Pokémon: Hoenen Rage

Chapter 489 Pre-war Meeting (25)

Chapter 489 Pre-war Meeting (25)

"Liangguang, something is very wrong this time."

Without responding to the cheers of the onlookers on the ship, Rai went straight to Liang Guang without even using an honorific.

"What's wrong?"

Liangguang, who has been directing from the center, has not noticed anything yet.

"These Pokémon are exactly the same as our contemporary Pokémon, and that's the problem."

Natural Bird placed the corpses of several Pokémon in front of the two of them.

"Lila and I checked. There is no difference between their bodies and the wild Pokémon we have seen before. The only difference is their madness and irrationality."

"There is no difference. What's the problem?"

Liangguang, who didn't know much about history, was still confused after hearing this.

"These Pokémon appeared here out of thin air, right? Just like this island?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"So, where were they supposed to be?"

"They were before. You mean?!"

Liang Guang's pupils dilated, and he suddenly understood.

"There have been no similar notifications in other areas. In other words, they probably entered from outside the existing time and space. I have had such an experience before. So, why are the bodies completely consistent in different time and space? ?”

Picking up a mosquito-repellent incense frog, he placed it on its body and gestured with it. He said while pointing: "The height, weight, and muscle structure are all the same as those of ordinary mosquito-repellent incense frogs. As far as I know, the ancient Pokémon The difference between Meng and modern Pokémon is actually not small, and it can even be said that they are not the same species."

"In other words, there might be something wrong with the island itself?"

Liangguang was a little hesitant. This time, the matter might be more involved.

"I'm not sure, but I have to go to the island and conduct an investigation before I can judge. Not only the Pokémon, but also the geology, vegetation, and even the air. Report it to Senior Genji and let the alliance dispatch professional researchers."

Rai's tone was serious, and Yoshimitsu couldn't help but obey his opinion, immediately dialed Genji's communication, and then handed the communicator to Rai.

After the brief report, even though Genji, a pure trainer, could not quite understand it, he still wrote down Rai's words one by one and reported them directly to the alliance headquarters.

This matter is not small at all, but not big at all. The reason cannot be found out at the moment, and it is impossible for it to affect subsequent operations.

After a small interlude, the large fleet quickly reunited with Genji and others. That night, on the Hiryu, many parties, including the international police, held a deployment meeting for the operation.

In the spacious conference room, there were more than a dozen Heavenly King trainers, either openly or covertly, at the moment. The rest of the participants were either lone rangers who were powerful enough to get a share of the pie, or staff members with business expertise. Although the seats were full, , but no one is redundant.

Heavy troops gathered here and fierce fighting continued. Every day, there would be a huge amount of consumption.

The trainers recruited here do not participate in the war for free. If there is no huge profit, they will definitely not stay for a long time. This will incur a large expense.

No matter what perspective you consider, logging in as soon as possible to eliminate these crazy wild Pokémon is an inevitable choice.

However, what troubles all parties is that after a month of entanglement, countless wild Pokémon have died in the surrounding seas, but the wild Pokémon on the island still seem to be endless.

Although this large island has an area of ​​nearly [-] square kilometers, it should not be home to so many wild Pokémon.

If they were all pure lunatics, even if it was internal friction, they should have lost everything.Unfortunately, after the first batch of international police intelligence officers risked their lives to land on the island to obtain information, the remaining intelligence officers were no longer able to go so deep. They were either killed by wild Pokémon or were forced to evacuate early and did not obtain other information. According to the information, the entire island is still shrouded in fog.

After briefly explaining the situation, Genji announced the battle plan to the emergency map.

The two alliance advisers will lead the Kaina branch, which has suffered heavy losses in the Daizui meritorious service, to deploy a loose blockade about ten kilometers north of the island to continue to maintain defense.

Directly opposite them, the north shore of the island is almost all cliffs. Except for today's fierce attack, the pressure is relatively small, which is not conducive to landing and building a bridgehead.

The international police organization and some capable alliance trainers will land on the west coast of the island and explore from west to east.

A total of [-] trainers from the Alliance's Directly Affiliated Forces Corps, the Third Brigade, and the Fourth Brigade will, under the leadership of Bonnie, land from the east coast of the island and explore and advance from east to west.

These two routes are separate routes. They don't have many troops, but they are generally powerful and have relatively strong self-protection capabilities. The angles selected are also relatively gentle against the impact of wild Pokémon.

Genji and the Feilong will lead the main force to land from the south bank, establish a stable bridgehead, expand the camp, and use it as the main battlefield to steadily advance until they conquer the thousand-meter peak in the middle of the island.

The sixty trainers from the Nanhai Trainer School were deployed in this way, and they acted together with the elites on the Feilong.

Before the battle, Leni had already defined the scope of their activities. Without his and Lila's permission at the same time, even the powerful Issei and others could not cross it.

After all, according to the information previously determined by the International Police Organization, a large number of quasi-King Pokémon will appear after about thirty kilometers into the island.These Pokémon are too powerful for the immature students.Even if Issei and the others could handle it, accidents would easily happen.

Including Lai, Naqi and others, as well as some powerful lone rangers, more than ten teams will be formed. Relying on the three camps, they will enter the island to carry out combat operations with a more flexible attitude, and at the same time support the main battlefield of the camp. of combat.

This tactic is said to be flexible and maneuverable. In fact, the only ones who really have this ability are the heavenly king-level combat team headed by Lai. Certainty.

These trainers, who are powerful but cannot make the final decision and lack organization, sometimes become unstable factors if they move with large groups.

On the map, Genji designated a dozen areas for everyone to choose. They were all nodes where intelligence personnel were frustrated or killed.

With Rai having communicated with Genji in advance, Rai and a group of five people were sent to the southwest of the island, on the route closest to the international police organization.

As early as the departure, Yoshimitsu recognized the origin of the combat uniforms worn by the students. Therefore, Genji was not surprised and supported Rai's in-depth cooperation with the international police.

This powerful cross-regional and relatively non-utilitarian organization is considered a rare and excellent partner in Genji's eyes.

"That's the battle plan. Do you have any questions or suggestions?"

Genji's voice was slightly hoarse, but also stable and confident, which gave the representatives of all parties present a little more confidence.

"Very good. If there are no problems, we will adjourn the meeting and prepare separately. At 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, we will officially launch the landing operation!"

A punch hit the map, making a dull sound.

"Lei, wait a moment."

Just as he was about to leave with Naqi and others, Lai suddenly heard the gentle voice of Liang Guang in his ears.

With a wink at Naki, Lai pretended to look back for something casually, and when the attendees had left, he looked at Genji.

Bonnie is still here too.

There was a soft sound, and the iron door opened in the dark room behind the conference room.

(End of this chapter)

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