Pokémon: Hoenen Rage

Chapter 242 Handling (15)

Chapter 242 Handling (15)

"The Captain of Team Rocket is already dead and fell into the sea. The one in front of me now is just an ordinary bounty hunter who happened to be involved in the battle. Although he made a mistake, it is not a big one."

Holding the only identification document in his hand, Lai's words decided the fate of the person in front of him.

"But not now. I won't let you go until your memory is checked by Natural Sparrow, and I make sure you haven't committed any major crime."

"I'm ready."

Katsuri's voice was a little uneasy, but also firm.

"Okay, Natural Bird, are you resting well now?"

[It’s just a memory check, it’s nothing. 】

There was a hint of exhaustion in Ziranque's tone. With Lai's massage and the supplement of energy cubes, it had come out of its state of weakness.

"Okay, stop anytime if you encounter a problem."

[Hey, I’m starting. 】

“Easy your mind and don’t resist.”

Lai looked at Shengli on the side. The natural bird jumped on top of its head, and super powers poured in directly from top to bottom.


Letting out a soft cry of pain, Shengli passed out and lay down on the ground.

After a short time, the natural bird ended its investigation and followed the telepathy to transmit it directly to Lai.

"Slowly, I'll choose someone who joins Team Rocket."

Lai waved his hand quickly. The last incident had not happened long ago and he was still deeply impressed.

[I know you are weak, how scared you are. 】

The natural bird said angrily, following the telepathy, the detected memories were like streams, slowly flowing into Lai's spiritual world.

Compared to the natural bird, Lai's reception was much slower. Even if it was flashing like a revolving lantern, it took more than ten minutes to roughly sort out the first half of the person in front of him.At this time, members of the outer alliance gradually began to penetrate deeper into the organization, destroying the organization along the way.

"The background is very clean, a typical person who has no choice but to join the Rockets. He has not forgotten his roots since he climbed up from the bottom. He is not a butcher. He spends most of his time taking advantage of others. I didn't expect that he could offend Athena in this way. He was sent to It’s quite interesting to serve a lunatic like Bishas in a place like this.”

Looking at Katsuri slowly waking up from a coma, Rai's expression was a bit amused.

[I left a super power seed in his head, which can be detonated at any time as long as it is within the sensing range. 】

Natural Bird sounded proud and began to claim credit.

"Well done."

Lai rubbed the feathers of the natural bird that had become supple again after being washed. The little green ball felt great, but it was a pity that the little tsundere would not give him such a chance in ordinary times.

Even now, it ran away without even rubbing it twice, which made Lai feel a little regretful.

"Am I passing the test?"

Shengli opened his eyes and felt a faint sense of oppression in his mind. His tone was half worried but also half relaxed.

Since I can still open my eyes with consciousness, I think I have overcome most of the difficulties.

"Just do it. You gave me information, and I helped you escape punishment. We each get what we need." Lai held his chin and looked at the young man in front of him, "But this is obviously not enough. After that, I need you to go to Hoenn In the northern mountainous area, help me find out information, including investigating the local bandits, residents, and the composition and strength of evil forces, and report to me regularly." As he spoke, he held up the young man's identity material, and a blue superpower wave flashed across , the paper quickly turned into powder.

Lai handed Shengli a note in a casual voice, but there was a threat in it: "I don't care about my contact information, how to investigate. If you don't come to me within half a year, the superpower seeds in your head It will explode. You, Team Rocket, also have superpowers of your own, and you should know this."

This was actually a lie to him. If it were done by a natural bird, it might be operable, but the current superpower control of the natural bird is not yet at this level, and it will naturally dissipate over time.

However, even if Shengli had been in Golden City, he would not be aware of this kind of knowledge involving the use of advanced superpowers. Believing it to be true, he nodded with a wry smile: "I know, I will check it out."

"Smart choice." Lai nodded and smiled, "Hurry up and get out of the secret passage."

During the speech, the large force headed by the head of the Orange China Branch and Joyce also came to the backcourt of the auction center after wiping out the last remnants of the enemy.

If you go out directly, you will definitely encounter him directly. Although you can change your clothes, it is not necessary. The secret passage in the second warehouse is just right.

There was a time difference, and the two of them were sent into the secret passage first, and Lai waited outside, but within a few minutes, he saw the person he wanted to see.

"Mr. Lai! How is the situation?"

A long way away, the head of the Chenghua branch who had left Shenwu behind and moved to the battlefield asked loudly.

"Mr. Shenwu was seriously injured and is being treated. One of the bandit leaders died, two escaped and two were captured. The two who escaped disappeared without a trace. The one who died fell into the sea on the way to escape and was not found. The captives were taken back to the Emperor Penguin."

"Thanks to you and Miss Naqi this time. When we return to Chenghua City, we must thank you very much!" Holding Lai's hand, the middle-aged man seemed very sincere.

Withdrawing his hand without leaving a trace, Rai didn't have a good impression of this person.

"You're welcome, just prepare my share of the loot. I want [-]% of the consumables in the first warehouse and ship them to Tianshui Island. The second warehouse was vacated in advance, so I'll go after it. I’ve left a few things for you, including a few Pokémon and a batch of attribute gems, you can get them for yourself, I’ll go back first.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lai turned around and entered the secret passage and quickly disappeared.

Hearing that there were supplies left for them in the depths, the person in charge didn't say anything more and moved forward quickly.

Aboard the Emperor Penguin.

"Yosuke, return to Chenghua City and find us at the Elf Center."

"Good principal."

"You stay in my room first. After the needle bee is cured, leave as soon as possible."


After making a simple arrangement, leaving Shengli in the room and arranging for Nian Meilong to keep an eye on her, Rai set off to the infirmary to look for Naqi.

"How's the situation with the giant needle bee?"

Looking at the giant stingray lying on the treatment machine with a large gap in his chest, Lai asked the ship's doctor.

"The injury is serious, but there is not much danger. Look at the time on the instrument. It will come out immediately. It will take 3 minutes. Just take it back when it expires. But in the next week, you will need to rest and replenish a lot of nutrition. You will not be able to fight for a month."

The ship's doctor in a white coat didn't look back. After explaining the situation, he went to other instruments. After the war, there were many injuries that needed treatment, and she didn't have time to explain too much.

"The treatment is going well, but Master Shenwu needs to rest for at least half a month." Naqi whispered into Lai's ear.

"Okay, I have something to tell you after we go out in a while."

 Thanks to Ginge, Yue Zhihan, Great Di Gao Erji, Bai Ze who doesn’t want to update, Book Friends 20180604014245531, Book Friends 160814212710822, Hei Bu Liu Qiu Xiao Superman, Yi Nian, Book Friends 20180802064320349, and the monthly pass that made me look through it over and over again!

  Thank you to all book friends for your subscriptions, recommendations, collections, and comments. Thank you all for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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