Pokémon: Hoenen Rage

Chapter 623 2 Blow That Isolates 1 Worlds (55)

Chapter 623: A blow that separates two worlds (55)

The heavy punch this time may have made Giratina really feel the pain.

It smashed a boulder in the inverted world, and instead of rushing forward, it quietly looked at the mega bog monster standing on the edge of the gap.
After two consecutive heavy blows that consumed all their strength, both Mega Swampert and Rai were once again in a state of almost exhaustion.

The blue and clear sky appeared again, and the faint sunlight shone down, and the faint energy seeped into the body bit by bit from the surface of the body.

[It’s up to you now! 】

The last power turned into a blessing, split in two and injected into the bodies of Rai and Dragon Baruto.

A small blue mark appeared on the back of Lai's hand.

Aknom fell weakly, and was hugged by Naqi with quick hands and eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

The moment he received the energy, Rai understood everything.

Looking at Doronbaruto on the side, it has already realized its responsibilities.

The unity of heart and strength allowed Duolong Baruto to enter a mysterious realm far beyond its imagination at the moment.

Everything in the world becomes transparent.

It moves slowly and carefully, as if it is holding a fragile art treasure.

Giratina felt the faint threat, and rushed forward again without thinking. Countless shadows turned into spears and attacked the Mega Swampert guarding the entrance from all directions.

"Qixi blue bird, magic shines!"

The pale pink light shone, destroying Xiao Ban's Shadow Spear.


The white light rose into the sky, turned into countless branches, and crashed down, colliding with Giratina's shadow.

The radiance of superpower "drags" the mega swamp monster behind him.


"The reason!"

The electric current flies together with the flying leaves.


Mariluli quickly stepped forward and punched out with both fists, crushing the shadows that were raging at the entrance and turned into substance one by one.


Ten extremely thick water dragons, in this reality that regained the rules, circled into the sky, and then swooped down, replacing Mariluli who was exhausted in just a few moments.

Before Giratina's true form arrived, it used all its strength to sneak up on the shadows, but was resolved by the combined efforts of a group of Pokémon.

The rain of energy fell again, and Jirachi, who had just woken up from the energy replenishment, fell into a deep sleep again.

All its energy turned into the majestic power of the Mega Swampert.


The wind and rain are blessing you.

The giant water dragon protects him.

Under the cover of the big-billed gull, Mega Swampert once again faced Giratina, who was charging regardless.


This time, the energy and regular defense on Giratina's body were gone.

In the collision of strong muscles, the God of Shadow was hit on the top of his head again, and a deep depression appeared in front of everyone.

The arms of the mega swamp monster drooped feebly, and even the mega evolution could not be maintained, and it returned to its original state.

However, Giratina was still on the edge of the entrance.


In mid-air, the big-billed gull roared, and ten water dragons broke through the barriers of the world and rushed into the reverse world.

Giratina, who was standing on the spot, was suddenly hit hard and was knocked to the ground again until he fell from a floating stone.

At this moment, without the support of rules, the water dragon, which was maintained solely by the power of flow, slowly dissipated.


The completely powerless Big-billed Gull fell into the lake, without any strength left.

At this time, Doronbaruto's preparations were finally completed.

"Doron Baruto, a full-force stealth surprise attack!"

The figure of Duolong Baruto slowly disappeared and merged into the different space.

Or a second or two, or a century, it hasn't happened yet.

In the reverse world, Giratina, who was no longer crazy but out of anger, quickly emerged from the abyss of unknown depth, and once again appeared in the sight of Rai and Swampert.

Nachi held Len's hand tightly and closed her eyes.

At the critical moment, Doron Baruto flashed at the edge of the rift in time and space with lightning speed.

The power of God, the power of the heart and the power of different spaces slashed at the cracks in the space.

Not swift, nor fierce.

An indescribable blow spanned time and space, completely turning a space into nothingness.

After one blow, the space-time rift that had brought destruction to everyone completely disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed.

However, at the last moment, Giratina seemed to slow down his charge and took a deep look at Rai, which contained so much information that even Rai couldn't understand it.A divine power containing the Law of Shadow was shot out of the crack at the last moment, and entered Doron Baruto's body before Lai could react.


Duolong Baruto, who had exhausted his mind, only had time to call out to Lai softly, then fell into a faint in mid-air, and fell down.

"Big King Yan! Tropical Dragon!"

Seeing that Lai and his friends no longer had any strength, Naqi hurriedly threw her elf ball.

King Swallow and Tropical Dragon, who were unable to participate in the previous battle, had nowhere to use their strength and quickly rushed to the direction of Big-billed Gull and Doron Baruto to rescue them from the lake.

"Bring Dorumbaruto here."

