Starting from a top student and marching towards the sea of ​​stars

Chapter 349 The pattern of the aerospace field has changed!

Chapter 349 The pattern of the aerospace field has changed!

At this time, NASA also obtained a detailed report on the rocket engine test run of Xia Guo Space Agency based on the data they collected.

"Sir, the results we obtained are basically consistent with the information released by the Xiaguo Space Administration. Their rocket engine test experiment this time was indeed very successful, and they have even exceeded their mission. If this trend continues, they will It is indeed very promising, and a manned moon landing will be achieved within a few years..."

After hearing the contents of the report, NASA officials couldn't help but frowned.

Because with NASA's current strength, no engine can have such strong power.

Even without overloading, it is difficult for them to make the engine run stably for a long time, which undoubtedly represents the gap between the two sides in this technology.

"Damn it... at least in terms of rocket engine technology, they have already surpassed us. I can't believe how they managed to do this in such a short period of time."

Logically speaking, there has always been a certain gap between Xia and Milijan in terms of rocket engine technology.

Even if Milijian stagnated in this technology, giving Xia Guo ten or even twenty years, he might not be able to catch up with Milijian.

But in fact, in just a few years, Xia Guo achieved corner overtaking with this technology, which was something they could not understand at all.

"Hmm...why is there no analysis of the specific technology of the engines used by Xia Guo Space Agency in this report? Without such analysis, what is the point of just listing some superficial data?"

"Sir, the data we can obtain now is too limited. How can we easily obtain the data inside the engine? Otherwise, if others take a look at our engine, wouldn't our technology also be leaked? "

Although it was difficult for people to accept such words easily, he had to admit that these words were indeed true.

At this moment, a person in the conference room suddenly said:

"Sir, I think that Xia National Space Administration should have applied a brand-new technology in this engine."

After hearing what this person said, the NASA officer quickly asked eagerly:

"Oh? What kind of technology is that?"

"Please see, there is something in the structure of this engine that normal engines do not have. According to my guess, this may be a superconducting circuit device."

"Superconducting circuit device...why do you make such a guess?"

Although superconducting technology is not a particularly new technology, due to its various limitations, it has not been really used in rockets so far.

Because the superconducting critical temperatures of the currently discovered superconductors are very low, it is not easy to maintain this state. Coupled with the excess consumption of energy, the power of the rocket may not decrease but increase.

"I think this is unlikely. It is too risky to use this technology in rockets, and the application speed is too fast, so it is unlikely to suddenly appear on rocket engines."

"No, I don't think these are problems. This design is very consistent with the characteristics of superconducting lines, and don't forget, this Xia State's manned moon landing project is not just a project of the Xia State Space Administration, but It is a cooperative project between Xia Guo Space Agency and Xingchen Technology."

When "Star Technology" was mentioned, everyone suddenly realized the crux of the matter.

Because the actual person in charge of Xingchen Technology is Ning Chen, and Ning Chen’s research results in the field of superconductivity are unique in the world.

And this is still based on the fact that Ning Chen has many achievements that have not been published publicly.

If you include those confidential achievements, even if the standards are lowered, no one can come close to Ning Chen's achievements in the field of superconductivity.

"Now we can completely assume that Ning Chen has developed a new type of superconducting material before and applied this superconducting material to this rocket engine. Only in this way can they make it so fast To create a rocket engine with such powerful performance..."

Listening to this person's analysis, more and more people are beginning to lean towards the existence of this possibility.

"Okay, then let's follow this direction and simulate how feasible it is and whether it is really possible."

NASA also has very powerful simulation modeling technology, and then conducted simulations based on this idea.

After several hours, they finally copied a similar engine in the simulation software according to the engine shape in the video.

The engine casing is relatively easy to replicate, but as for the internal conditions, some can only rely on guesswork.

Fortunately, by comparing simulated data with actual data, the accuracy of the simulation can be roughly judged, which can help NASA verify whether their simulation plan is close to the actual plan.

After many consecutive verifications, they came to a preliminary conclusion.

"According to our simulation results, Xia Guo Space Agency is indeed very likely to add superconducting lines to this rocket engine. However, this requires very powerful technology. In addition to the very high superconducting critical temperature, superconducting The other properties of the conductive material must also be excellent..."

Looking at the analysis of the properties of this superconducting material, everyone found it a bit hard to believe.

"How could there be such a powerful superconducting material? This, this does not conform to the characteristics of normal superconducting materials at all, right?"

"It is really hard to believe that according to the literature we found, there is not even a single superconducting material that can meet the properties we have obtained, and there is even a big gap from such standards. Even in We have not found similar superconducting materials in the "Academic Sky"."

"I'm afraid that superconducting materials of this level will not appear in published documents casually, right? Ning Chen has always been in the habit of hiding his research results, especially when it involves manned moon landing technology. There’s a reason to hide it so tightly.”

Under the analysis of NASA executives and researchers, the feasibility of this direction has been greatly confirmed.

"It seems that in future research, we need to increase investment in the field of superconductivity. Otherwise, we may continue to be widened by Xia Guo in the aerospace field. In addition, we must also find a way Get more internal information and see if we can find out more details about this engine..."

When things have developed to this stage, NASA has also realized that if it can no longer find a way to follow up on technology, the pattern of the world's aerospace field may really change from now on.


