Duan Yu's Biography of Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 170 The Heart of the Strong

Chapter 170 The Heart of the Strong

"Zhou Zhiruo"

There was no surprise on Duan Yu's face.

Before that, he went to Wudang and delivered the Nine-Yang Magic to his door. Therefore, Zhang Sanfeng did not take Zhang Wuji to Shaolin to ask for the Shaolin Nine-Yang Skill.

Lao Zhang and Xiao Zhang would not have met Zhou Zhiruo and his daughter in Hanshui.

But Zhou Zhiruo's father, Zhou Ziwang, still did not escape the fate of being killed by the Mongols.

After a lot of crying and crying, the town finally returned to calm.

A total of [-] people were killed by the Tatar soldiers, regardless of age or sex.

There were more than a dozen children among them, still looking around.

Their parents were killed and they have no relatives anymore.

Bei Jinyi couldn't bear it, so she stayed behind to help them deal with their funeral arrangements and take care of their several-year-old child.

Near evening, after everyone buried the dead, they cooked food and invited Duan Yu and Bei Jinyi to stay for dinner.

The two did not refuse and took Zhou Zhiruo with them.

Zhou Zhiruo's father was so sad that he couldn't eat anything.

Looking at these children, Bei Jinyi was overflowing with motherly love.

The few children over 12 years old are fine and can barely make ends meet wherever they go.

But children under 12 years old, especially children of several years old, have almost no ability to survive.

Seeing how pitiful they were, Bei Jinyi told the leading village elder to ask the villagers to adopt these children.

Duan Yu rescued them, and they naturally entertained them, but no one wanted to adopt these children.

Seeing this, Bei Jinyi felt chilled, her chest felt tight, and she felt so angry.

Duan Yu comforted her with a smile: "Human nature is like this. In troubled times, they can't support their own family. How can they support these dozen orphans?"

This was the Yuan Dynasty, and relations between neighbors were far from harmonious.

It was not until Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty, strengthened the Lijia system, and encouraged neighbors to help each other and exchange courtesy that the Chinese-style neighbor relations underwent earth-shaking changes.

"Senior brother, let's adopt them?" Bei Jinyi suggested.

"Bring it back to Emei?"

Duan Yu shook his head, feeling something was wrong.

First of all, Master Jiejie will never accept it.

Emei is a famous sect, and entry requirements are very strict.

Even girls with mediocre qualifications are almost not accepted.

Duan Yu looked at this group of children. Except for Zhou Zhiruo, who had excellent bones, the rest of them had average martial arts talents.

This kind of qualification, let alone the Emei Sect, would not be easily accepted by any of the six major sects.

At most, he would be a handyman serving tea and water.

A few little girls can work under the Emei family.

But what about boys?

Even Master Potian Jiejie will not accept it.

Bei Jinyi was very sad.

I just hate that I can't do anything.

The village elder kindly invited the two of them to stay in the town for a few days.

But he was worried that if the Yuan soldiers came again, these young heroes would take action to resist them.

Bei Jinyi was very angry after seeing this, and pulled Duan Yu away, taking Zhou Zhiruo with her.

Seeing this situation, the dozen or so orphans hurriedly followed behind without saying a word.

Children from poor families become parents early. Although they are young, they are very sensible.

Knowing that this beautiful sister has a kind heart and these handsome brothers are powerful in martial arts, there is no need to worry about the Tatar soldiers coming to kill them again.

"Brother, just think of a way to convince Master to accept them!"

Along the way, Bei Jinyi was hard-pressed.

Duan Yu said: "This place is still a hundred miles away from Xiangyang City. Let's find a place to sleep for one night and then start our journey tomorrow morning."

Not long after, they came to a ruined temple.

The two willow trees in front of the temple have undergone the vicissitudes of time and are bare as if they are about to die.

Bei Jinyi found that the area around the ruined temple was very desolate and far away from official roads.

The senior brother seemed to be deliberately walking into no man's land. Could it be that he wanted to get rid of these poor children?

"Senior brother, can we live here?"

Entering the ruined temple, Bei Jinyi took out the ropa in her sleeve and wiped her hands carefully while looking at the ruined temple without any incense.

Duan Yu smiled and said, "Yes, do you live there?"

It's winter now, the north wind is blowing loudly, and this ruined temple is leaking wind everywhere. It is really not suitable for ordinary people to live in.

Bei Jinyi nodded and said: "I'll live here, it's better than living in that emotionless town!"

I would rather live in a ruined temple with drafts everywhere than in a town with shelter from wind and rain.

Bei Jinyi's anger has not yet dissipated.

With that said, she went to close the temple door, gathered a group of orphans together, and blocked the air leakage with wooden boards.

Fortunately, there is some hay in the temple, so you can make a fire to keep warm.

Zhou Zhiruo helped light the fire.

Under the firelight, a group of thin children huddled together around the fire.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough..." A hoarse cough sounded, getting more and more violent.

A child's body was shaking, curled up like a lobster, and seemed to be coughing all over his body, as if he wanted to cough up everything in his body. It was really scary.

The child was kicked around by two Yuan soldiers during the day and was seriously injured.

Bei Jinyi hurried over, took out the Jiuhua Jade Dew Pills and fed them to the child.

She fed the Jiuhua Yulu Pill to her child without even thinking about it, which was extremely rare in the martial arts world.

If someone else saw it, they would definitely scold her for being wasteful and shameful.

Bei Jinyi gently caressed the child who was curled up in a ball, her water-like eyes showing sadness and compassion.

At this time, she, a grown-up girl, led a dozen children to spend the night in a ruined temple. It was really sad to see her.

Duan Yu secretly sighed, what a kind woman, it makes people feel heartache.

"Junior Sister Bei, follow me out to get some firewood."

