Chapter 123 Ning Chen, do you have that at home?

After entering the study, Song Xiyun was first surprised by the environment in the study.

"How do you feel...that there are two completely different worlds inside the study and outside the study?"

"Haha, didn't I say before that I often stay in the study. When I bought this house, it was a second-hand house. I didn't renovate it, so I just tidied up the study a little."

Song Xiyun came to the bookshelf and first flipped through a few academic journals.

"Ning Chen, are these the same journals where you have published papers?"

"Well, they are all in this grid to commemorate the papers I published publicly."

In just two years, Ning Chen published more than ten papers in major academic journals. Such achievements are not bad even among university teachers.

"It's amazing. I just published an essay. Hey, I hope I can have a bookshelf like this at home in the future, and the essays I publish can also fill a grid."

At this time, Song Xiyun felt that her reading of books over the years seemed to be in vain. The results she had obtained in five years were far less brilliant than Ning Chen's results in two years.

But after all, Ning Chen is indeed too special, and Song Xiyun doesn't want to compare herself with Ning Chen anymore, which will only bring more pressure to Song Xiyun.

After all, even among talented people like Yun Yan, Song Xiyun is considered very outstanding.

"Then I'll go and get busy first, just... you can do whatever you want."

Ning Chen almost wanted to say, just treat this place as your own home, but thinking about it, it seemed inappropriate, so Ning Chen stopped in time.

Returning to his desk, Ning Chen turned on the computer and began to analyze the experimental data he had done previously.

At the beginning, Ning Chen was still a little distracted because he knew there was another person at home, and he did not concentrate immediately.

However, as the analysis work continued, Ning Chen gradually focused on research and ignored the existence of Song Xiyun.

Song Xiyun moved a stool and sat in front of the bookshelf, looking for a few books and started reading.

There are indeed many books here in Ningchen. In addition to professional books and academic journals in various disciplines, there are also some ancient and modern Chinese and foreign masterpieces.

Song Xiyun could find some traces of reading in many books, which showed that Ning Chen did not just buy a bunch of books for decoration, but actually read these books seriously.

After reading the books in front of the bookshelf for a while, Song Xiyun turned around and glanced at Ning Chen.

At this time, Ning Chen was sitting at his desk, concentrating on his research work.

Ning Chen's level of concentration was extremely exaggerated. He almost entered a state of indifference, and would not be distracted by external disturbances at all.

Seeing Ning Chen's serious look, Song Xiyun's eyes and expression also quietly changed slightly.

Song Xiyun is not a superficial girl. In fact, Song Xiyun has no interest in the various "idols" that other girls are chasing.

However, Song Xiyun found a feeling of attraction to Ning Chen.

This kind of attraction does not just stop at a person's appearance, but includes the entire person's knowledge, temperament, attitude towards life, etc.

Although the boy in front of her was three years younger than herself, after getting to know Ning Chen, Song Xiyun had never felt that this age gap really existed.

As the time approached noon, Ning Chen continued to maintain his previous state, immersed in research work.

Song Xiyun didn't want to disturb Ning Chen and came to the kitchen silently.

There were still some vegetables they bought at the fresh food supermarket yesterday, so Song Xiyun started working in the kitchen by herself.

More than half an hour later, Song Xiyun had cooked the rice and fried two vegetables.

It was already past lunch time. At this time, Song Xiyun didn't care whether it would disturb Ning Chen or not. She still had to eat no matter what.

"Ning Chen."

"Ning Chen!"

"Ning Chen!!!"

Because in the flow state, Ning Chen would have a certain shielding effect on the surrounding sounds. It was not until Song Xiyun called her for the third time that Ning Chen jumped out of the flow state.

"what happened?"

"What's wrong? Look what time it is now."

Ning Chen looked at the time and realized that it was already past 12 noon.

Under the influence of flow state, time will pass very fast, which makes Ning Chen often forget about time.

"Sorry, I lost track of time when I started working. Um...what do you want to eat for lunch?"

"I've prepared the food, come and eat."

