The black technology empire started with a debt of one billion

Chapter 380 395: Let the Chinese people kill them

Chapter 380 395: Let the Chinese people kill them
Keisha Fischer glanced at the one-year service fee on the quotation and asked, "What does it mean that the one-year service fee is included?"

"The artificial intelligence carried by smart speakers only provides basic services, and the basic services only provide home appliance control and data query," Sharon Hudson Barabara introduced.

To put it simply, Andromeda only provides services like Siri if you don’t spend money. If you want to make artificial intelligence smart, you have to pay to enjoy it.

This mode will be the first to be launched in the bullfighting country. In the future, the tycoons wearing hats and foot pot chickens will also use this mode.

This matter was the result of discussions between Lu Bingwei and Cao Mang yesterday afternoon.

Because the cost of deploying servers abroad is too high, Deep Blue cannot afford long-term service costs, so it can only adopt this charging model.

Cao Mang originally planned to use the plan he had agreed with Natasha to be free for the time being, but he ignored that smart speakers and mobile phone users will also use this function.

That's why we came up with such a temporary plan.

After the discussion, Cao Mang asked Natasha to impose restrictions on Andromeda abroad.

Of course, this program is currently only for foreign users. Domestic users can ask Xianer ten questions a day, and the questions mentioned here refer to professional questions.

Which kind of question is a professional question, Xianer will identify it by himself.

"After that year has passed, how much do I need to pay if I still want to enjoy this service?" Kesha Fisher asked.

"After one year, you only need to pay 99 euros to renew. Of course, this fee is not fixed. This fee will be determined according to the exchange rate. However, if the exchange rate does not change much, it will basically be renewed at this price." Sharon Hudson replied.

Keisha Fischer heard that 99 euros a year was not very expensive.

This thing is much cheaper than hiring a private tutor to teach her children.

Don't think that only China is very good at involution. In fact, foreign countries are also very good at involution. Of course, this involution is limited to some people, and some people still hope that their children will become talented.

She can't afford the 1099 deep blue mobile phone, but this 399 smart speaker, she can still buy one if she bites her teeth. The installment payment mode is not too stressful for her.

Lu Bingwei has already negotiated with several major banks in Europe, and users can repay the loan in up to 24 installments.

"Can you use a credit card?" Keisha Fisher asked.

"Yes, up to 24 installments can be supported, and we provide three interest-free services. No matter how many installments you pay, the first three installments are free of interest." Sharon Hudson said.

Sharon Hudson then introduced the other party to the interest rate of the installment payment.

After understanding it, Keisha Fischer decided to pay in 24 installments. The annual interest rate for repayment in 24 installments is only 5.6%. The one-year interest is only 22 euros, and the two-year interest is only 44 euros.

The most important thing is that she only needs to pay 16.6 euros per issue, which puts no pressure on her.

Sharon Hudson took her to the cash register and handed it over to other colleagues, then returned to greet other customers.

During Sharon Hudson's absence, Tata LS Card tried out the Deep Blue 1S mobile phone.

With the smooth control speed, the gorgeous display effect, and the powerful camera function, Tatara decided to buy a Deep Blue 1S.

As a high-income prime bachelor, 1099 euros is a small sum of money to him.

When Sharon Hudson came back, Tata LS Card picked up the phone and took a photo of the other party.

"Broken fat." Tata LS Card said while looking at the photo on the screen.

He is very satisfied with the camera function of this camera.

"Sir, what do you think of our dark blue 1S?" Sharon Hudson asked with a sweet smile.

"This is the best mobile phone I have ever seen. Can you introduce some smart home appliances to me?" Tata LS asked after putting down the phone.

"No problem," Sharon Hudson replied.

Then she took the other party to experience the smart home appliances in the store. Tata LS card was also very satisfied with the smart home appliances. In the end, Tata LS card spent [-] euros in the Deep Blue store.

Other salespersons in the specialty store also made a lot of money, closing an order every 10 minutes on average.

In a blink of an eye, it was 05:30 in the afternoon.

Lu Bingwei checked the transaction volume of the five specialty stores in Bullfighting Country.

In just three hours, five stores sold a total of 100 million euros in sales. Smart home appliances are the most popular of all products, among which smart speakers have the largest transaction volume.

It's just that the volume of mobile phones is slightly worse.

But overall, the Bullfighting Country store can be said to have opened perfectly.

He will leave the next thing to the person in charge of the bullfighting country to manage.

Lu Bingwei packed up his things and put everything he wanted to take away into his bag. Next, he was going to France, because the French store was expected to open in three days.

France is a country that gives him a lot of headaches, because it is very difficult to expel people in France.

In order to solve this problem, Lu Bingwei lowered the recruitment salary to the minimum standard. If employees want to get high salary, they must obtain it through sales commission. In addition, in order to solve the problem of laziness of local French employees.

Lu Bingwei only hired one-third of the workers needed for the store, and half of the employees were only Chinese.

All the remaining workers were recruited through part-time jobs, and very high sales commissions were offered. Moreover, the part-time workers were mainly Chinese. Lu Bingwei planned to let the Chinese people recruit the French to death.

If this does not solve the problem of French laziness.

Then he could only negotiate with Cao Mang and choose to close the French store.

Because of this problem, Lu Bingwei only opened one store in France. If there are no problems with this business model, then he will open other branches.

During this period of time, Lu Bingwei's schedule was still very busy.

After the French store opens, he will also go to Great Britain. The Great Britain store is expected to open next week. After the Great Britain store opens, he will fly to Germany to handle the affairs of the German store.

This time Lu Bingwei will travel to eight countries in total, and this time Deep Blue will open branches in eight countries.

The reason for opening so many branches is mainly because of the advent of smart production lines. The production capacity of Deep Blue Technology is enough to meet the supply of so many countries. Otherwise, Lu Bingwei would not need to travel to so many countries to open stores.

When it comes to who is the busiest at Deep Blue Technology, apart from Qin Fengming, it is Lu Bingwei, who puts him in charge of overseas sales.

However, after the opening of these specialty stores, his income was also the highest in the entire Deep Blue.

(End of this chapter)

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