All his mental strength was exhausted twice in a short period of time, and once he almost even lost his life force. The huge feeling of deficiency not only tortured Lai's body, but also destroyed his spirit.

Nowadays, the material gap is filled by the Three Lakes God, and the mental loss can only be overcome by his willpower.

The crisis was over, and the tense breath finally relaxed. Lai felt the weight of Qianjun on his eyelids. He whispered an order, leaned into Naqi's arms, and slowly sat down on the ground.

"Tropical Dragon! Bring Baluto the Dragon!"

Although she didn't know why, Naqi immediately called out to the tropical dragon in the distance.

Within a moment, Doronbaruto, who was soaked from running in the lake, was placed in front of Rai.

He stretched out his hand tentatively, but accidentally fell on top of Doronbaruto.

The cold lake water stimulated Lai's cheeks and made him wake up a little.

The last power of the heart was injected into Doron Baruto's body, looking for the energy of Giratina that fleetingly disappeared, but he saw it very clearly.

Finally, in the body of Duolong Baruto, Lai found its existence.

After several tests, it was like a pool of stagnant water. He found neither Giratina's backhand nor the threat to Dragon Baruto's body. Only then did Rai reluctantly relax, let out a long sigh, and closed his eyes.

The whole world is quiet, only endless darkness and a kind of peaceful energy.

Outside the lake, under the extreme fear caused by Giratina, most Pokémon hunters relied on instinct to follow the large army and fled westward in a panic. When they reacted, the alliance's large army Having also seen the abnormal space in the distance, we rushed over quickly, divided and surrounded them, captured most of them, and killed a few on the spot.

After the First World War, except for Hunter J, who abandoned his armor, lost his spaceship and all his subordinates, and fled, all the letter-coded cadres and almost all senior cadres of the Hunter organization here were either dead or captured, and the accumulated losses over the years were nearly half. , it needs to lie dormant for a long time, at least within ten years, and it will be difficult to turn over.

The three Akaris had already disappeared. Although Kikuno and Sirona noticed their departure, they were unable and unwilling to stop them.

After all, in the brief life-and-death fight just now, the mysterious man who was the leader among the three also participated in the resistance.

Daphne didn't care to gather the hunter captives who were retreating with the alliance and the international police in a panic. Under the teleportation relay of Dream Tapir and Sister Mizui, she quickly crossed a distance of more than ten kilometers and rushed to Lai's location.

While Sirona and Kikuno were busy, they felt a little more anxious and worried.

If Yu Gong, the champion of Hoenn and the Four Heavenly Kings, had an accident in Sinnoh, it would be a great crisis.

Yu Zi, the young man from afar, saved the lives of everyone, including the two of them.

One hundred kilometers south of Lizhi Lake.

The blood formed a stream, flowing along the gentle slope into the distance.

A man missing a leg and most of his hip struggled to crawl toward his missing parts.

Hemostatic drugs cannot prevent such serious injuries.

On the ground, gravel and mud continued to aggravate the deterioration of the wound.

But he had to do this, because there were still several elf balls locked during the evacuation. Only by releasing them could he have a chance of survival.

In the turbulence of space, several Pokémon that had not entered the Poke Ball were seriously injured and fell into a deep coma.

During the crawling process, the man's vision was blurred and his eyes were filled with blood.

The only thing that could move in his whole body was his right arm, which although his shoulder was injured, could still move.

He stretched his fingers forward as hard as he could. There was only a few dozen centimeters away from the nearest Poké Ball, but he had no strength left.

He has super powers and is a top fighter, but at this moment he is exhausted.

Lying weakly on the ground, the man gasped softly.

Severe blood loss put his life into a countdown. If he could not release the elf ball...
In the distance, a big tailed civet came slowly.

For some reason, it vaguely felt that the ruthless human being in front of him was inseparable from the death of his relatives and friends.

From all directions, the wild Pokémon whose homes had been destroyed by the previous Pokémon hunters felt the huge energy fluctuations and bloody smell, and they gathered here one after another, silently watching the struggling humans in front of them.

"Ha, I knew it earlier. I knew it earlier."

It must be said that Richter, who always valued appearance and grace, died in the most embarrassing manner in the wilderness where no one cared about him. This has to be said to be a great irony.

However, excessive fatigue and severe loss of vitality made it impossible for him to speak coherent words, even a small self-deprecation.

Through his blood-red vision, he had seen the wild Pokémon slowly surrounding him.

Holding on to the last bit of strength, he raised his head and looked at the sky.

It was also red there, not much different from anywhere else.

Just like what Lai witnessed not long ago.

In the devastated jungle, there was a slight sound that lasted for a long time.

 Thanks to book friends 20210710090039016 and Jingying Ruge for their monthly votes!

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(End of this chapter)

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