Pokémon: Hoenen Rage

Chapter 425: First Arrival at Green Ridge (35)

Chapter 425: First Arrival at Green Ridge (35)

The words were divided between two sides. While Bonnie and Shui Wutong were deeply annoyed, and the alliance and the water fleet were licking their wounds, Lai and Naqi had already moved eastward along the No. 124 Waterway and the No. 125 Waterway.

Although he tried to pay attention along the way, he still couldn't find the "treasure hunter's cabin" in his memory, which made Lai somewhat regretful.

However, in a vast waterway, an inaccessible island and a fan organization established by a few treasure hunters, it is normal to not find it, and there is no need to force it.

As the most dangerous turbulent waterway in Hoenn, on the route from Shuijing to Green Ridge, although there are resorts such as Rifleur Island and Wazwa Island, travel mostly relies on giant ships. Except for the main waterways, the rest of the area It is inaccessible, there are not many Pokémon, and the experience effect can only be said to be better than nothing.

The few treasures buried deep under the sea, although they may catch Lai's eye, are like finding a needle in a haystack, and are not worth wasting a moment of precious time.

As a result, the big-billed gull flew straight towards Green Ridge City without stopping.

Green Ridge City, located in the northeastern part of the Fengyuan region, has a superpower psychic gym and an important scientific research institution, the Green Ridge Universe Center.

At the same time, this isolated island overseas is also an important ecological reserve in the Fengyuan region. The entire 125 waterways in the north of the island are home to a large number of wild Pokémon.

They get along well with the residents on the island and cooperate with each other. They have both natural ecology and a sense of technological development.

In addition, a considerable number of senior trainers chose this place to spend their later years, including many who were strong in their early years or authorities in various fields.


Seeing the edge of the island from a distance, the big-billed gull screamed happily and sped up the progress slightly.

After flying for more than a day, the sight of stone islands and sea surfaces was repeated, which made him a little tired of his eyesight. Suddenly he saw a patch of green, which put him in a good mood.

"Thank you for your hard work, Big-billed Gull. I heard that there is a special kind of pearl here. After being ground into powder, it can make the wings stronger. I will give you more when the time comes."

He knelt down and patted the big-mouthed gull's head gently, speaking in a friendly tone.


The big-billed gull flew a little faster.

Len stood up and opened his arms slightly, feeling the strong wind brought by the high-speed flight.

Ever since he went out to sea on the beach in Shuijing City, until now, Lai's physical and mental state have been better than when he was on land. Although it is not obvious, it is definitely there.

Even the power of the heart seems to have grown slightly.

We deliberately circled around and landed from the north of the island instead of the western beach, and landed in the north of this city called a city, which was actually more like a larger town.

Not far from here is the Spiritual Gym and Elf Center. To the east, you can see the roof of the Green Ridge Universe Center.

Among the pedestrians coming and going, there were quite a few who were older. They were not surprised by young trainers like Lai and Naqi who came here to challenge the gym. Most of them took one or two glances and then continued to do their own thing.

The few people who paid attention to the news might have recognized the two people in front of them and looked at them with interest for a while, but they didn't take it seriously.

After all, before Lai, the young man named Furong chose the Soul Gym as the first stop on his gym tour.

Not to mention, there were as many as four young trainers who completed the gym tour last year.

"Mr. Keen, the gym leader, came to Yinyu once when I was young. I heard that his two sons and daughters are both superpowers. They awakened the ability to read minds at a very young age, so they are very precocious. From this point of view, and Lila looks a bit like it?”

On the way to the gym, Naqi introduced the situation of the spiritual gym, and Lai nodded in cooperation, adding one or two words or asking for details from time to time.

Lai was vaguely wary of this gym and Keen, the older generation strong man who was also the owner of the Green Ridge Universe Heart and the gym leader.

From a standpoint, their family has been friends with the Zivuchi family for many years, and they are also loyal allies of Shou Shenshan. In particular, they have the ability to read people's hearts. Although they don't know the extent, they are full of secrets for Lai. For those who are concerned, there is no wrong way to be cautious. "Natural Bird, if a person could read other people's superpowers without contact, what would that be? Can you stop it?"

When you are in doubt, consult an expert. With a superpower master like Ziraniao by your side, you can at least be more prepared.

[I don’t know what kind of ability it is, but it can definitely stop it, as long as I’m there. 】

Superpowers are ever-changing, and Natural Bird does not know its specific nature, but it is impossible not to use superpowers as energy, and as long as there is energy, there is no way to escape Natural Bird's obstruction.

The little guy raised his head proudly, waiting for Len's praise.

"Our natural bird is the most powerful Pokémon with super powers. As long as you are here, no one can threaten me, right?"

Lai, who knew the little guy's character well, took action decisively, stroking its soft feathers and praising him without hesitation.

【Nothing new! 】


Although it has evolved, head massage still appears with the same frequency as before evolution.

"It hurts, it hurts, I was wrong about Natural Bird. You are not only the strongest Pokémon with super powers, but also the cutest Pokémon with super powers. Is this right?"

[Not sincere at all. 】

Lai began to skillfully hold his head and beg for mercy, and the natural bird also showed a smile, but he was not forgiving.

"How can you be insincere? You've hurt me now. I have to prove it."

Gently pulling the natural bird floating in the air without any resistance into his arms, Lai lowered his head and touched the natural bird's cheek.

[It doesn’t count as you passing the test. 】

The natural bird looked satisfied.

"Can I trouble you to be the leader of the gym battle?"

Lai made the request as a matter of course.

Hearing this, before the natural bird could reply, several pokeballs around his waist trembled slightly. Mariluli, Swamp Monster, Big-billed Gull, Doron Mecia and Little Eevee, everyone wanted to Participate in gym battles.

[Okay, I'll be the general. 】

With his little head raised high, the natural bird took over the main seat of the three playing seats without hesitation.

As for the other two, Rai also has some plans, but it depends on Keen's level as a gym trainer.

If possible, Rai hopes that both Doronmesia and Eevee will have the opportunity to play. Gym Pokémon each have their own merits and will be a good training partner for improving combat experience.

"Huh? Dawu-san, long time no see!"

Unexpectedly, at the entrance of the gym, Rai saw Daigo-san, who had been back from Sinnoh for some time.

He was still wearing the well-made black suit, which matched his improved figure very well.

He was not surprised when he saw Lai and Naqi, with a perfect smile, he said hello:
"I've been waiting for you in Green Ridge for a long time, Lai Naqi!"

(End of this chapter)

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