This trainer's Pokémon is too jumpy

Chapter 577 Xiaozhi: Gulardo, blast!

Chapter 577 Xiaozhi: Groudon, blast☆kill!

During Huoyan's limited career as a coordinator, he realized that the more he pursued coordination, the more he would be frustrated in front of a powerful force (referring to Nanami).

So she came to a conclusion——

I won’t be a coordinator anymore, Nanami!
As a senior, she thought that she should advise Zhou You well, so that the other party should not waste the golden years of herself and the elves on those flashy and ostentatious skills.

But when Huocun found out last night that the other party was actually a ruthless person who could win the Quartz Conference after a few months of training, and defeat the legendary elves with a year of training, he gave up this idea for the time being.

Can't talk.

In fact, the reason why Nanami is so strong is because of the influence of Dr. Ohki, Zhou You secretly complained in his heart, and Nanami was also a super newcomer who traveled with Pippi and penetrated various major halls.

It's just that Nanami chose to become a breeder in the end.

About half an hour later, a bubble suddenly rose in the crater. Arthur and the little foxes had ended their exploration in the lava.

It is the same as the previous adventures near Deng Volcano, Red Lotus Volcano, and Harsh Mountain. After coming out, Arthur brought two beautiful fire stones.

Using his magical power to scan his surroundings, Eden discovered many other things.

For example, in addition to the fire stone, it even found some strange heat-resistant devices.

"Qiaoqiao, what do you think this is?"

As soon as it landed, it dropped a large number of equipment with unknown functions on the ground.

And Nuomi Ci with a Sun Stone in its mouth pounced on the trainer as if asking for credit, beckoning him to take the stone from his mouth.

"It's hot!"

Fortunately, all the clothes I wear when traveling are specially chosen to be heat-resistant, otherwise they might not catch fire.

After taking away the evolutionary stone found by Ice Vulpix, he looked at the pile of devices on the ground with confusion: "It looks like some kind of instrument for recording data, but I don't know its specific function. Otherwise, ask Feng Miss Mary who works at the TV station?"

Hearing that the other party mentioned Fengyuan TV, Huo Yan suddenly became nervous: "Qiao Qiao, didn't you forget that I know something about geology?"

Zhou You suddenly remembered the companion he had just met, and looked at him curiously.

"These are detectors used to determine the status and data of the volcano, such as this..."

After introducing the function of the device in a eloquent manner, Huo Yan immediately persuaded the other party to put the device back into the magma.

These are all expensive custom-made instruments by the Lava team, specially designed to monitor Chimney Mountain, an extinct volcano that is recovering day by day.

Only with the help of accurate data and precise calculations can we ensure that the aftermath of the eruption can be correctly guided when the volcano is detonated artificially in the future.

Hearing this, Zhou You nodded, asked the elves to throw the instruments back into the magma.

He is a person who takes advice and often pretends to be confused.

Huo Yan breathed a sigh of relief, feeling extremely grateful that he happened to be with the other party.

This is simply a naughty kid.

The latter smiled innocently, obviously he didn't ask the elf to bring things up...


In the early morning of the next day, amidst the snow-like volcanic ash, the light of dawn rose from the sea of ​​clouds.

The snow-covered environment, the warm rising sun, the scorching lava, the sea of ​​clouds and deciduous forests stained by morning glow, together create a strange scenery that goes against the rules of the four seasons.

When the hot wind hits, the volcanic ash all over the sky is facing the morning sun. After the dawn of the morning light, it is as colorful as the rays of the sun.

Looking at the incredible sight in front of them, Zhou You and the elves all felt that it was worth inhaling so much PM2.5 on the road!

Even Hua Beibei, who was holding the fake flower, had gleaming eyes, enjoying this special time.

Perhaps, only the Hoenn area, where the rich natural landforms are bred by the confrontation of sea and land, will have a landscape that integrates this contradictory and natural scenery into one place.

Under such beautiful scenery, Zhou You subconsciously extended an invitation to Huo Yan beside him: "The sunrise at Chimney Mountain is really amazing, but I'm a little tired from being outside in the wind and sun these past two days. Let's go to Kebao together." Would you like to have a good time at the Elf Center in Yanzhen?”

"I'll let it go, Qiao Qiao, I still have to continue to explore the geology."

Huo Yan declined with a smile: "I heard that Songshen Mountain has been a little strange recently, so I plan to go and investigate."

Although it is commonly known as the Songshen Volcano, there is actually no volcano in the Songshen Mountain.

However, because it is located at the intersection of two natural energies, it can often be detected one step ahead of geological movements.

Of course, Huoyan went to Songshen Mountain not for geology, but to confirm the orbs kept in the ancestral hall.

In order to ensure that the wandering indigo blue orb can replace the real one to wake up Gulardo, it is necessary to secretly use technological means to measure the data of the real product, so that the fake can also achieve its due effect.

Unlike Shui Wutong, who is full of muscles in his head, Team Lava prepares with one heart and two hands. Even if there is a mistake in Zhouyou in the future, he will ensure that his original plan will not be affected.

But Zhou You did not actually deceive the two sides, and the whole plan has no possibility of least not in terms of summoning super ancient elves.

Seeing that the other party was planning to go to Sending God Mountain, he murmured intentionally or unintentionally: "Sending God Mountain, I only went there more than half a month ago, maybe they don't welcome outsiders too much recently."

"Why?" Huo Yan was puzzled.

Zhou You was about to answer, but Eden grabbed the answer excitedly.

"Because the orb keeper lost the orb!" It smiled as if gloating, "In order not to damage their reputation, they directly used two fakes as substitutes to offer up before finding the orb. "

The scarlet orb and the indigo orb were stolen? ? ?

Hearing this, Huo Yan suddenly looked at the little fox's trainer in surprise, trying to see through the other's eyes whether the words were true or false.

It would be fine if the elves were talking nonsense...

But if this remark is ruined, what is the so-called "second indigo blue orb" in Zhou You's hand?

"Eden, don't talk nonsense."

Zhou You patted the elf's head with flickering eyes, and showed a very embarrassed smile: "Huoyan, my Eden is just learning human language, and it actually doesn't know what it means."

"Zoroya is an evil elf, so it's normal to say a few lies casually?"

Huoyan: ...

First the elves are talking nonsense, and then the elves are talking nonsense, you are all at a loss for words, hey!
You are a very bad trainer, you are not as honest as an elf!

Look at Eden's innocent little eyes!

Eden: -_-
"It's not good to lie, Eden, sister will come to play with you later!"

After rubbing the little fox who suddenly revealed a shocking inside story, Huoyan took the cable car down the mountain in a hurry.

She must go immediately to confirm whether the indigo orb and vermilion orb are still safe and sound in the ancestral hall!

(End of this chapter)

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