Bei Jinyi looked at these poor children and reluctantly followed Duan Yu out of the temple.

When the children saw it, they got up one after another and hid behind the temple door to watch them, fearing that the two would abandon them and run away.

"Brother, they are so pitiful!" Under the moonlight outside the temple, Bei Jinyi sighed with unbearable tone.

"Well, it's a little pitiful."

Duan Yu responded casually and walked towards the small woods at the east end without stopping.


Bei Jinyi was very angry at his insensitivity, her voice became serious and her face was serious.

"Junior sister, I didn't say I wouldn't help them."

Duan Yu still walked slowly and without stopping. The weeds were getting thicker and there was no sound under his feet.

"As long as they have the perseverance to follow us to Xiangyang City, I will take them in."

This place is hundreds of miles away from Xiangyang City, which is a test for them.

These guys don't have the martial arts aptitude, but if they don't have the perseverance, then there's really no need to adopt them, just give them some money and find someone to live with.

If you follow them all the way to Xiangyang City, it means that the boy can be taught.

To Duan Yu, qualifications are nothing more than a marrow-cleansing pill.

Bei Jinyi understood what Duan Yu meant and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

The two got into the woods.

There were dead branches and leaves everywhere inside. Bei Jinyi picked them up for a while and then returned with a full load.

She knew that her senior brother was a very particular person and seemed to have a mysophobia, so she didn't let Duan Yu reach out from the beginning to the end.

Duan Yu would never let a woman work alone when he went out.

After Bei Jinyi was tied up, he flicked his sleeves, rolled up a bunch of grass branches on the ground, and then rubbed them with both hands.

The pile of firewood seemed to be carried by an invisible package.

"Brother, you are so great!"

Bei Jinyi felt itchy in her heart when she saw his amazing skills, so she also imitated him and brushed out her sleeves.

The withered grass beneath her feet moved slightly, but it was caused by a breeze and had nothing to do with her.

Bei Jinyi tried twice more, but the ground didn't move at all.

"Junior sister Bei, your internal strength is too weak. Senior brother will teach you step by step someday and help you make up for it."


The two returned to the ruined temple.

A group of children looked at them, still silent, but with a hint of joy on their faces.

Bei Jinyi closed the temple door and lit a fire again, making the entire ruined temple a little warmer again.

With a soft and delicate voice and loving eyes, she invited Zhou Zhiruo and the other two little girls to sleep with her.

Several boys huddled together.

Duan Yu slept on the rope alone.

When the children saw this magical power, their eyes widened and they felt incredible.

Can people sleep on ropes?
This is too amazing!
This handsome guy is so awesome!

Several of the children had bright eyes, and at this time, a strong heart was already buried in their young hearts.

Ten years later, the entire martial arts world will tremble because of them.

The journey of more than 100 miles took four days to arrive.

All the children had two rows of blisters on their feet. The youngest was only five years old, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

In the end, out of the original eighteen children, only ten remained when they arrived at Xiangyang City, seven boys and three girls.

The eight boys refused to leave halfway, so Duan Yu gave them to a nearby family for adoption, leaving some money behind.

If they fail to seize the opportunity, they are destined to live an ordinary life.

As the saying goes, money can make the world go round, so Duan Yu bought a house in Xiangyang City.

The location of the house is exactly where the Guo Mansion was a hundred years ago.

Over the past hundred years, this house has been renovated several times and changed its owners several times.

"These little guys will live here from now on."

Duan Yu and a group of kids checked in with their bags.

After moving into the mansion, the children cheered for joy, everything was tidied up, and everyone looked smart and smart.

Inside the main hall.

Bei Jinyi held her snow-white and delicate chin and looked at Duan Yu intently: "Senior brother, do you really want to accept Zhiruo as your junior sister?"

Duan Yu nodded: "She has excellent qualifications and is well-educated. She is destined to the Emei Sect."

"But if you kill first and then show off, Master will definitely blame you!"

Bei Jinyi frowned slightly, showing a worried look. The master's temper was not very good, and he was always strict in selecting disciples.

Duan Yu smiled and said nonchalantly: "Such a good talent and good quality, I believe the head master will like it!"

Are you kidding me, if I met Zhou Zhiruo and discovered his martial arts aptitude, I would wake up laughing even in my sleep!

"What about the other little guys? Why don't you accept them as disciples, senior brother!"

Bei Jinyi stood up, holding the pot in her hand, and poured tea for Duan Yu.

"I don't want to accept a disciple for the time being. It's too troublesome." Duan Yu shook his head.

Among the ten children, Zhou Zhiruo is the oldest, ten years old.

But her long-term hunger and lack of nutrition made it difficult for her to grow, which made Bei Jinyi secretly feel sad.

Most of the other children are around eight or nine years old. They look much younger and are single and weak.

If Duan Yu were to start a sect, now would indeed be a good opportunity to recruit disciples.

But we're not there yet.


Bei Jinyi's plain white hands stretched out and pulled Duan Yu's sleeves, her delicate body stretched forward, and her voice was soft.

Her protruding figure made Duan Yu feel itchy.

Duan Yu couldn't bear her grinding, so he had to say: "Okay, okay, why don't I accept them!"

Bei Jinyi was overjoyed: "Senior brother, have you really agreed to accept them? How many do you plan to accept?"

"I've got them all, including you little goblin!" Duan Yu pulled her over and was about to use violence.

Feeling her senior brother's burning eyes, Bei Jinyi looked shy but did not resist.

Her long eyelashes drooped slightly to block her eyes from being shy.

He flashed to the backyard with Bei Jinyi in his arms.

For a time, the waves were ups and downs, and the king and goddess of Xiang went to Wushan together.

(End of this chapter)

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