Black sail

Chapter 287 CCLXXXVI Mobile Fortress

Chapter 287 CCLXXXVI. Mobile Fortress
When the two returned to the banquet.

"Who will be the groom tomorrow? I asked my servants to arrange it in advance to prepare for the wedding."

Taylor asked, a feast must be held in the manor to break up the gloomy atmosphere.

Claude looked a little embarrassed, but he still nodded to Taylor.

He had already prepared all the work, and the original location was a restaurant in the inner city. He didn't care, but in order to give his wife a better experience, there was nothing wrong with doing it in the manor, and it was safer.

Tomorrow's ceremony is also very simple. On January 1th, Caroso, who belongs to the God of Love among the thirteen holy spirits, will sign a contract for the two couples as a notary. He will invite musicians to play music, invite relatives and friends to give their congratulations, and then have a wonderful ceremony. Just a light banquet, full of friends, and a joyful day.

But the most important part of the ceremony is missing. The bride's father, or at worst the elder of the bride's family, should hand the bride over to Claude.

But this condition is obviously unrealistic. The wife of the coffee shop has no relatives and has been protected by Heifan for several years.

This glorious and arduous task fell on Fen's head.

The reason why Li Site didn't want to come forward was because he was worried about having a grudge with Claude and didn't want him to feel controlled by others.

"Is there a cake for the wedding?"

Favna's mouth was stuffed with seafood and she was chewing it wildly, her words were a bit slurred.

"Cake, cake, cake all day long, I'll bake you and eat it again."

Morrison's way of teasing children is always to intimidate.

But Valrhona is just a child at heart, but she is actually a beautiful girl with big breasts.

"Anyone who eats it will go to hell."

Favna wasn't afraid at all.

Xia Di was shocked. She leveled up too quickly.

Ben, being the dark side, sneered in the corner, and the soup came, and he was now officially a double agent of the Grand Thieves Guild.

Being muddy is a beautiful thing.

He had given Li Site a little bit of Daolinger's information, but not completely. Of course, he couldn't tell what the Ghost-Eyed Crazy Sword was guarding.

One of Dollinger's trump cards is a super-large ship built with the most advanced magic energy industry. Although it has never been shown to anyone, such a mobile fortress really exists. Dollinger squeezed blood from the East China Sea for more than ten years. Years ago, an unstoppable monster was created.

Although Sarlet, the Ghost-Eyed Crazy Sword, doesn't know much about the outside world, he knows Dolinger well.

The things hidden in Dollinger's room were so terrifying that his vision was not limited to the East China Sea. He was planning to use that terrifying mobile fortress to dominate the four seas and gradually encroach on the inland.

This is the true appearance of the iceberg.

After listening to Sallet's boasts, the Shadow Messenger thought that it would be no problem for Dollinger to use this monster to dominate all the coastal areas. I don't know why he suddenly changed his mind and wanted to transform. The water inside Very deep.

Only Merle knew the real situation. Based on his brains and his position as a close confidant, he could roughly guess that Dollinger was afraid of the ironclads that had not yet been born, and urgently needed transformation before discussing the big business.

Dollinger was born in the wrong era. If he had been placed a few decades ago, he would have definitely established a country in the Western Continent and become famous throughout the ages.

As a double agent, Ben faces bets on both sides, and he doesn't suffer any loss from whoever wins.

If Li Site wins, I can't imagine living in a castle and getting a mobile fortress.

Plus a dragon.

Li Site is also damn good at founding a country.

And the other side.

Deep in the upper floors of the manor's tower, there was no place for anyone to come.

Li Site never imagined that things would develop to this point. Who am I and where am I?

Are you Li Site?No, this is just a code name. I can call it Li Site, and anyone else can. After removing this code name, who will it be?Is there an end to the universe, is there a length of time, where does the past time disappear, and where does the future time stop? Are the questions I raise at this moment the same ones you heard just now?

Did I fuck with Delea, or did Draya fuck with me?

It was me who fucked me!

Li Site was going crazy.

He told Delaya not to mess around, now is not the time, something big happened in Taini's family today, and we have to wait until later to talk about anything.

Unexpectedly, Delea had ulterior motives.

She could feel that Tai Ni was not a virgin, she was probably raped by her husband, but it didn't matter, even though the blood level was slightly inferior.

But other places can be replenished. As a lady, there is a nutritionist in the manor. In addition, her fingers are not touched by Yangchun water, so they are delicate.

It is also an extremely high-quality blood pack.

Delaya immediately started to conquer Taini. With her sophisticated skills, she had lived for so long and experienced life and death countless times, so she was familiar with this kind of thing.

Li Site had no hope at all. Taini is a serious straight daughter. Who would be a serious person to make an address book with you?

"Humans are such creatures. They can vent their dissatisfaction like a mad dog, or they can curse fate, but in the end, they have to let go. It's just a matter of time. The world itself is incomplete, and there are no regrets in life. The important thing is not Thinking about how to make up for the irreversible things, no one knows why he got to where he is today, the important thing is... to live with this intention, that's all."

Delea held Teni's head in her arms like a biological sister, stroking her hair gently.

Everyone in Li Site was dumbfounded. If his combat power was only [-], and her combat power was [-], what kind of plane would she use?

Delaya winked at Li Site, why are you standing there stupidly, you don't know how to read the atmosphere, why don't you leave quickly.

Li Site's eyes were dull and he left here in despair. He came at the wrong time.

It's approaching late at night.

The dinner party gradually ended, but everyone was looking forward to eating tomorrow. Taylor's servants also cleaned up the mess and prepared the wedding venue for tomorrow.

Black Sail and his party also returned to the Black Sail Hotel. Li Site became an outsider and had no choice but to go back with the large army in despair.

Fen told Li Site Taylor's conditions, and Li Site was naturally overjoyed. This was more effective than investing money. The money invested itself was also used to strengthen his power, and this directly omitted the process and directly strengthened his power.

And Taylor's office received an uninvited guest.

"Really? That's fine. During this period, Tianguo Port is not safe. This time it's my turn, and next time it might be her turn."

Even Taylor took a deep breath. People on the island can use any means. It is also a good thing for Tai Ni to leave here.

Taylor had also heard of this woman a long time ago. She was one of the gods on the island, and she seemed to have a complicated relationship with Li Site.

"I will protect her, not only for safety, but she also needs some relaxation."

Dreya stroked Tiny's hair.

Taylor was confused. Something felt wrong. Did Taini go to Alanya and learn something not very good?


On the ocean in the East China Sea.

The people in Lostra didn't get the dragon girl, so they asked the Earl of Linden City. After receiving the reply, it was almost a month ago. After learning the specific coordinates and handover forces, they sent palace-level adventurers and several secret intelligence personnel. Come to Tianguo Port.

already on the way.

 I went home to help repair the refrigerator that kept making noises. I replaced the fan and fixed it. It took a long time.I have never asked for leave for this book. It is updated every day. I am a little tired for three consecutive months. I have two updates today.

(End of this chapter)

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