Black sail

Chapter 274 CCLXXIII Famine

Chapter 274 CCLXXIII. Famine
While Li Site was away, the entire hotel's decoration was completely changed under Delea's taste.

The tables and cabinets in the room are all made of dark-colored solid wood, with horseshoe-shaped table legs, classical column panel shapes, and plaster carvings on the walls. The accumulation of exquisite details makes the bedroom quite exquisite.

Li Site heard something moving downstairs and wanted to go take a look, preparing to say hello to Mo Yutong before leaving.

Mo Yutong extended her hand. She also had to formulate a detailed personnel structure, salary and benefits, expatriation system, and quite a few regulations.

If you have time, you should also develop a VI visual identity manual to strengthen external influence and internal cohesion.

The so-called VI actually means the same as the family emblem of the nobility of the Western Continent. It requires some kind of totem, spiritual symbol to intervene in people's minds. However, VI is an extended series of spiritual symbols, from LOGO to clothing design. The external manifestation of a company is made up of details, big and small.

Fen found that Mo Yutong was much more professional than him in this matter. He was worthy of being a professor at the Royal Institute of Technology in Aram. Even he felt that he had broken through the limitations of the times and that some of his ideas were too advanced.

Although Fen had already concluded that the man and the woman were from outside the world, he was still amazed and asked Mo Yutong to do all the work.

She continued to work in the bedroom. She was slightly short-sighted and wore gold-rimmed glasses decorated with glasses chains.

Originally Li Site was planning to leave, but after taking a closer look at Mo Yutong's words, he saw that although his dress had blended in with this place, it was slightly more neutral and quite business-like. When he put on the silver and black striped suit and stepped on the high heels, his waist was like Thin willows, her eyebrows are like the distant mountains, and her black hair hanging down to her shoulder blades is extremely soft.

Li Site suddenly didn't want to go downstairs. What was his identity?Want to go in person?


"Do you have anything else to do?"

"On New Year's Eve..."

"Well, I'm listening."

"It's nothing, your earrings are quite beautiful."

Li Site started to take advantage of it, lifted a strand of hair and put it behind her ear, pretending to look at the earrings, but actually touching her ears, and said again, "My wife gave it to you, I guess."

How could Li Site not know about Delea's tricks? Gloria also had her ears pierced. I'm afraid this woman would use that little gap to bite her mouth and pretend to suck blood, but in fact she would be seducing. Or, she must use her guilt to her advantage. !
Mo Yutong's ears suddenly felt hot.

And the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.

It is still half-closed, and the tables and chairs are not fully set up. A large number of people come to the door, and the appearance of the leader does not mean that he is an easy person to deal with.

Lao Weitou wiped the glass with a towel and stopped a group of people. The current situation was special. Li Site said that Ringer would not touch him, but it was difficult to say at this time.

"The shop is temporarily closed. How can I help you?"

Lao Weitou showed a kind smile, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

Unexpectedly, Fisher and his group were a bit arrogant. After all, they were here to demand a debt, and their momentum could not be lowered. If they were intimidated by the other party, the nearly one month of traveling thousands of miles would be in vain.

"Which Morrison you are looking for is not among these people?"

Fisher asked the honorary level agent.

The honorary-level person shook his head. That person was very recognizable. Half of his face was completely disfigured. The burned part had been stabbed more than ten times as if it was self-inflicted, making him look more coordinated.

"Are you here to find him?"

Old Weitou asked, this group of people seems to be very powerful. Now, except for the Li Site Alliance, the rest of the people outside the castle are all crooked people. They are people from outside, or they may be sent by Daolinger. Looking for trouble.

Fisher still ignored him, and there was some snow and mud under his boots. He placed them directly on the threshold of the hotel and gave them a few hard squeezes.

"Okay, brothers and sisters, let's go in and look for it."

Fisher took the people inside without saying a word.

Lao Weitou is now hired as the company's security consultant and hotel manager. He has signed an employment contract with a basic salary of twenty gold dragons per month, free medical care, and customizable working hours. This is a sky-high price for a high-level priesthood. Everyone has to earn this amount in a year and a half.

Just a gust of wind blew by.

There are no movements.

Old Weitou was still standing behind the bar near the door, holding a fruit-peeling knife in his hand. Three red lines appeared on the foot where Fisher had sharpened his shoes, and then cracked and overflowed with blood.He counted, there were nineteen people in total.

"I suggest you don't do that again." Lao Wei pointed at the mud on the threshold and added: "If you have something to do, it's okay to say it."

He was still smiling warmly.

The female archers, sorceresses, and magic swordsmen behind Fisher were all ready.

But he raised a hand slightly to tell them not to move rashly. If you look closely, the old man looks familiar, but he just can't remember where he has seen him before.

Without waiting for Fisher to speak.

Ren and Micah came down from the second floor talking and laughing. Micah's face almost broke with laughter. He was going to take over a hotel that was originally under the Gemini Group, and then transform it into a hospital and recruit staff on the way.

Ren thought it was fun and had nothing to do, so he went to help.

"Ferner said to try to find a man with good physical strength and strength who can move equipment and some patients who cannot move."

Renn thought it was unreliable.

"What does he know? Men are impatient and can't do tedious work. They all have to be women. If one can't move, he can move it. If he can't move, he will die."

Micah looked through the "Arms Spectrum". If I become the Qing Emperor in the future, I will be rewarded with a peach blossom. Although it is a coincidence, the good thing is that I still have to think of these little sisters. In the future, if there is a regular unit, I must be ruthless. Save the woman who has lost her footing.

"It's true that doctors are benevolent. In ancient times, there was a compendium of materia medica, but now there are prostitutes copying it. Human life is of the utmost importance, and if you have a lot of money, it is more virtuous to help them."

Ren was unable to complain.

When I got to the first floor, I happened to see Lao Weitou cleaning up a bunch of unsighted people and entertaining Renn. Although I didn't understand how old Weitou was, there had never been any trouble in the hotel anyway.

"Life is boring. Corpses pretend to be human beings and make all my brothers laugh. What's going on, old Weitou?"

Ren coughed twice, filled the glass, and lent a director a wheelbarrow. This wave was a triangle kill, so awesome.

Old Weitou explained the situation. These people came to see Morrison.

"Brother Sha, swipe Charlie!"

As a werewolf from the Morrowind Plateau, Renn has a loud voice.

"God damn Charlie, you're just playing famine."

Micah also hopes to resolve this matter quickly. This huge gang is more... wait!He saw a female archer and a sorceress, and suddenly there were signs of pulling the flag.

Fisher's face became more solemn. It was clear that these two people were on the wanted list. An adventurer who once cheated on the birthday gift of eight thousand golden dragons from the Minister of Yalan, a hangman and forensic doctor who poisoned the former lord of Dawn Port. Officer, the latter was quite shady. Because he was engaged in autopsy work, he thought he could hide the truth and framed others. He was later put in prison and escaped.

Morrison is on the second floor teaching Gawain and Webber to play a post-apocalyptic survival board game.

"Damn it, Charlie, I'm going to have to turn his intestines over this."

Morrison walked down. As a director of a large company in the East China Sea, he was still wearing a torn and cracked crocodile skin coat, and his body was covered with scraps of metal.

"Is this the man you were talking about?"

Fisher asked the honorary-level adventurer.

He nodded.

After Fisher sorted out the situation on the island, he naturally was not a hard-nosed person. He still had the ability to rob a train. There were also crouching tigers and hidden dragons here, so he could only play with words.

"You are the adventurer class power-up player who was active in the northwest, right?"

Fisher planned to use this as a breakthrough to find Li Site later.

(End of this chapter)

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