Black sail

Chapter 278 CCLXXVII April Battle

Chapter 278 CCLXXVII. April Battle
Li Site was not sure how much reputation Oakes had in Dead Man's Bay and how many sharks he could bring out. This kind of attack on a city and territory required more support, even if Brother Sha was gone, he wouldn't worry.

The Dead Man's Bay is of course much smaller than the Heavenly Kingdom Port, but it is still a harbor. If it is consumed by wheel battles, it will directly cause a major operational accident.

Arrange the five new heroic adventurers to support the scene.

I guess, including Gawain and Webber, the King of the Seven Martial Seas belongs to him.

The hero level is quite powerful, and can already move freely between countries, but Brother Hai, who can only kill him every second, is too perverted.

Of course, you can't favor one over the other. Even if you have a bowl of water, even though the danger level on your side of Wollman is not high, you still have to pull up the front, and all the honorary-level people have followed him.

In addition, Qili and Wenkui have already taken shares. Although you have invested money, you are already a grasshopper on a rope, but you still have to contribute if you can.

We need to do a trial operation first. Let the two of them go to the wetlands first, tear a hole first, and then mobilize the power to operate with yourself as the leader. After you get used to it, you can ask them to kill people. You can take command.

Since you are also a shareholder, it is not too much to start a business together. You don't want the money you bet on your side to be in the company's account to be in vain.

This is not a Ponzi scheme. Li Site will distribute profits to all investing shareholders every quarter, maintain a stable and long-term profit distribution form, and continue to consolidate and expand. Only in this way can we aspire to the Central Plains.

"Viola, Nishi, these two young ladies are so beautiful. I know some pulse diagnosis techniques, but I can see if there are any hidden injuries from their years of adventure."

Why doesn't Micah want to taste the taste of an adventurer?

The female archer, Viola, with her wild and strong legs, has already made Micah distracted and excited to the point of pulling the flag.

The sorceress, Nishi, is naturally charming, and has an extremely attractive beauty mark on one corner of her mouth, which makes the windward corner of the flag reach its best condition.

"That's really disgusting."

Viola waved her hand, feeling paralyzed. Not only did the blackmail operation fail, but she was also hired to work?
"Help me see."

Nishi gave Micah her soft hand, and Micah squeezed it immediately, and then Nishi's fingers were still stroking his palm.

Micah swallowed, this woman is the ultimate fucking slut!

Fen thought something was wrong with the situation. How could these people be accepted so easily?Ask about Li Site.

"Diaz sent a threatening letter, and they also know that I will never compromise. Damn it, after January 1th, we will be completely isolated."

Li Site said he was not panicking, but that must be a lie. Diaz is a bitch. He is a pure orphan. He has achieved zero good results in the game of finding his family. Come and give it a try. .

It is indeed the most foul-smelling organization in the Western Continent.

Fen took the letter and took a look. It was worse than the worst-case scenario he could imagine. Diaz no longer planned to take it back by force. It was obvious that he had lost his mind and wanted to attack it comprehensively in all dimensions.

They didn't get the goods on January 1, and the news broke out. It only took a few days for Dollinger to find out. At that time, it was perfect for him to kill people like himself.

Fen originally thought that Li Site's strategy was very successful. The longer it was delayed, the greater the chance of winning. Black Sail now had a trump card to fight against Dollinger, but other arrangements must be made well, and the advantage of [-] gold dragons must be taken advantage of. go out.

But now the situation has completely changed and the plan is completely disrupted.

The longer it was delayed, the more things were restricted. What was originally planned to be completed within one to two years around the New World was significantly advanced by more than half a year at the earliest.

It will be too late if we don't explain our interests clearly.

"How to say?"

Fen asked Li Site's attitude. If he wanted to fight, he could fight at any time, and he could even attack now.

After swallowing nearly twenty red crystals, Favna's growth was extremely exaggerated.

According to her, the wingspan is almost 18 meters.

The first few red crystals allowed her to grow to ten meters, but it seemed that it became more and more difficult to improve as she progressed. Now, one red crystal can only lift her up to less than half a meter, which is completely a bottomless pit.Found the two people's gaze.


Valrhona drank the milk, milk foam was all around her mouth, and she had no idea what was happening.

Fen didn't care. If it was a dragon, it must be invulnerable. Its claws were like sharp swords, its scales were like steel armor, and its breath could destroy the sky and the earth. It wasn't this weak and stupid look.

If people like him get involved, how dare Qili Wenkui and others not follow?If Black Sail is completely wiped out and the stability is broken, it will be your turn for a big purge.

Taylor and another big boss will not sit still and wait for the current alliance to collapse and then be defeated one by one.

Mo Yutong and Yi Zhi are also here. According to the words of the stone tablet, let alone Daolinger, the emperor will kill them all for you.

"What else can I say? It has to be done in advance, but it's not that urgent."

Li Site thought for a while and pretended to be calm. He had no business with the serious company, but he had business with the murderer. Dollinger was not an idiot. He would definitely interfere with it and keep himself within a controllable range. Inside.

Wollman and Oakes need to hurry up.

Let Swann call Carroso.

Caruso said that the letter has been sent, and the high-ranking person to identify Favna's true identity will arrive in early February at the latest. After all, this place is so remote.

"At the end of April, at the beginning of summer, Dollinger will die."

Li Site had no intention of confronting Daolinger now, and had to admit that the gap had to be made up through various micro-manipulations.

"The original plan remains unchanged. Do what you have to do. Dollinger will delegate the power to unite external officials and merchants. We will unite with external pirates and evil forces. Of course, we will also do some small damage."

Li Site would only talk about war after slowly weakening Dollinger's influence.

Now there must be a high degree of internal unity. Dolinger cannot take advantage of the loopholes and have two or five young people appear and be recruited to his side.

Of course I also want to recruit people from him.

Li Site also thought about what Qili and Wenkui, the two main forces, should do. Daolinger was working as a tax collector on the four fishing islands.

Selling fish, right?

Qili Wenkui didn't have to do anything else, he only wanted to intimidate the fishing boats and rob the seafood merchants there.

Dollinger must have squeezed the blood of those fishermen to the extreme, and he must save them!
There are so many adventurers hunting and killing sea beasts in the surrounding waters. This business must be destroyed. Stop killing sea beasts. I will hire you directly. You will have a stable career and reach the peak of your life.

The New World has to be destroyed even more crazily. It seems impossible to go to sea on the 15th. Once Wollman Oaks and the others leave on the 8th, I have to go to the New World to have a look.

We must destroy you crazily, and mess with you crazily. When you are exhausted, you will be chopped into pieces. What is there to say?

Claude has been away for the past few days, preparing for the wedding on the 7th.

Claude made it clear that he wanted to keep everything simple, for fear that something would happen, and the baron's fiancée couldn't resist, so he had to agree. But now she is no longer the baron's fiancée, but Claude's wife.

Of course, Li Site would not make a fuss about this kind of thing. Since he should keep it simple, he should keep it simple and not call outsiders, but he still has to fill up the lineup, he must have a good reputation, and his own people must be in place.

After the wedding, I went to the New World to have a look.

Ben remained calm and was trapped here under Fen's spell. He had to wait and see for a while. The things in his mind could influence the direction of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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