Black sail

Chapter 235 CCXXXIV King of the East China Sea

Chapter 235 CCXXXIV. King of the East China Sea
The next morning, around 29 a.m. on the [-]th.

Tianguo Port once served as the bridgehead of the Eastern Expedition. The castle covers an area of ​​about [-] hectares. The white-painted city walls and towering towers make it appear solemn and solemn.

After Dollinger moved in here, its former functionality as a strategic location was weakened and turned into an extremely luxurious, super-large manor.

Whether it is the daily trimming by the gardener or the maintenance work of the road fountain, this place has become the only pure land in the chaotic paradise port.

If someone didn't know about it, they would think it was the residence of some royal family member.

Dollinger has long since transcended the realm of pirates.

The financial resources of Tianguo Port totaled one stone, and Dollinger had only nine.

There is an open-air bath on a high building platform in the manor where you can overlook the entire Tianguo Harbor. If it is summer, there will be dozens of beauties in cool clothes playing here every day.

In winter, some ice floes have condensed on it, and there are more than a dozen Ys women in maid costumes, all under the age of 25, sweeping snow on the high platform.

The high platform is connected to a glass folding door, and the luxurious room inside is several levels higher than the Earl of Linden City's home.

Dollinger was wearing a black cloak and stood on the edge of the high platform. Only his back could be seen. He was about two meters tall, with long gray hair spread to half his waist. The huge white tower behind him stood in the cold wind and snow. Towering, symbolizing his unshakable authority.

"Last night, the Skull and Bones Society and the Gemini Group were gone. It was Li Site who did it and burned down the plantation. When he returned to Hong Kong the day before yesterday, he brought back the Hunjiang Dragon."

A man wearing heavy black armor reported the situation.

"I don't understand...why you are telling me this."

Dollinger's voice was hoarse, as if his vocal cords were damaged, and he didn't turn his head at all.


Even in the dead of winter, the heavily armored soldiers still had some sweat on their backs.

"Merchant ships, that is, mines, and pirates, that is, miners. Do you think... the Emperor will deal with the bloodshed of low-level miners?"

Dollinger is...

Emperor of the East China Sea.

The Twins of the Skull and Bones Society and their ilk are just worms that can be crushed to death.

The heavily armored soldier was silent, and he only came to report. Naturally, Daolinger's other hawks and dogs were there to deal with it.

"Have all the invitations been sent out?"

Dollinger was concerned about other things, and his eyes... were not on the East China Sea.

"Yes, Taylor and the others, as well as representatives from major trading companies and gold mining companies, have received it and said they will attend the banquet on time on the 2nd."

The heavily armored soldier replied respectfully.

"What about the Adventurer's Guild, the general manager of the eastern region? Has he come to the island?"

That's Dollinger's biggest concern.

Only that kind of person can decide whether to spend a lot of money to set up a guild in the depths of the ocean and turn this place into a holy land.

"No one came, only a letter saying that he would arrive after the new year, but the specific time was not determined."

The heavily armored soldier answered truthfully.

"I see. Does his son go to school in Pedan?"


"Go and kill his son first. If you still don't know how to do it, and if nothing else works, I'll have to replace him with someone else. Are you interested in being the person in charge of the eastern region?"

"How dare I interfere in business? Let others do it."

The heavily armored soldiers retired.

Dollinger looked at the snowy scene, paused for a while, and then called an old man dressed as a butler.

"What did the first mate of the Iron Soul Pirates say?"

"He has agreed."

"Very good. From now on, he will be promoted to captain. No matter whether the new continent is a ruined island or a treasure land, it must be named, have a statue, and be recorded in history, it must be my dog."

Just a word.

The wind and snow were even worse, and the terrifying storm seemed to be sweeping across the entire East China Sea and surging towards the entire continent.

At this moment.

Inside the Black Sail Inn.

Fen was counting the accounts on the second floor.

The financial situation of Skull and Bones and the Twins is not very good. Together with the money and public funds of all the backbones, the total is just over a thousand.

It's not that it's not a lot, it's quite rich, but what's in the cellar now makes it seem like a small amount.

It's easy to hand over real estate. They have some casinos and nightclubs. This land doesn't require any deeds. I'm a social man and I don't talk much. I can just go with a few horse boys and end up here.

The watchtower of the Skull and Bones Society and the hotel of the Gemini Regiment, the home bases of the two forces, were directly given to the pirates under their command. They are all people with good reputations and will be high-end people in the future. There is no need to continue to live in the Chase Shop below the deck to save money.

Li Site also plans to use these two pieces of land as... places to station troops!
Archer has already gone to buy ingredients to prepare for tomorrow's New Year's Eve dinner. What he cooks are royal banquets, and Archer is the god of food!I am extremely particular about the things in the kitchen on the first floor.As a man of daily life, Morrison had to have a sense of ceremony when celebrating the festival. He went out to buy fireworks. He decided to set off a big fireworks, with tens of thousands of blasts, to overwhelm the limelight in the castle and give it to Dollinger is more powerful than a dog.

