Starting from a top student and marching towards the sea of ​​stars

Chapter 134 The dawn of high-temperature superconductors

Chapter 134 The dawn of high-temperature superconductors
"It's getting late, I should go back to the dormitory." Song Xiyun said.

It was already approaching eleven o'clock in the evening, and it was soon time to lock the dormitory door.

Although Ning Chen didn't want to separate from Song Xiyun now, he still couldn't let Song Xiyun be locked out of the dormitory.

"Well, then you go up and we'll contact you when we get back."

At this time, Song Xiyun seemed to suddenly remember something and said to Ning Chen:
"Wait here for me. I'll go upstairs to get something and I'll be down soon."

Before Ning Chen could answer, Song Xiyun ran towards the dormitory building.

Song Xiyun's long legs allowed her to take three steps at a time. Two minutes later, Ning Chen walked out carrying a bag.

Because she was going up and down the stairs too fast, Song Xiyun's breath had not stabilized yet.

Song Xiyun said with a little breath:
"Well, this is for you."

"what is this?"

"The running shoes I bought for you are size 43. They should fit you just right."

Hearing this shoe number, Ning Chen said in surprise:

"How do you know I wear size 43 shoes?"

"When I went back to your house last time, I wasn't cleaning your shoes, so I noticed your shoe size."

Previously, Ning Chen went to the supermarket outside in the heavy rain to help Song Xiyun buy auntie towels, and finally came back with wet shoes.

In order to express her gratitude to Ning Chen, Song Xiyun insisted on wearing gloves and helped Ning Chen clean the shoes the next day.

"Okay, your memory is really good. But why did you remember to buy me shoes?"

"When I was shopping with my friends, I fell in love with a pair of running shoes, but because this store has a buy one, get one free promotion, I brought you a pair by the way."

After hearing Song Xiyun's words, Ning Chen felt a little disappointed.

"So... these shoes of mine are just a gift?"

"Haha, you can say that. But the quality of this brand's shoes is still very good. You can try it when you go back. It's too late now."

Seeing that the door of the dormitory was locked immediately, Song Xiyun had no choice but to walk into the dormitory building, waved goodbye to Ning Chen.

Carrying the shoes given by Song Xiyun, Ning Chen came out of the Yanda campus and came to the subway station.

Fortunately, there happened to be the last subway train at this time, so Ning Chen didn't have to take a taxi.

After returning to the dormitory, Ning Chen couldn't wait to open the box.

This is a pair of black running shoes. Although the pattern is not very fancy, it still looks very beautiful.

Judging from the brand and materials of the running shoes, the quality of this pair of running shoes is very good, and the price should not be cheap.

Ning Chen quickly put them on and tried them on. He found that the shoes fit him perfectly. They were not too big or cramped, and they were very comfortable to walk on.

After trying on the shoes, Ning Chen shared his trial experience on QQ and expressed his gratitude to Song Xiyun.

Song Xiyun didn't sleep either and quickly replied to the message.

"Then after you return to Shengzhou University, we can run together again in the evening. Well... although we can't be together in space yet, we can still be together in time."

Ning Chen is also looking forward to running together. After all, proper exercise still needs to be maintained.

With Song Xiyun accompanying him, Ning Chen would have more motivation to run.

"Okay, then after we get back, we can continue to date at night!"

"Then it's settled. I'm going to bed, let's talk tomorrow!" Ning Chen knew that Song Xiyun was busy with her graduation defense recently, so he didn't want to disturb Song Xiyun too much, so he asked Song Xiyun to go to bed first.

After finishing the chat with Song Xiyun, Ning Chen couldn't help but recall the days when he was at Shuimu University and participated in Qiu Chengtong's scientific research training camp.

That was one of Ning Chen's happiest times. During the day, he was studying the proof method of Qiu Chengtong's conjecture. At night, he ran with Song Xiyun and sweated on the playground.

Although this kind of life seems very simple, Ning Chen enjoys it very much and enjoys the sense of accomplishment and pleasure brought by research and sports.

Ning Chen didn't know if he could regain the feeling he had at the beginning one day in the future.


Early the next morning, Ning Chen packed up his things and headed to Yanjing International Airport alone.

After all, Ning Chen came to the Chinese Academy of Sciences to do experiments this time. He was asking for help, and he would not enjoy all kinds of pick-up and drop-off treatment like when he took open classes at Shuimu University.

Ning Chen actually felt that this feeling was good. Compared with a group of people picking him up and dropping him off, he seemed more relaxed and comfortable.

While waiting to board the plane at the airport, Ning Chen saw Lin You's reply.

Indeed, as Song Xiyun said last night, Lin You has been busy with a new topic recently and is very tight on time. He has not been able to look at his mobile phone.

When Lin You learned that Ning Chen came to Yanjing, Ning Chen had already gone back, so he could only wait for the next opportunity to get together again.

Ning Chen was already very familiar with the journey between Shengzhou and Yanjing. After getting off the plane, Ning Chen took a taxi directly from the airport and returned to Shengzhou University.

Ning Chen did not go to the laboratory first. After a simple meal, he returned to the house in Xiangdu Garden, took a shower and changed clothes, then turned on the computer without stopping and began to analyze the experimental data he had done before.

After a period of detailed analysis, Ning Chen came to some new conclusions.

"These FeSe single-layer films have two energy gap characteristics similar to superconducting... Sure enough, these FeSe films are the most critical part of the entire superconducting system."

After confirming the establishment of this theory, Ning Chen tried to establish a new superconducting model on the computer and performed various complex calculations based on the theory and model.

"If there are no problems with these theories... In iron-based superconducting materials with FeSe thin films as the core, the superconducting critical temperature is proportional to the energy gap value. Calculated in this way..."

Soon, Ning Chen calculated the superconducting critical temperatures of some new superconducting models based on his own theory.

After completing the calculation, Ning Chen couldn't help but feel excited.

"It seems that the superconducting critical temperature of iron-based superconductors is expected to exceed 80K! If such a material can be successfully prepared, then this material may have certain application value in the future!"

Because the boiling point of liquid nitrogen is 77K, if the superconducting critical temperature of the superconductor is above 77K, liquid nitrogen can be used as the coolant.

The cost of using liquid nitrogen is much lower than that of liquid helium, because superconductors with a superconducting critical temperature above 77K are also commonly known as "high-temperature superconductors."

These superconductors have a larger application space than low-temperature superconductors, and are also the focus of research by researchers in the field of superconductivity.

After completing these analysis tasks, Ning Chen has more confidence in the next research topic.

Although high-temperature superconductivity cannot bring about disruptive changes to human society like room-temperature superconductivity, the application value of high-temperature superconductivity is also great.

Including energy, transportation, medical and other fields, high-temperature superconductivity has a wide range of applications.

Simply put, as long as the cost of refrigeration is lower than the cost of loss during current transmission, high-temperature superconductivity is a more energy-saving technology.

Finding superconductors with higher superconducting critical temperatures will increase the hope that this technology can be applied.

The next day, Ning Chen came to the laboratory early in the morning to prepare for new research work.

After a while, Xu Zhou also came. Seeing Ning Chen suddenly appear in the laboratory, Xu Zhou was also a little surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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