Black sail

Chapter 249 CCXLVIII The work of breaking out of the cocoon

Chapter 249 CCXLVIII. The work of breaking out of the cocoon

"When you come out to hang out, you have to be powerful, Dollinger, you're just a little bastard."

Ren echoed.

Taylor was noncommittal. I'm afraid these people had never had contact with Dollinger.

Although Li Site was so crazy that he invited Big Brother Hun Jianglong out of the mountain, even though those people on the island didn't say it, the atmosphere of impending storm had already spread. Even so, to Dolinger, this was just Scabies disease.

The threat from external forces, the wolves attracted by the New World, is Dollinger's biggest problem.

Although I don’t know how much money they robbed, it is still necessary to educate them about Dollinger’s ecological niche in Tianguo Port.

Dollinger is surrounded by capable people.

The legacy of the previous dynasty of the Principality of Bema was due to the old king being defeated and committing suicide. After becoming a principality, the former army general of Bema and a famous warlock from the continent were left behind.

"You should have heard of his name. He is also famous for his spells. Funeral coffin, Merle."

Tyler told Fin that he should know.


Fen took a breath. The reason why the Tower Alliance exists is part of academic exchanges and customization of rules. A large part of it is also used to punish some lawless people through magic.

And this Merle is a well-known black magic warlock. He can definitely be ranked in the top thirty on the urgent list of the Tower Alliance. Unexpectedly, he is hiding in Tianguo Port and working for Dollinger.

Fen is also on this urgent list.

"Is it awesome?"

Li Site was a little stupid. What level is an army general? Although Beima was defeated quickly back then, he still managed to hold on for half a year. Without those people to support him, the emperor's heavenly soldiers descended to earth and disappeared. This singer, Merle, listen. He looked very stiff when he stood up, and Fendu showed a rare expression.

"He is a wanted criminal of the Tower Alliance. He killed a tower owner's son and massacred many villages. He is a very vicious person."

Fen pressed the monocle, but with the stone tablet in hand, it was not a big problem. If possible, avoid a frontal battle. It would be better to let Swann or Ben take a drop of his blood and a hair, and then use a spell to kill him.

"These three people are relatively famous. One of them was once a palace-level adventurer, but was expelled six years ago. For some reason, he followed Dollinger's orders. He must have been caught."

Taylor asked his maid to make another round of tea for several distinguished guests, and continued to add,

These three people are famous, but some things cannot be said by fame. The deep background is unimaginable. Li Site does not know what he is capable of. The combat power of Tianguo Port is one fight, and Daolinger has nine stones alone.

The rise of Li Site, Qili and others was only a few years ago. It has been a long time since the Tianguo Port was opened. During this period, many pirate groups came out that could be equal to Black Sail in the past, and there were many ambitious people among them. He had to fight with Daolin, but in the end he had to move in three steps, behead the guest, and accept him as a dog.

There have been almost ten reincarnations.

Daolinger is not only the land of Tianguo Port. Some of the surrounding islands seem to be enclaves of other countries, but the tax... is Daolinger's.

He is a tax collector.

The so-called tax collectors, that is, the enclaves are beyond the reach of the people and it is difficult to collect taxes. I will give you a number, and if you hand it over on time, the land will be under your control.

There are four large islands, and he is the actual ruler.

The Lissite people were stupid and thought that Daolinger was the emperor of this broken land in Tianguo Port, but it turned out that he was the real king of the East China Sea and the overlord of this corner of the world.

"The three damn generals, Yonko and Qibukai, are all rounded up, right?"

Renn retreated a little. Before, he thought that the [-] Golden Dragon Recruitment was a sure win, but now it seems a bit uncertain. It's not even a question of whether it's hanging or not, it's just the ticket.

Li Site's tongue was touching his cheek. This was a message gap. Dollinger was the kind of dog that bites but doesn't bark.

He is actually somewhat harmless to the outside world. It can be seen from the fact that he hired gunmen to write pirate novels and do ideological work. This guy is also one of those invincible people who doesn't care about his face or his life.

Taylor said that this was only what he knew, and also told an interesting story.

"After the Emperor withdrew his troops, this place was transformed into a commercial port. Later, a big fight broke out, and Dollinger suppressed it. I was there during that time, and I saw him with my own eyes...