After completing the rocket engine test run, Xia Guo Space Administration and Xingchen Technology carefully summarized the test run and started the next work.

For Ning Chen, when this engine passed the test, a big stone in his heart had landed safely. The next step is to manufacture other structures of the rocket step by step and complete test runs one by one.

According to Ning Chen's estimation, if everything goes well, the manned moon landing project can be truly implemented within the next two to three years.

At this time, Ning Chen could finally free up time to handle some other work.

In the evening, Ning Chen sat alone in his study, thinking about the future direction.

"Although there is hope for the manned moon landing project, this is just the beginning after all. If the follow-up system sets landing on Mars as a mission, how can I complete such a mission?"

Ning Chen knew very well that if it had not been for the application of the most advanced superconducting technology, he would never have completed the design of the new rocket engine so quickly.

But such a case of overtaking on a curve is difficult to replicate unless you can make a huge breakthrough in other technologies in the future.

At this moment, Ning Chen suddenly thought of a technical direction.

"By the way...controllable nuclear fusion! If we want to take our technological strength to a higher level, controllable nuclear fusion is a technology that must be broken through."

However, this technology is very simple in theory, but there is still a long way to go to achieve commercialized controllable nuclear fusion.

The so-called nuclear fusion, generally speaking, is a reaction in which a deuteron nucleus and a tritium nucleus are collided to generate a helium nucleus and a free neutron. In the process, huge energy is released.

However, it is very difficult to control this reaction and achieve positive output of energy, or even commercialize it.

Even in Ning Chen's previous life before his rebirth, controllable nuclear fusion was still something out of reach. Some people even pessimistically believed that this was a goal that would be difficult to achieve fifty years later.

However, Ning Chen is not so pessimistic. With Ning Chen's current ability, he can greatly shorten the progress of scientific research work, even for complex technologies such as controllable nuclear fusion.

Immediately, Ning Chen let himself enter a state of concentration, thinking about how to research this technology.

Before I knew it, three hours had passed.

With Ning Chen's current level of energy, three hours is far from reaching the limit of continuous use in a focused state, but this kind of thinking time is enough for Ning Chen to think clearly about many issues.

Ning Chen took the initiative to break out of his state of concentration and sorted out the results of his thoughts.

"According to this direction, it is enough to complete a major breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion technology within five to ten years. It's just... alas..."

This time, what made Ning Chen feel embarrassed was not a theoretical or technical issue, but a research funding issue.

Although Xingchen Technology has now become one of the companies with the highest total market value in the world, even so, Xingchen Technology still cannot afford such a huge expenditure on scientific research funds.

If during the research on the controllable nuclear fusion project, the research was suddenly interrupted due to insufficient funds, Ning Chen would definitely feel very regretful.

Ning Chen roughly calculated that if he wanted to complete the research on controllable nuclear fusion, the market value of Xingchen Technology would have to increase at least several times.

"It seems that we need to launch some more commercial projects." Ning Chenxin said.

Because Star Technology’s recent research focus has been on the aerospace field. Although research in this field is very important, it is a very expensive project, and it is difficult to see the return on the project.

In order to complete research in the aerospace field, Ning Chen could only use the money earned by Xingchen Technology in other fields to support various aerospace projects.

Fortunately, Xingchen Technology's business in mobile phone systems and chip manufacturing is very stable, so it can support such a large amount of research expenditures without being exhausted.

"Next, what aspect of business should Xingchen Technology focus on to solve the funding problem of developing controllable nuclear fusion technology?"

Ning Chen's first thought was to enter the field of mobile phones and personal computers, because these technologies are relatively simple for Xingchen Technology.

However, Ning Chen quickly gave up this idea. Once Xingchen Technology entered the field of mobile phones and personal computers, the chain reaction would be very strong.

Now Xia Guo's mobile phone and personal computer brands account for almost half of the world. Ning Chen does not want Xingchen Technology to seriously crowd out the market of other Xia Guo Technology companies. This is a bad thing for Xia Guo Technology Company's flourishing.

Ning Chen also hopes that Xingchen Technology can become a leader for everyone, conduct in-depth research on chips, systems and other technical fields, and complement each other with other technology companies in Xia State.

"Otherwise... let's start with the personal computer system business. I haven't been able to take care of this business during this time, and now it's time to pick it up again."

Ning Chen didn't want to harm Xia Guo's technology company. In this case, he could only aggrieve Milician's WeSoft.

Of course, what Ning Chen said by "not taking care of it" did not mean that he had shelved this business completely.

Since the birth of the Longteng system, Xingchen Technology has been upgrading the system to make it more in line with the user experience.

However, such an upgrade cannot be said to be revolutionary, but a small upgrade within a certain framework.

Ning Chen feels that now he can completely update the version of the Longteng system so that the Longteng system can occupy a larger market share.

Since it was already very late today, Ning Chen was not in a hurry to think about this matter immediately. He simply listed a framework and went to rest.

The next day, Ning Chen woke up early. After taking care of other tasks, he concentrated on analyzing the current Longteng system.

This analysis doesn't matter. Ning Chen only feels that the Dragon System, which he was once proud of, now seems to be quite satisfactory.

(End of this chapter)

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