I created Qin Tianjian in modern times

Chapter 208 Exploring the truth of history


The strange face with two legs was cut in half by the golden light, with a pale yellow liquid flowing out and a thick shell that looked extremely hard.

Then, the face fell weakly from mid-air to the ground, cracking with a snap, like a broken egg, with no breath of life coming out.

Zhao Qi can be 100% sure that one head of the six-headed caterpillar has completely died, and it will not be able to recover even if it is sent to the Mysterious Academy.

"No, how is this possible? Why can you kill me!" Hysterical shouts came, and the other five caterpillars roared one after another.

"I said that this place is already under my control. You are just fish on the chopping board and may die at any time."

Zhao Qi raised the dragon-headed sword and chopped down three sword qi once again. He chopped the three heads into pieces with a pop-pop, and the juice flowed all over the ground.

The six-headed caterpillar was greatly traumatized, the expression on its face became more and more distorted, and the breath coming out gradually became tired.

"Don't kill me. I can tell you everything. Your inheritance has been broken. I can restore the truth of history."

The heads of the remaining two caterpillars trembled all over, and they made sounds for help, like the whispers of the devil, gradually tempting them.

"The truth of history? It sounds very tempting, but I remember you said that the elders of any clan know it. Why should I listen to you?"

Although Zhao Qi wanted to know the answer, he also wanted to prevent the six-headed caterpillar from stalling for time. It was better to kill it as soon as possible to avoid endless troubles.


Golden light flashed, and the penultimate head fell to the ground, with more juice flowing out of it.

"Don't kill me, please, I can tell you everything about me, and it will definitely make you even more extraordinary and powerful!"


When the last golden light fell, the six-headed caterpillars completely died and turned into six broken rotten eggs, stuck to the ground.

Zhao Qi was decisive in killing and resisted the temptation at the last moment. He didn't make any move and all were killed with one blow.

And this was just the beginning, not the end. The death-like figure quickly changed its direction and aimed at the half of the white candle.

A large amount of wax oil continued to flow down, and the color changed from snow-white to waxy yellow. If it weren't for the tiny flames that were still shaking, it would be impossible to tell that it was a demon.

The specific type of demon that the white candle is is unknown, but the demand for Yin energy must be huge. After the Yin energy is restricted by the law, half of its feet have already stepped into the area of ​​death.

"I understand, it's not that the Yin Qi between heaven and earth is isolated, but that the environment we are in now is not the original space!"

The skull with a slight flame looked at Yingying behind Zhao Qi several times, and he seemed to realize something in his heart.

"You know it now, don't you think it's too late? What else do you want to say before you die?"

Zhao Qi is not afraid that the illusion will be seen by others at this time. Now that the six most powerful caterpillars are dead, the remaining ones can be killed even if they are not in the illusion.

"Haha, you can kill whenever you want and make me and a low-level race like you admit defeat? It's absolutely impossible!"

The weak flames shook continuously, and the skull inside gave out a hateful look, and also conveyed extremely magnificent words.

"You do have some backbone, much better than that six-headed caterpillar. In that case, I will grant your wish."

Zhao Qi sneered slightly and dropped the dragon-headed sword without any hesitation. The half-length candles were quickly cut into powder and fell down one after another.

This is not because of how powerful Zhao Qi's power is, but because the material of the candle is very strange. When it is broken, the whole body explodes. I don't know what material it is made of.

Zhao Qi looked at the two demons on the ground again. Their tall and straight bodies did not shine, but their oppressive force was several times stronger than before.

The tree demon stood there quietly, the green leaves on its body had withered, and some tree trunks had a lot of cracks, like dead trees in arid areas.

"Are you pretending to be dead here? I don't think a demon would perish like this in an environment without Yin Qi."

Even though there was no life wave coming from the tree-man demon, Zhao Qi did not forget to finish the attack and swung two swords to chop it into branches and leaves.

The only one left is the toad demon, and his condition is better among the four demons. Since he is cultivating in the physical body, he is still energetic.

"If you dare to kill me, my clan will let you go. Then we will arrest you all and crush your bones into ashes. No one will be left alive!"

