Kingsman Agent in Film and Television

Chapter 240: Dinner Anyway

Chapter 240: The Dinner Anyway

South Railway Station.

In the later stages of the Songhu Battle, this place was bombed by Japanese aerial bombs over and over again. However, after the Japanese took control of Shanghai, the first thing they did was to rebuild the South Station.

This place at this time was the important heart of the Japanese army.

A steady stream of supplies was sent from here, and arrived at the front line of the Japanese army through railway lines. Then, through the muzzles of Japanese guns and cannons, bullets and shells were turned into the greed of the invaders. , shooting towards this wind-beaten land.


Several groups of patrolling Japanese troops patrolled leisurely near the quiet station. From time to time, they hid aside and struggled with sleepiness, and then continued patrolling unwillingly.

Suddenly, the patrolling Japanese soldiers saw several Chinese walking in the night.

The sleepy Japs looked at each other and saw something different in each other's eyes:

During the long night, are you satisfied with killing a few Chinese people?


Then, a Japanese soldier shouted in broken Chinese: "Hey, Chinese, you guys, come here!"

Several Chinese people who were still a hundred meters away from the Japanese couldn't help but look at each other in shock when they heard this shout.

"Captain, they called us over?"

"That's what I heard too."

The captain was confused:

"And this good thing?"

They were worried about how to get close to the Japanese, but the Japanese called them over?

As the captain walked forward, he warned: "Don't get excited! Don't get excited! I'll shoot if I tell you to!"

Several people dressed as coolies responded.

When the Japanese soldiers saw these Chinese men dressed as coolies approaching, their smiles became thicker and their eyes became more ferocious.

The leading Japanese soldier asked, knowingly: "What are you doing in the middle of the night?"

There are often coolies in this area who finish their get off work in the middle of the night and get off work. As patrols, they have seen it many times, and the reason why they are asking now is just to find an excuse - the Japanese are too particular about etiquette, and they must say something sincerely before killing someone. Sorry, then started killing with a ferocious smile.

The captain originally planned to get close and break out, using cold weapons to resolve the battle, but he was too clear about the cruelty flashing in the eyes of the Japanese soldiers - he had seen with his own eyes several Japanese soldiers questioning innocent coolies like this just a second ago. The next second, people were picked to death with bayonets.

The anger could no longer be contained.

"Taijun, we are... fucking your mother!"

Dry? I? Mother's?

The Japanese soldier was savoring this sentence. Before he realized that it was a curse, the captain took out his pistol and opened fire.

Several people around him immediately took out their hidden weapons and opened fire on the Japanese soldiers.

After a roar of gunfire, the six Japanese soldiers who were still imagining how to massacre the Chinese in front of them, with such confused thoughts of massacre, fell into darkness forever.

"Captain, I thought you would kill them with a knife!"

The captain took out the machine gun hidden in his clothing bag and roared:

"What kind of knife? Take it out and fuck the fucking Japanese!"

The sound of gunfire is the signal!

As the gunshots rang out here, many infiltrating action team members took out their machine guns and began to attack the Japanese patrols.

Intentionally or unintentionally, the Japanese soldiers patrolling the perimeter suffered heavy losses at the first opportunity, and the remaining Japanese hurriedly retreated towards the South Station.

The Japs initially thought it was a hit-and-run attack by resistance elements, but they soon realized something was wrong.

After the Japanese soldiers came out of the station, there were no signs of evacuation. On the contrary, there were more and more people there.

What surprised them the most was the firepower of the resistance members - Amaterasu, where did the resistance members get so many heavy machine guns?

The Japanese soldiers guarding the South Railway Station were not equipped with heavy weapons at all. The only supporting weapons were light machine guns. The crooked machine gun was equipped with a tripod bracket and a five-link ammunition belt. It was an MG250 general-purpose machine gun with a capacity of 34 rounds. Incomparable in terms of quantity, firepower, and even the amount of ammunition is about ten times worse!

Just like a gray grandson!

What's more, the resistance elements would fire rockets from time to time. What's the difference between the Japanese soldiers' sandbag fortifications and the paper ones in front of the rockets?

"We were attacked by a large number of armed men! We were attacked by a large number of armed men! Requesting tactical guidance, requesting tactical guidance!"

The Japanese squadron leader frantically called for reinforcements on the phone.

The sound of gunshots spread far in the silent night.

Chenjiaqiao Arsenal Group, the outskirts of the puppet army station.

Li Xingyu, who had never slept a wink, rolled up from the bed when she heard the gunfire:

"Where to shoot! Where to shoot!"

Captain Li pretended to roar, and then ordered his soldiers to get up and be on guard.

A few minutes later, all three battalion commanders arrived at Li Xingyu's headquarters, and at the same time they sent information:

"Reporting to the group, this is the South Station! The resistance elements are attacking the South Station!"

Commander Li looked excited as if it was time to make a contribution to the Japanese, and shouted:

"Are these resistance elements tired of living? Dare to attack the South Station, which is heavily guarded by the Japanese? Gather all brothers, let's go to the South Station to help the imperial army!"