Just like Li Site’s hometown has the habit of eating dumplings during the Chinese New Year.

The custom here is also to make a kind of delicacy to eat, which is to use the leaves of a tree that is similar in appearance to the holy tree in the Holy Spirit Church scriptures, wrap the mashed glutinous rice into a pancake shape, put some meat filling inside, and steam it to eat .

Wollman and the female compatriots in the hotel made dumplings and smashed them together!Even the cult saint Iori is also on the lookout, and Gawain is more diligent and is following along.

People must have hope when they are alive. The reason why Gawain lived in a ghost place like the Great Wetland was because he wanted his younger brother to be successful. With his younger brother's talents, he could not get into a good university, so he had to pay a counter-price.

Fen realized that Gawain was not in good condition and had no subjective initiative. Sooner or later bad things would happen if he stayed for a long time. He decided to accept his brother as a student first, so that he could be independent in the future.

What else could Gawain say? The Pedan National Academy of Arcane Arts, generally known as the Oxford of the Western Continent, has academician-level figures teaching it one-on-one. How lucky is that?
There is also hope. The matter has come to this, let's just live it up. Now that he has become a horse bandit, Yalan can't go back, and it is not safe to stay in the Western Continent.

What surprised Liszt was that Favna's affection for Wollman even vaguely surpassed that of Gloria. It was wonderful!
After the New Year, we are completely a family.

The reason why I gave up my boss's efforts and turned over to this girl was because I wanted my son to become a dragon. Dollinger must be a singer. Fafnna flew over and vomited her to death with a breath of dragon breath. What's there to say?

Valrhona followed in the back kitchen making "dumplings". Although it was a bit noisy and the shape of the dumplings was extremely irregular, it was considered to be integrated into it.

Li Site had already regained his health and was watching Fen doing the accounting.

"Strictly speaking, these are your trophies."

Fen tested Li Site.

"Don't do these useless things. You should know that from the time Swann took out the things, Black Sail was not just about making money, it was big work, hard work, and then it was... Weiye's turn."

Li Site patted Fen on the shoulder. It was tiring to be too preoccupied. If all his subordinates were honest people like Wen Kui, a lot of trouble would be saved.

There are too many crises that have not yet been resolved. In addition, who knows if there will be another Mu Ran?

In order to shake the warlock and prevent his subsequent actions, the power must be raised to a terrifying level.

"It might not be bad to sit on the promotion machine."

The dark elf poster girl looked at Li Site and made an explosive statement.

Micah squirted out a mouthful of wine. He was already desperate for these facial expressions. He wanted to create a world with only prostitutes!Silently, he went out to the end of the boundary sea to connect to the ancient palace.

"My darling, green sister-in-law, right?"

Ren glanced around, but luckily Draya was not there.

"I'm Nima."

Weber repeated.

"Fuck it, I'm a hundred times more handsome than Li Site."

Xia Di dismissed it and flipped her hair in a charming manner.

"How should I put it? Maybe he looks bigger."

The waitress said casually.

Xia Di's blood was about to spurt out.

"Hey! Don't underestimate people, you bastard! Go upstairs and I'll open your eyes to what a dragon is."

Xia Di felt insulted.

The waitress expressed no interest.

And Li Site knew nothing about what was going on at the bar.

"Where's Heywood?"

Li Site searched around but couldn't find the figure of the tool man. It was his spare wallet. Even if it was converted into shares, it would give him double the shares.

The money in the cellar is sealed and cannot be recorded for the time being. This is used to hedge Dollinger's capital.

According to Fen's accounts, Li Site confiscated his loot, and Fen also confiscated the money he won from playing cards the night before. Now there is still a surplus of [-] gold dragons in the public funds, which is completely sufficient.

Li Site's current personal property includes about 530 golden dragons, as well as the red crystal he got from Seifer. He used one to redeem the King's Landing Sword, and there are three left. This red crystal is very valuable, and Delea still has it. Keep eighty for him.

Du Geli's action was regarded as hiring Morrison and others. The proceeds were divided equally among several people, and a share was given to Meredith.

Now the other key members on the ship have been given three hundred gold dragons, and combined with their previous savings, they are also extremely rich.

It's enough to spend the rest of your life in a state of intoxication.

But fast money has its drawbacks.

If you earn so much in a serious way, then you should enjoy the blessings. If you get it through illegal means, there will be trouble in the future. You still have to stick together to survive.

"I don't know, he should be going for his so-called promotion."

Fen told Li Site the ore that contained the aura of another world that he found last night, and also showed it to Heywood.

"Demon Martial God, when did you come?"

Li Site only understood one thing, Brother Hai, it’s time to stand up!

(End of this chapter)

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