My daily life of cooking food in Tokyo

Chapter 176 Just bring a wife Zhang.

Chapter 176 Just bring a wife back
Liu Lixing asked in surprise: "Son, do you have bad eyesight? Why did you transfer me an extra 5 yuan?"

"As long as 10 yuan is enough, it is enough to pay off the previous debts."

Liu Minghui: Am I your own son?

Why do what you say sound so hurtful?

Liu Minghui explained: "Yes, it is 15 yuan."

"You can use the extra money to buy some things with your mother and help support your family."

Liu Lixing retorted: "Your mother and I are still young, we need you to subsidize our family."

"I'll help you collect the money for marrying a daughter-in-law, so as not to spend a lot of money when you are young, and only find that the money is gone when you need to use it."

"Tsk, tsk, is this izakaya really that profitable?"

Liu Minghui said speechlessly: "Dad, if I can deceive you, can I still defraud you of money?"

Hearing this, Liu Lixing nodded in approval, and then said firmly:

"In this case, you can't go back even more."

"Wouldn't it cost thousands of dollars to come and go?"

"So much money is gone, which makes me heartbroken."

Liu Minghui said forcefully: "I'm just telling you that I'm coming back, not discussing it with you."

"I mainly called to ask my mother what gift she wanted, and I couldn't return empty-handed."

"By the way, dad, tell me what you want, and I'll bring it back with you."

"Mom's birthday is the first day of the eighth lunar month? I'll be back on time."

Hearing this, Liu Lixing knew that he could not change his son's decision.

Liu Minghui has been very opinionated since he was a child. He can't change it, he can only express his support.

But when it comes to gifts, Liu Lixing is not sleepy.

"The timing is right," he said with a smile.

"It's just that your mother and I have plenty of money, we can buy whatever we want, and we don't lack anything."

"If you really want to bring a gift, you can just bring a daughter-in-law back."

"Didn't you say you have a girlfriend last time?"

"If it develops well, just bring it back this time for us to see."

"If you really have no money, I can reimburse you for the air ticket."

Anyway, the wool comes out of the sheep.

The son just gave himself 5 yuan, which is just right for him to be reimbursed.

Anyway, it is the wife's money, and it is very reasonable to spend it on the future wife.

Hearing this, Liu Minghui's expression changed drastically.

Where can I find a girlfriend to take back to show you?
Thinking of this, Liu Minghui pretended not to hear and said, "Dad, what did you say?"

"The signal here is not good, I can't hear it."

“International long distance is really rubbish, the charges are expensive and the signal is not good.”

"Let's not chat for now, I'm going back to work soon, so I'll see you later."

After speaking, Liu Minghui hung up the phone.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he was very glad that he had escaped.

On the contrary, Liu Lixing on the other end of the phone was full of sadness.

The son's behavior is undoubtedly deceiving himself.

The so-called having a girlfriend is just a perfunctory excuse.

This little bastard really didn't let himself worry.

I just happened to take advantage of this birthday to celebrate my wife's birthday and arrange a blind date for him. It was perfect.

Thinking of this, Liu Lixing called an acquaintance.

"Hey, Lao Xie?"

"Does what you said last time count?"

"That's right, that's what happened with your daughter."

"It just so happens that my son is coming back soon, so we can meet each other."

"Young people give each other a chance, maybe this thing will happen."

"All right, all right, that's the deal, see you there then."

After the phone call, Liu Lixing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He secretly said that his son was really unreliable.

Can you fool me, can you fool yourself?

Son, son, fortunately you have a wise and powerful father.

Wouldn't the major issues of life be resolved in this way?
However, it seems a little unsafe to arrange only one blind date.

Thinking of this, Liu Lixing made another call.
Liu Minghui probably never expected that he would be arranged before he even returned home.

At this time, he has arrived at the Longli Izakaya, ready to start his daily work.

Zhidou is about to be out of season, and Liu Minghui's handling of Zhidou is becoming more and more proficient.

Now the amount of twig beans that need to be processed every day is huge.

The purchasing demand for branch beans is also increasing.

This kind of behavior shocked Taketa Otani, who was in charge of the business of Longli Izakaya.

After all, this is just an ordinary izakaya.

What do you need so many beans for?
Can you sell it out?
He had seen similar shops before.

I plan to make edamame by myself, and I want to attract customers with better-tasting edamame.

It's a pity that they all failed without exception.

Handmade represents a higher finished product.

Even if the taste of the twig beans processed in the end has a little breakthrough.

Compared with the huge cost, the gain outweighs the gain.

What's more, in some shops with poor cooking skills, the taste of the edamame produced is not even as good as the quick-frozen edamame sold in the factory.

Some shops even closed down because of this stupid idea.

In addition, I heard that Longli Izakaya has a bad reputation recently.

It may significantly affect business.

Otani Wutai decided to kindly remind him.

The closure of Longli Izakaya is a small matter, but the failure of its own purchasing business is a major matter.

Especially Longli Izakaya has recently changed a new head chef.

In the food procurement more and more atmosphere up.

Didn't even ask myself for a kickback!

This is simply a fairy cooperation object.

It's just that the requirements for ingredients are ridiculously high.

The level of cooking seems to be higher than that of Mizuta Riya.

He will see through any ingredients with a slightly lower quality at a glance, and he can't be fooled in the slightest.

But since there is no kickback, Takeshi Otani is also willing to provide Liu Minghui with better ingredients.

After all, without rebates, it means that he has higher profits at the same price.

Of course, if Liu Minghui cannot check the quality of the ingredients himself.

Then he shouldn't count on Wutai Otani's integrity.

Otani Taketa would definitely fool him with stale ingredients.

For higher profits (strike out), no, for such an excellent partner.

It is also impossible for Taketa Otani to sit back and watch the Dragon Carp Izakaya go bankrupt.

He decided to order Liu Minghui.

Anyway, even if you purchase frozen twig beans, you have to go to him, and the profits from this area will not be lost.

Thinking of this, Takeshi Otani finally couldn't help but opened his mouth and said:

"Boss Liu, Longli Izakaya needs so many beans every day, do you plan to make salted beans yourself?"

"With all due respect, although the taste of zhidou made by myself is slightly better, compared with the extra manpower consumed, it is completely worthless."

Taketa Otani hesitated for a moment, and added: "There was a head chef who had a similar idea before."

"It's just that they all failed."

“In the end, I obediently used the frozen twig beans.”

"This saves time and effort, and it is suitable for izakaya cuisine."

"Especially for a low-end izakaya like this."

(End of this chapter)

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