The toad demon said with a fearful look on his face. Zhao Qi had just killed three demons by himself without stopping at all. He was so decisive.

"You dare to threaten people when you are about to die, right? I want to see how strong your race is. No matter how many come, I will kill them all!"

Zhao Qi was naturally not afraid of this threat. He raised the dragon-headed sword in his hand, and the golden sword spurted out, slashing down violently.

The toad demon still had the ability to move. He wanted to jump away quickly and hide to the side, but Yingying in the air took action and imprisoned his body.


When death came, the toad demon could no longer hold back and let out a deafening cry. Looking back on everything before, he felt extremely regretful.

He shouldn't have come here, otherwise he wouldn't have met Zhao Qi. In such a situation, he would have been completely destroyed before he could dominate the world!


There was a deafening sound, and just when the golden sword energy was about to kill the toad demon, a black light spurted out.

This was emanating from the center of his eyebrows, and the edges of the light seemed to contain viscous liquid, giving him an indescribable feeling of nausea.

"Fellow Taoist, please stop!"

In the thick golden fog, a figure loomed, which seemed to be a colorful toad. It looked extremely huge. It was also wearing a golden cloak and a jeweled crown on its head, just like a prince.

Zhao Qi felt a huge coercion. The strength of this toad was many times stronger than the previous four demons.

Moreover, the black smoke looks like a strong yin energy at first glance. It can actually break the laws of the spirit of the illusion. It is definitely not an ordinary person.

"This is not an entity, but a virtual shadow. Is it the soul imprint carried by this toad monster?"

Zhao Qi glanced twice, frowned slightly, and suddenly noticed the life gate in it. Although the pressure emanating from the giant toad was strong, it felt unreal.

"I don't know where my younger generation has offended fellow Taoist. Please let him go. With this seal, he can come to my Demon Frog Valley as a guest."

The huge figure in the black mist moved again. It actually stood up like a human being, then clasped its fists with both hands and made a very standard bow. Zhao Qi was 100% sure that this was a huge toad demon, but the other party looked like a cultivator, and he was also a very profound one.

"Things are getting more and more confusing. It seems that I have to understand the truth of history earlier. The history of the human race cannot be broken."

Zhao Qi felt very strange and did not take action immediately. If he killed the toad demon in front of this soul mark, he didn't know what the consequences would be.

"Hahaha, it's the ancestor. I didn't expect that the ancestor would hide his soul mark on me and love me so much, hahaha!"

The toad demon also laughed, extremely happy. All the previous worries about life and death were left behind at this moment, leaving nothing behind.

This kind of mark is actually a very common phenomenon among demons. Some ancestor-level figures will put their mark on outstanding descendants.

If this outstanding junior is in danger, the mark will be triggered to save his life.

The ancestor's promise must be true and effective, so as long as you don't kill the descendants, you can use the mark to go to him and get generous rewards.

If you don't listen to the persuasion and take action, the mark will be firmly engraved on the murderer's body, and he will not be able to escape to the end of the world, and he will have to face the ancestor's pursuit at all times.

The full name of this kind of mark is the Mark of Death. It is a very precious thing among demons and demons. There are not many owners, but it is extremely effective and there are very few people who can violate it.

Therefore, after the toad demon saw the mark of death appearing on his body, he already understood that there was no need to worry about his life, and the other party would never dare to take such a big risk.

"With such a powerful soul wave, if you kill the opponent, you will definitely be contaminated. What kind of opponent will it attract?"

Zhao Qi felt it carefully, and had already figured out the function of the black smoke, and felt that things were a little difficult to handle.

The toad ancestor, at first glance, seemed to be a being with extraordinary strength, far superior to the leader demon. If he targeted him, the result would definitely be bad.

Especially now that the ten checkpoints of the Great Flame Kingdom have not yet been constructed, it would be a devastating blow if such a terrifying monster was attracted.

"It seems that I really need to leave your name for a while, otherwise it will cause fatal trouble." Zhao Qi concluded softly.

"Of course, our toad clan is a prominent clan, and our ancestor's strength is unfathomable. If you dare to kill me, just wait to be chased to the ends of the earth!"