It was a five-meter-tall giant who could break off the side of a ship weighing several tons with his bare hands and wield it as a weapon.Dollinger himself has a... kingly air.

It's hard to describe.

Facing a giant who was more than twice his height, it was impossible to imagine how he lifted it up sideways, hit it with his knee, broke it in half from the spine, and tore it alive. "

Taylor clicked his tongue in surprise, which actually warned Li Site not to be too arrogant.

The conflict has not completely broken out yet. It has not reached that point. There is still room for maneuver. If Li Site puts the plate back now, then the matter will be over. Dolinger does not care about the protection money. What he cares more about is The meaning behind this.

If Li Site should think twice before acting, it is best to wait until tomorrow's dinner party, when Taylor is a guest, to know the situation and how Dollinger will go offline in the New World.

"Lao underestimate me."

Li Site lit a cigarette and started puffing away.

If you say you haven't been fooled, you must be lying. Damn it, raising Gu to raise the strongest pirate group, and then accepting them as dogs has been nearly ten reincarnations. It can only be said that the emperor just withdrew his troops. At that time, the season was relatively short. When I played the game, it was already at the end of the game. When the situation stabilized, the season became very long.True Nima Diao, covering the sky with one hand, not afraid of the world overturning, cutting through eternity with a sword, sitting back and watching the ups and downs of the era, it belongs to you.

It's not that he likes this position much, it's just that he has to do it.

He is based in Tianguo Port, and he will be in trouble if he doesn't do something. Diaz's dark side comes to his door, Los Stella's Dragon Search Team comes to find him, not to mention the follow-up of the train case, Lao Yalan's three flags were arrested. If they robbed it, they would block the news on the surface, but they would definitely send someone secretly, otherwise those nobles would not be able to go up to Heaven to listen?The imperial court complained, and the eight governors came, which was even more frightening.

As a businessman, Dollinger will definitely not tie up his knot if he can. If there is some external pressure, he will hand over his own house.

At that time, there will be enemies both inside and outside, and it will be a fool's errand.

It's not that Li Site likes to be the first brother and thinks he's awesome, but he has to do this in order to find a way out in the current high-pressure environment.

Big work, tough work, it can no longer be described.

This time it is a matter of breaking out of the cocoon. The fish jumps over the dragon gate and when it jumps out, it is no longer the thing in the pond.

He barely had the capital to compete with the mysterious warlock.

"Tomorrow... I will go to the banquet and see what Dollinger looks like. I don't know what he looks like."

Li Site made his decision and took Qili Wenkui Henid with him. If Daolinger didn't give him three respects, how dare he not give it to Henid?
No matter how old you are, you will still be a mess on the road.You don't have to talk about benevolence and righteousness, but you, Daolinger, have to talk about it. Let's talk about it face to face first.

For no other reason than to mess with you, how about that?The representative of my company, the noble Lord, is here. Seeing that your island is not peaceful, you should be less interested in cooperation.

Taylor's eyelids twitched. He knew that Li Site was very talented, but he didn't expect to be so talented. If you go in without being invited, you will be cut off.

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry first." Taylor spoke in a Lisette tone and added: "You should make preparations now. Buy a few more ships and hundreds of artillery pieces. I have some officials here. The goods can be sold to you cheaply, cheaper than last time, and I also have many channels to recruit people here."

Seeing Taylor talking about it, talking about business.

Li Site believes that now is not the time for you to squeeze money.

"You're old. If you're not in a hurry, can you still be called a pirate? Tomorrow you'll have to turn Dollinger's intestines. I'll tell you the truth, Tyler, now I don't lose to you in terms of power. Can you tell me if you can?" , I agree with you tomorrow night. With the money I can’t use up here, I decided to set up Black Sail Trading Company. You can also invest in it and make it bigger and stronger together. You are not the only one selling stolen goods on the island."

Li Site set his sights and retreated tactically.

Taylor frowned.

"You slept with my daughter and then talked to me with this attitude?"

He quite wanted to turn against him.

Li Site immediately vomited blood.

"Buy! I buy!"

Li Site also understood that Taylor didn't see the money when he said it was a big success, so he threatened him with a thousand to see his strength. As for the matter, we can talk about it slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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