After hearing this, the battalion commander quickly dissuaded:

"Team leader, be careful, this is the resistance's attack in the east! We are guarding the arsenal for the Japanese. If they all leave, something goes wrong here, and we will lose our heads!"

Commander Li remonstrated: "It makes sense - let's do this, I will take the 2nd Battalion. Leave the 1st and 3rd Battalions behind to guard, don't let the resistance elements take advantage of the loopholes!"

The 2nd Battalion Commander was not happy when he heard this. This is a good thing to provide help to the Japanese in times of need. If you follow me with your luggage, don't you want to steal my chance to show my face?

The second battalion commander immediately said: "Regiment leader, the responsibility of the arsenal is very important. You cannot leave your post without permission! Besides, how can you kill a chicken with a bull's knife? I can do this!"

Captain Li looked as if this was indeed the case, but he still explained:

"Remember to tell the Japanese that I took the initiative to ask you to support them, do you understand?"

The second battalion commander nodded repeatedly and said to himself, "Let's have your mother's spring and autumn dream!"

Then the second battalion commander left the headquarters. Li Xingyu looked loyal and ordered: "Order all brothers to get up and go on duty! We must not let the resistance elements take advantage of the loopholes! I will conduct random checks at any time, you know?"


After sending his men away, Li Xingyu led his guards to patrol everywhere.

The first thing they came to was the area to the west of the arsenal. Seeing that Li Xingyu was about to leave the outpost, the guard captain hurriedly stopped him: "Commander, you can't leave anymore!"

Li Xingyu suddenly asked: "Shan Kui, I remember you said that you came to Shanghai with your sister. Where is your sister?"

Faced with Li Xingyu's sudden question, the guard captain named Shankui fell silent.

Only his red eyes proved that he could never forget it.

"I checked and it was done by the Japanese."

"You, do you want revenge?"

Shan Kui looked at the traitor in his eyes in surprise.

"If you want, just follow me! - Guards, wait here!"

After Shan Kui hesitated for a few seconds, he gritted his teeth and followed Li Xingyu's footsteps.

As the two walked silently through the darkness, a group of Imperial Alliance troops emerged from the darkness and surrounded the two.

Li Xingyu quickly revealed her identity:

"One of my own! I am Li Xingyu!"

"Where is the district chief? I want to see the district chief!"

The crowd parted, and a middle-aged man wearing a Chinese tunic suit with thick eyebrows and big eyes walked up to Li Xingyu.

This person Li Xingyu met Zhang Anping in a tavern a few days ago.

The middle-aged man said:

"I am Dai Chunfeng, and I am responsible for this action."

Dai Chunfeng?

Dai Chunfeng!

Li Xingyu was shocked, and then said excitedly: "Virgo!"

"District Chief Zhang has other tasks. I am in charge here. Commander Li, are you ready?"

"Report to your Majesty, you are ready!"

"Okay! Let's go in!"


Li Xingyu led the way, followed by hundreds of "puppet soldiers".

With Li Xingyu's face leading the way and the regiment leader's guard, how could the sentries encountered along the way be suspicious. Instead, they all joined this "patrol" under Li Xingyu's order.

Shan Kui, the captain of the guard, looked at the growing team and felt inexplicably surging in his heart.     Finally, can you stab the damned Japanese?

Li Xingyu did not lead people directly to his battalions, but asked his direct company to join behind him. The commander of his direct company was his cousin. Although he did not understand what he meant, he still led his people to join him.



"Go and call all the company commanders and above officers of the 3rd and 1st Battalions here!"


Compared to an uprising dominated by lower-level officers, it is really not that difficult for the head of a regiment to lead an uprising.

After waiting in line for more than ten minutes, the commanders of the 3rd Battalion and the 1st Battalion hurried over with their men. After seeing Li Xingyu's formation, they all thought it was the Japanese who had some order.

"Group seat!"

Seeing the officers from the two battalions arriving, Li Xingyu was about to turn out her little notebook and kill people to sacrifice the flag. Unexpectedly, several Japanese officers came in a hurry.

Seeing the little devil coming, Li Xingyu immediately stopped the murderous intention in her heart.

Previously, the garrison inside the arsenal was a brigade of the Army, but it was recently transferred away by the Security Command to suppress "bandits". The defense inside the arsenal was temporarily taken care of by a squadron of the Marine Corps.

This group of Marines, who had defeated the Chinese army in the early stages of the Battle of Songhu, looked down on the Chinese, let alone the puppet troops.

They saw that there were loopholes in the defense, so they hurriedly sent people over to inquire - and the person leading the team was the squadron leader.

Before this person came over, a roaring voice sounded first:

"Captain Li, if your men are not dispersed and deployed, why should they be concentrated?"

"Asshole! Aren't you afraid that the resistance elements will take the opportunity to cause trouble?"

While talking, this person had already arrived in front of Li Xingyu.

