Starting from a top student and marching towards the sea of ​​stars

Chapter 199 Recognition of three Fields Medal winners

Chapter 199 Recognition of Three Fields Medal Winners

"Ultrasound-assisted chemical route... Ning Chen, can you elaborate?"

Ning Chen was not surprised at all by Xu Zhou and Sui Feng's reactions, because this method was indeed very unpopular.

“I heard about this method when I was an intern at Yanda University. The general meaning is that it uses ultrasonic waves to promote chemical reactions.

Because ultrasonic waves can produce cavitation, that is, they can create bubbles in the liquid. These bubbles will expand rapidly under the action of sound waves and then burst suddenly.

This cavitation can produce a high-temperature and high-pressure environment, and can also produce strong stirring and flow effects.These effects can promote chemical reactions, increase reaction rates and product synthesis rates..."

Listening to Ning Chen's explanation, Xu Zhou and Sui Feng gradually understood the theoretical basis of Ning Chen's method.

"I see, this is indeed a feasible method in theory. I didn't expect that you learned so many useful things during your internship at Yan University."

Because this method was a relatively cutting-edge professional technology at the time, it would be difficult for people who did not study very carefully in related majors to learn about such a method.

"Of course. During my time at Yanda, although I did not directly study materials science, many of the things I learned were directly or indirectly related to materials science."

"No, I have to find time to apply to the school to study at Yanda University." Xu Zhou said with a smile.

"Then...Teacher Xu, take me there too?" Sui Feng echoed.

"Sui Feng, do you think you can go to Yanda for exchanges if you want to? At least you have to publish a top article first to let me see your strength, right?"

"Okay, then I'll fight for it." Sui Feng said with some disappointment.

In fact, Xu Zhou regretted a little after saying this. He just said that he would praise Sui Feng more in the future, but perhaps because of the habits he had developed in the past two years, some words came out of his mouth naturally and he couldn't stop at all. .

"Hey, Sui Feng, it's actually not that easy for me to go there myself, but it doesn't matter. Just what Ning Chen learned in the few months at Yan University is enough for us to study well for a while."

Ning Chen saw this and said:
"Mr. Xu, Senior Brother Sui, you don't have to worry so much. I will definitely share all kinds of new knowledge with you if it is so necessary. Sometimes there is too much knowledge in my mind, and I don't know what to do. Where to start? I just have to find a suitable situation and then bring out this knowledge."

Just like this research project, if Ning Chen hadn't suddenly thought that this method could be used in the preparation of Ag-doped TiO2 nanotubes, then Ning Chen might never have talked to them about this method.

After determining the next experimental plan, Ning Chen, Xu Zhou, and Sui Feng prepared for the next experiment together.

Although this solution is feasible in theory, Ning Chen has not actually done any related experiments. He only learned about this method in the class at Yanda.

In order to complete the experiment, Xuzhou specially borrowed ultrasonic equipment from the chemistry group of Shengzhou University, and consulted the teacher to learn about the operating procedures and precautions of the relevant experiments.

After everyone's continuous exploration, we finally adjusted the appropriate ultrasonic power and processing time, successfully constructed the ideal chemical route with ultrasound assistance, and completed the deposition of Ag on TiO2 nanotubes.

And in subsequent tests, the value of Ning Chen's plan was also well proved.

When Ning Chen designed this plan, he did not just want to simply add an Ag deposition method, but hoped to further improve the performance of the material.

"After testing, the nanomaterials synthesized through ultrasound-assisted chemical routes have higher photocurrent and photocatalytic efficiency. Not only are they much higher than ordinary TiO2 nanotube arrays, they are also higher than Ag-doped ones synthesized by other methods. TiO2 nanotubes are taller."

Because substances synthesized through different methods, chemical reaction rates, product yields and other data will be different, there will be certain differences in the synthesized substances.

Ning Chen's new method undoubtedly raised the value of the entire project to another level.

When the experiment reached this stage, Ning Chen no longer had any good methods, so everyone prepared to finish the problem and sort out the experimental results of these days.

Since the entire experimental project was completed by Ning Chen, Xu Zhou, and Sui Feng, the work of organizing the results and writing the paper will also be completed by the three of them.Ning Chen rarely wrote papers with others before. He occasionally wrote papers with others. This kind of teamwork felt good.

This research topic is not very prominent among all the topics that Ning Chen has studied, but this topic has filled Ning Chen’s scientific research gap very well. While Ning Chen has gained something, it has also produced new things. provided a lot of new research inspiration.

After completing the writing and proofreading of the paper, the three discussed the issue of paper delivery.

Xu Zhou knew about various academic journals related to materials science, and Ning Chen and Sui Feng also wanted to hear Xu Zhou's opinions first.

"I think this paper may not be suitable for submission to the main journals of Nature and Science. Of course, this is not because this paper is not valuable enough, but the research direction is too professional and not suitable for Nature. and the style of Science’s main publication.”

Ning Chen also meant what Xu Zhou said, simply put, is that the gimmicks of the paper are not enough and may not attract the interest of the editors of the main journals of "Nature" and "Science".

"But "Nature" has a sub-journal called "Nature Materials", which is a journal centered on materials science. The impact factor of this journal is also very high, not even inferior to the main journals of "Nature" and "Science" , of course it’s not easy to publish a paper on it.”

Ning Chen also has a certain understanding of this journal. It is a very high-quality materials science academic journal, and its impact factor sometimes even exceeds the main journals of "Nature" and "Science".

Being able to publish a paper on this is enough to be regarded as a very important achievement.

After listening to Xu Zhou's opinions, Ning Chen and Sui Feng both agreed and continued to revise the paper and prepare for submission.


Journal of the American Mathematical Society.

Several journal editors were sitting together, discussing issues related to paper acceptance.

"Did Professor Patterson also give advice recommending that the journal accept the manuscript?"

"Yes, after careful review, Professor Patterson also believes that this is an excellent paper, and the theory in the paper is completely correct. So far, the three Fields Medal winners have given made the choice to recommend that we accept this paper."

The paper they were discussing was the research paper related to the Navier-Stokes equation that Ning Chen had submitted before.

The "Professor Patterson" they call is Inge Patterson, a great mathematician who also won the Fields Medal.

It was very rare before that a paper could be reviewed by three Fields Medalists at the same time.

But this is also a choice that the Journal of the American Mathematical Society has no choice, because if it does not reach this level, it is indeed difficult to make an accurate and objective judgment on the research content of this paper.

"Now that the three Fields Medal winners have all recognized the research content of this paper, I think we have nothing to hesitate about."

To take a step back, even if Qiu Chengtong may have some selfish motives for reviewing this paper because of his relationship with Ning Chen, the fact that three mathematicians made similar judgments is enough to illustrate the problem.

After discussions among the editors, everyone finally decided unanimously to accept the paper submitted by Ning Chen.

In fact, before this, these editors had similar thoughts. As long as there were no problems with the content of Ning Chen's paper, they would definitely be inclined to accept it.

Ning Chen's previous papers have helped the journal improve the impact factor a lot. For authors of such papers, even the four top journals in mathematics, which are very demanding reviewers, will naturally welcome them.

It’s just that they are also worried about whether the research content of this paper is really correct. After all, several reviewers have been unable to give definite conclusions, and it is impossible for the journal to directly submit the paper to the journal without detailed review. Post it.

After making the decision, Abi Moyle sent an email confirming receipt of the paper to Ning Chen’s mailbox.

(End of this chapter)

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