap.

Even if someone gets cancer every day, the cost will not exceed 50 yuan a month, and the cost in a year will not exceed 600 yuan. The more insured people participate in mutual aid insurance, the more expenses will be spent. In a year, it may The fee to be paid is less than 100 yuan.

Why not buy yourself insurance for 100 yuan?

Even though she has been in the insurance industry for more than ten years, she still cannot resist the temptation of mutual insurance.

This year is the year when the Internet is very developed.

The launch of Huzhubao was quickly uploaded on the Internet, and netizens were also talking about it.

"Deep Blue Technology has set up a mutual insurance. Has anyone joined the mutual insurance? Is this thing a leek harvester?"

"I've just done some in-depth research on mutual insurance. The rules of mutual insurance are a bit like crowdfunding. The more people who join, the less money they need to pay. If every Chinese person joins mutual insurance, the prevalence rate of various major diseases will be reduced. Add up, each person only needs a maximum of 10 yuan per year.

Then once you suffer from a major illness, you can get a premium of 30. "

"Fuck. Isn't mutual insurance very cost-effective?"

"Let me give you some math. The incidence rate of cancer is about one in 14. If 30 people join the mutual aid insurance, that is to say, 2 people may get sick, then each of these 30 people only need to pay 2 yuan premium.

In other words, you can buy yourself a critical illness insurance that covers you until the age of 102 for 60 yuan.

The more people who join, the less you have to pay. Compared with the products of other insurance companies, Deep Blue’s mutual insurance is so conscientious that it has no friends.

For ordinary people like us, this two yuan cannot even buy a cup of Coke, but at a critical moment, this money can help a sick family. If something like this happens to us, wouldn't we? It's like buying yourself an insurance policy.

Moreover, mutual insurance does not conflict with other commercial insurances. Of course, I hope that rich people will not come here to collect money and give this money to those needy families who are really in need. "

(End of this chapter)

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