At this time, it was still raining heavily outside, and it was not very convenient to go out to eat. "Already done? Song Xiyun, you are too virtuous."

Faintly, Ning Chen seemed to have the feeling that two people were living at home, but in fact, Song Xiyun only came to Shengzhou for a few days.

Being praised so much by Ning Chen, Song Xiyun felt a little shy and quickly explained:
"Why are you so virtuous? I can't starve with you. It's raining so heavily outside."

Ning Chen realized that he did not take good care of Song Xiyun. He thought about it and said:
"Then I'll cook tonight. If you're not good at cooking, just make do with it."

"Forget it, let me do it. Even with your two moves, you won't be much better than Lin Youhao."

It's not that Song Xiyun really dislikes Ning Chen's cooking skills, it's just that she just saw Ning Chen working so seriously, and Song Xiyun is really embarrassed to let Ning Chen spend time cooking.

Ning Chen felt very happy eating the dishes cooked by Song Xiyun.

Although today's lunch dishes are simpler than last night's, Song Xiyun's fried dishes are indeed very delicious, and they also have a home-cooked taste.

After finishing a bowl of rice, Ning Chen went to add another bowl until the two of them had cleaned the food together.

"Ning Chen, you are quite edible."

"Hehe, it's mainly because you cook delicious food. I've never felt this way when eating in the cafeteria."

Ning Chen feels that eating in the canteen is for survival, and eating at home is the real enjoyment of life.

In the afternoon, Ning Chen continued his research work, and Song Xiyun was no longer idle. She picked up a few mathematics books on Ning Chen's bookshelf and started studying.

Song Xiyun had never thought before that a trip to Shengzhou would end up cooking and reading at Ning Chen's house.

However, Song Xiyun felt that this state was also very good, giving herself a sense of calm pleasure.

In the evening, Lin You told Ning Chen and Song Xiyun that he would not go back tonight because the rain was a bit heavy.

Ning Chen also understood this. After all, it had been raining all day and it was indeed inconvenient to travel.

Anyway, since he and Song Xiyun lived in the same room, there would be no impact on each other.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, there was a sudden knock on the door in the study.

Ning Chen opened the door and saw Song Xiyun standing outside the door, her face seemed slightly pale.

"Song Xiyun, what's wrong with you?"

" you have that at home?"

Ning Chen was a little confused by Song Xiyun's ambiguous question and asked in confusion:
"Which... is that?"

"Well... Lin You went to see his relatives. As for me, my relatives came to see me."

Hearing what Song Xiyun said, Ning Chen reacted immediately.

But Ning Chen did not have that thing at home.

After all, how could a grown man prepare such a thing at home if he lived alone.

"It's okay, I'll buy it for you now."

"Then trouble you."

The rain outside still didn't stop, so Ning Chen picked up an umbrella and walked out of the room.

Since it rained all day in Shengzhou today, there was a lot of water outside. Even though Ning Chen tried his best to avoid various puddles, he still inevitably got his shoes wet.

At this time, many supermarkets were closed. Ning Chen searched several supermarkets before finding one that was still open.

Looking at the dazzling array of brands and types of auntie towels, Ning Chen didn't know how to choose.

"Extra-long night use type, breathable type, soft type, wing protection type...hey, which one should I buy?"

Ning Chen thought about it and simply bought a few more types to avoid having to go down again if he bought the wrong one.

After picking out towels, Ning Chen bought another bag of brown sugar, because according to Ning Chen's knowledge, ginger syrup can relieve some symptoms of menstrual cramps.

After settling the bill, Ning Chen returned home with a large bag of towels.

Seeing that Ning Chen's shoes were completely wet, Song Xiyun was also a little embarrassed. It was indeed a little early this month, so Song Xiyun was not prepared.

"Ning Chen, please excuse me."

"Why are you so polite? You cooked several meals for me, and I didn't have time to thank you. Well, I didn't know which ones you should use, so I bought some more."

Seeing Ning Chen carrying a bag full of aunt's towels, Song Xiyun couldn't help but laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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