It is not that there were no cases of puppet soldiers rebelling before. During the July 7th Incident, there were puppet soldiers who were unwilling to become Japanese accomplices and rebelled anyway, and even killed many subordinate officers.

But this group of Japanese people really don't take the Chinese people seriously, and the puppet army has always nodded and bowed to them, which can't help but cultivate their arrogant mentality.

Just a few people dare to come here!

Moreover, looking at the opponent's posture, it was clear that he was about to slap Li Xingyu in the face.

Li Xingyu struck first, and before the Japanese captain's slap came, he was the first to slap him.

"Fuck you!"

The Japanese captain was confused.

This dog in front of him actually dared to hit him?

He still hasn't realized what happened to him!

Seeing the Japanese captain trying to take out his Nanfang pistol that jammed even when he tried to kill himself, Director Dai in the crowd raised his arm and pressed down.

Without saying a word, a group of "puppet soldiers" raised their guns and stood up. The Japanese captain and the Japanese who followed were drowned by the hail of bullets before they could figure out anything.

The kind that really submerges!

The sudden change made everyone confused. Except for a hundred "puppet soldiers", everyone else was confused.

Captain Li, who was a close friend of the Imperial Army, killed the Imperial Army?

He... killed the imperial army?

The sky is falling!

The third battalion commander reacted the fastest and shouted in a cold sweat:

"The Japanese are so heartless, we followed the leader and rebelled!"

After this shout, the others reacted. Some shouted fanatically to kill the Japanese devils, while others hesitated but had to join in the shouting.

Only Dang Changlin was a little confused. He hadn't incited the group to rebel yet. Why did the group rebel on his own?

Facing the shouts of his subordinates, Li Xingyu was not lost. Instead, he fired several shots into the air to suppress the shouts of the puppet soldiers.

He changed his usual groveling attitude towards the Japanese, his face was filled with murderous coldness, and after his men stopped shouting, he said loudly:

"Niu Shankui!"


"Third Battalion Commander Jiang Hu and Eighth Company Commander Chen Yaqiang colluded with the Japanese. Their crimes are unforgivable! Kill them to uphold the law of the country!"


The commander of the third battalion, Jiang Hu, was frightened when he heard this. He quickly shouted: "Tuanzuo, I am willing to fight against Japan with you! Tuanzuo, please spare your life!"

The eighth company commander also expressed his loyalty, but when Niu Shankui saw that Li Xingyu was indifferent, he took out his gun and shot at the two of them without saying a word, one for each, and one for each.

"Brothers, we didn't know what we were doing before. We took refuge in the Japanese just for a bite to eat, and acted as a scheming partner to oppress the Chinese people!"

"But most of them have a bottom line. Unlike the two beasts we just killed, they have no moral bottom line. They will do any unscrupulous thing to curry favor with the Japanese!"

"But betraying your ancestors and being used as dogs by the Japanese will ultimately be looked down upon!"

"The Japanese occupied my land, killed my relatives, burned my home, and pooped on our heads. Why?"

"We all carry a head on one shoulder, so why should he be Japanese?"

"Are they invulnerable?"

Li Xingyu pointed at the corpses on the ground and shouted angrily: "No! They will die all the same! If a bullet falls, they who show off their power will die!"

"Are they particularly good at fighting?"

"No! District Chief Zhang of Shanghai District, together with his brothers in Shanghai District, how many Japanese soldiers have they killed since the fall of Shanghai? How many Japanese generals died in Shanghai!"

"Because the Chinese people have not given the Japanese a painful lesson and blow!"

"Because there are too many cowards like us in the country who can only grovel in front of the Japanese!"

"On the frontal battlefield, under the command of the Nationalist Government, tens of thousands of Japanese Japs were annihilated in Taierzhuang! Their myth of invincibility was shattered on the frontal battlefield!"

"On the battlefield behind enemy lines, District Chief Zhang killed the Japanese like chopping melons and vegetables!"

"And now, we're going to make an example to those soft-glue people!"

"We have to tell them: As Chinese, they should fight the Japanese to the bitter end!"

"We want our children and grandchildren to know that their fathers and grandfathers are all heroes who dare to fight with the Japanese! They are not soft-footed shrimps who get slapped by the Japanese when they see them!"

"Brothers who are willing to join me in beating the Japanese, roll up the sleeve of your right hand! Let us tell the Japanese together——"

"This is Chinese land!"

"Japs, either die! Or get out!"

After hearing this, the puppet soldiers below could not help but roar together:

"Japs, either die! Or get out!"

"Japs, either die! Or get out!"

Even the members of the Special Zone 2 disguised as Japanese soldiers couldn't help shouting along at this time.

Isn't this the purpose of joining the military and lurking behind enemy lines?

Japs, either die or - get out!

Amid waves of shouts, this group of people completed their transformation from puppet soldiers to anti-Japanese fighters.

The shouting gradually stopped, and Gong Shu, who had long been unable to hold himself back, shouted:

"Brothers, our Special Second District will take the lead today! Follow us and see how we deal with these little devils!"

(End of this chapter)

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