When the toad demon saw Zhao Qi's appearance, he immediately raised his voice and spoke loudly, without any embarrassment from being beaten before.


The golden sword energy flashed forward and struck directly on the toad demon's thigh. The skin and flesh split open in an instant, and sticky blood dripped down.

"Ah ah ah, what are you doing? The ancestor's mark of death is here, why do you still want to kill me?!"

The toad demon was startled. He had just felt the presence of death, and he no longer dared to look so arrogant.

"I said I won't kill you, but I didn't say I couldn't cut off all your limbs and then light the sky lanterns." Zhao Qi said coldly.

"Stop being like this. You have already obtained the Mark of Death. You can use it to grind the ancients. This has endless benefits and is definitely better than killing me."

The toad demon was about to cry. For him, such a punishment was simply more uncomfortable than being killed, okay?

It was naturally impossible for Zhao Qi to do this. It would be akin to death. The so-called ancestor said to use it with caution, but after seeing that he was a human being, he would definitely fall out.

Records such as death marks also existed in ancient mythology, and the rules were basically followed, but it is different now, and the times have changed.

Therefore, Zhao Qi cannot kill the toad demon, but he will not let him go. He will be locked up in the Mysterious Academy later and let the science masters study it to see if they can come up with some new technologies.

"If the reward I want to receive is Demon Frog Valley, tell me where that place is!"

Zhao Qi also wanted to know more about some useful auras, so he asked the toad demon with a cold face.

"My Demon Frog clan has dominated Poseidon for countless years. The Demon Frog Valley is naturally located there." The Toad Demon was very afraid of having his sky lantern lit, so he whispered in a very respectful tone.

"Poseidon? Are you talking about Neptune, which is far away from the earth?!"

Zhao Qi remembered the name of Neptune in ancient times, which was the God of the Sea. After thinking of the various clues he had found before, he asked immediately.

"It's very far. If you want to get here, you have to build a cosmic teleportation array. We, the gods of the sea, are indeed called Neptune..." The toad demon nodded and said.

Zhao Qi was even more shocked. He didn't expect that these demons came from other planets, and that there were such creatures hidden there.

"So why do you come here? You are still fighting and persecuting without end!" Zhao Qi said angrily and wanted to know what caused the end of the world.

"This is also where our Demon Frog clan used to live. Now that we have returned, we naturally have to go home..." The Toad Demon said cautiously.

After Zhao Qi heard this, he felt speechless. The toad demon was not an older generation of demons and did not know too many truths and answers.

But one thing is certain, that is, there is a close connection between the earth and demons. They used to live here and some suddenly disappeared.

Various characters from ancient mythology have also disappeared and have not returned now, but these demons have returned. What does it mean?

Zhao Qi realized that finding out all the truth about this matter was also an extremely important matter, no less than the establishment of ten checkpoints.

"It seems that I have to explore the truth of history first. After finding the answer, maybe I can solve the crisis of the end of the world without building ten levels."

Zhao Qi whispered to himself softly, and already had a plan in his mind, which was the warship he had seen in outer space.

It seemed to be the vehicle used by demons to sail in the universe. Zhao Qi felt that if he looked for the warship, he might be able to find the answer.

"Boss, feel free to go and search for it. Leave the matters regarding the ten levels to us!" Wang Wuchen's voice sounded, and he walked out with the members of Team Zero.

Zhao Qi has already removed the big golden hand, and since this is an illusion, there is no longer a position to suppress them, and they can move freely.

The words spoken by the toad demon were indeed surprising, so Team Zero felt that Zhao Qi should find the truth of history.

"Don't worry, we have already made plans to practice hard. If we want to become stronger, we will definitely be able to build ten levels!"

The red-robed Taoist priest also nodded solemnly. It was time for Team Zero to take over this responsibility.

"Okay, with you here, I believe we can build ten levels. You can go to Kang Lei for the specific drawings." Zhao Qi nodded happily.

He is not alone now, there are hundreds of millions of compatriots from the Great Yan Kingdom behind him! (End of chapter)

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